Wk#10 (3/21-3/25)

Chinese 307 |   三年中文: 從電影看中國文化的承傳與創新
 Through the Cinematic Lens: Old and New China in Film

Topic #3  農村和城市的對比衝突和都市生活的現實 

課程題目與目標 Lesson Topic & Goals:
1.  透过电影的故事来反思中國社會的種種現象和前途;
2.  討論導演拍攝的手法技巧和電影所要傳達的訊息。

Wk #10:  《秋菊打官司》 The Story of Qiu Ju (China, 1992); Screening Notes – to be screened on Monday 3/21
Wk #08:  《一個都不能少》 一個都不能少 Not One Less (China, 1999); Screening Notes

Sister City China (Fuzhou) Film Thursday 3/24, 6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
Ocean Heaven (海洋天堂, China, 2009) | Read one Review | Moive Trailer
Blue Mouse Theatre at N. 26th & N. Proctor

Mid-term grade report: (to be distributed individually this Friday – so please turn in late assignments ASAP)
Assignments still missing (as of Friday 3/18):
1. Topic #2 口说练习-中国二十世纪的重要事件on Voicethread :
 (义明completed & noted by Sun Laoshi on 3/24), 玉蓮 –  entire project: 1)  軍閥時代 2) 抗日戰爭 3) 日本投降 4) 國共內戰  5) 大躍進 6. )文化大革命
郁君: 4) 國共內戰 (completed & noted by Sun Laoshi on 3/24)
迪文: 5) 大躍進 6. )文化大革命
寧台: 3) 日本投降 4) 國共內戰  6. )文化大革命
2. Topic#1 Essay re-recording on Voicethread: 郁君(completed & graded on 3/20), 义明 (completed and graded on 3/24),  寧台,耕林
3. Screening Notes (n
ot completed as of 3/18):
(郁君: 一個都不能少Notes completed & noted by Sun Laoshi on 3/22)
(迪文: 一個都不能少Notes completed & noted by Sun Laoshi on 3/24)
宁台: 洗澡Notes | 喜宴Notes | 和你在一起Notes | 霸王别姬Notes | 一個都不能少Notes 
義明: 一個都不能少Notes– partially completed, provided English, still need toprovide a vocab list and answer the question
耕林: 一個都不能少Notes– partially completed, provided English, vocabulary, still need to answer the question
玉莲: (一個都不能少Notes completed & noted by Sun Laoshi on 3/24)

Monday 3/21: ___________________________________________________
1. 期中考成績
介绍1992年8月31日 故事片《秋菊打官司》Screening Notes

HW to be completed before Wednesday’s class on 3/23:
 Complete missing assignments ASAP;
2.  Complete The Story of Qiuju | Screening Notes : 1) English translation; 2) vocabulary list and 3) answer to the question in Chinese.

Wednesday 3/23:___________________________________________
New Hour for Conversation Hour, meet outside Wy 246,  10:00-11:00 AM, Wed.
Stop by any time betwee 10-11, bring your breakfast, and make up for absences!

1. 检查功课 – Review and collect Qiu Ju Screening Notes.
2. 分组讨论: 你同意这样的说法吗?和同学讨论并翻译:
Paired group assignment:
a.) Riccardo & Bo; b) Ada & Emily; c) Taylor & Liz; d) Nitai & Edmund; e) Colin & Phillip - post a good English translation. 
a. 《秋菊打官司》是一部反映中国人情关系文化和外来西方法制文明冲突的影片。
b.  秋菊的困扰在于告还是不告?一方面中国传统的息诉的主流主张要求她不撕破脸皮,不得罪村长,不得罪政府“官差”, 大事化小,小事化无。
c.  另一方面秋菊认为法律面前人人平等,不论你是不是村长,所以图通过法律途径解决这个问题,结果引发了整个村落对于秋菊的“公愤”和“鄙视”。
d.  大家生活的人情味很浓的小村落里,突然出现了一件法律事件,打破了这个人情社会的平静。那就是秋菊打官司。
e.  在以和为贵的中国社会里打官司是一种无法想象的破脸事件。大家普遍的认为打官司失和气,所以都很不同情秋菊。

HW to be completed before Friday’s class on 3/25:
1. 分组功课(英文翻译并讨论)-Paired work: post your translation of assigned statement;
2. 个人功课(生词和大意)-
Individual work: go over all of the five statements; post a vocabulary list and a summary of the key point(s) in Chinese.

Friday 3/25:___________________________________________
1. 检查功课: 
2. 讨论 a) – e) 重点 – review and revise your summary

HW to be completed before Monday’s class on 3/28:
1. 回答问题:你对a)-e) 的感想。请谈谈你同意不同意。大约200字。
2. 阅读功课: (no need to post translation, just read it for comprehension and be ready to read it in class)
《秋菊打官司》是一部关于现实农村生活的影片。这是一部采用纪实手法拍摄电影,人物的矛盾关系依然存在着张艺谋一贯的故事性叙述方式。开始秋菊无论如何也要向村长讨个说法,最后不惜告到市里的法院,在结尾时村长和秋菊一家的和好时,村长却被抓走了。人物关系的转换,显示了张艺谋对这类纪实性影片故事性上的加强。对弱势群体的关注,也是本片广受好评的原因之一。(Accessed on 3/18 http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/41341179.)

相關連接 Related Links:
1. 秋菊打官司观后感… (accessed on 3/18 http://view.9van.com/index.php/view/political/2008-08-02/33142.html.)

背景閱讀資料 Background Reading Materials:

1. Not One Less: Film Review – A Substitute Teacher Is Put to the Test, by A.O. SCOTT, published Feb. 18, 2000. http://movies.nytimes.com/movie/review?res=9E01EEDC1131F93BA25751C0A9669C8B63.
2. The Stiry of Qiu Ju: Film Review – Chinese Woman in Search of Justice, By JANET MASLIN, Published: October 2, 1992.
3. The Stiry of Qiu Ju: Film Review on Sitenoice-atthemovies.
4. About Zhang Yimou. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhang_Yimou.

37 thoughts on “Wk#10 (3/21-3/25)

  1. ________________________________________
    From: Phillip H Brenfleck
    Sent: Monday, March 14, 2011 7:55 PM
    To: Lotus Perry
    Subject: make up work


    Attached are my Shower screening notes and the Farewell My Concubine Screening notes…





    葳葳是中国来的艺术家。她一直喜欢伟同,所以当她跟伟同结婚为取得绿卡的时候她不太不高兴。喜宴后,葳葳和伟同喝多酒了,一起上(add了)床。(delete上床以后use后来),葳葳(delete被知道)知道她怀孕了。本来,她要打胎,但电影最后(delete的部分)她决定了要生下这(wrong歌should be 个)孩子。他问伟同和赛门他们要不要帮助她照顾这个孩子。

    退役了的中校。不管他的儿子跟谁结婚了,他只要抱孙子。他的身体(add有)一点不太好,因此两次中(not锋should be风)了。电影最后(delete的部分),他跟赛门走路(add的时候),跟他说英语(add也)给赛门很多钱,告诉了赛门他知道他的儿子是同性恋(delete者),爸爸谢谢(delete何谓)赛门照顾伟同(delete他)。



  2. 孫老師 3/22 改正:
    Draft topic 3

    I agree with the review that the movie, “Not One Less” shows the business-minded people of China and how people try to follow the rules of business to gain individual advantages. Throughout the movie, when 魏敏芝wei min zhi went to find (little boy), she was not doing it out of caring for the boy but to earn extra money because if she brought him back, then she would earn ten more dollars from Gao teacher. The review stated that the movie showed how people do not help others and are really for the business side of benefits and I agree. Many of the people that Min Zhi met did not truly try to help her find the boy. The mayor did not want to help Min Zhi find the boy because he believed that it was impossible to find a boy in the city. The girl (name?) who brought (the boy) to the city only helped Min Zhi find the boy because she was earning two dollars for helping. The announcer also thought finding a boy for a whole day was useless because she already announced his name six times that day. These actions of the characters show the insensitiveness of people and how they only care about money and business. I agree that Min Zhi is determined, but for the wrong reason.

    我(move同意here) (delete跟)博客的意見(delete同意),這部電影顯示中國人民是很冷酷的,只關心錢和商業。電影裡的人都沒有好心,只是按照規則去獲得個人的利益。在電影裡,魏敏芝到城理去找張慧科,她不是(move因為她關係here; change關係to 關心)(add而)在找張慧科,是因為她想要賺更多錢。在高老師離開以前他跟魏敏芝說他會給魏敏芝增加十(delete個)元如果她沒有失去任何學生。因此我覺得魏敏芝(delete的)決心去找她的學生是從她自己的利益(add而來的)。博客上的意見也說電影裡的人不幫敏芝除非他們得到錢或者增益。我同意因為許多(move在城理敏芝遇到here)(add的)人(delete敏芝遇到在城理)不想幫她找張慧科。田正達(not巴use把)張慧科帶到城市可是失去他在火車站,他也不想幫敏芝除非她有兩元。(move女here)播音員(delete人)也沒有對敏芝有耐心因為她覺得用播音去(not早should be找)张慧科沒有用處也不是她的問題。連(work on sentence order:女士在辦公桌的電視節目= the woman at the TV station= at + TV Station+ DE + woman)非常苛刻,她讓魏敏芝站在門外兩天。這些人的行動在電影裡顯示麻木不仁的中國人。我同意魏敏芝很有決心但(what do you mean here?不正確的原因)。

    博客bókè-blog/ blogger
    顯示xiǎnshì-to show
    按照 ànzhào-according to/ follow
    獲得huòdé-to obtain
    賺zhuàn-to earn
    增加zēngjiā-to raise
    失去shīqù-to lose
    火車站-huǒchēzhàn-train station
    播音bōyīn-to broadcast
    耐心nàixīn-to be patient / patience
    電視節目diànshìjiémù-television program
    苛刻kēkè-harsh / pitiless
    行動xíngdòng-operation / action
    麻木mámù-numb / insensitive / apathetic
    不仁bùrén-not benevolent / heartless

  3. Different ways to describe frustrating situations.
    *很有挫折感 (you3 cuozhe2 gan3) (vs. 很有成就感)

  4. 孫老師 3/24 改正:

主演:魏敏芝 / 張慧科 / 田正達



    Because Teacher Gao, the only teacher at Shuiquan Elementary School, has business with his family, he has no choice but to request a leave of absence to go home. The village head has no choice but to go to the neighboring village to ask a thirteen year old girl, Wei Minzhi, to act as Teacher Gao’s substitute. Teacher Gao believe her to be too young, but since finding people is not easy, he instructs her to copy a text for the students every day, and makes clear the head count; there cannot even be one less. Originally there were over 30 students, but because their families could not afford the tuition, now only 26 remain.

    The students feels that their substitute teacher is too young and does not look like a teacher. They begin to bully her, and the whole class is in chaos. Zhang Huike is the class’s study leader, but his family is poor. His mother is sick and bedridden, so he is forced to go to the city to work. When Wei Minzhi finds out, she asks his classmates to raise money so that she can find him and bring him back. After Wei Minzhi arrives in the city, she goes through exhausting situations. With the help of kind people, she finds Zhang Huike, and these children from the mountainous area receive the attention of the rest of society.

    不得不 bù dé bù: have no choice
    暫時 zàn shí: temporary
    請假 qǐng jià: to request a leave of absence
    無奈 wú nài: without choice
    囑咐 zhǔ fù: to tell
    抄 chāo: to copy
    負擔不起 fù dān bu qǐ: cannot bear the burden
    學費 xué fèi: tuition
    欺負 qī fu: to bully
    情況 qíng kuàng: circumstances / situation
    呼吁 hū yù: to call on
    湊錢 còu qián: to raise money
    歷經 lì jīng: to go through

    我覺得最有意思的兩個角色是(wrong characters for衛民之) 和電視台的接待員。魏敏芝有一點天真。她沒經驗也沒受到了多少教育,可是她是比較有決心的(not女人use女孩)。電視台的接待員也(add是)特別人物,因為她的個性不太好,可是她不是壞人。因為她只要按章辦事,所以她代表中國城市的(instead of 沒情趣use沒有人情)的態度。

  5. 孫老師 3/24 看過改正
    Screening notes:
    The story occurs in a small village in northwest China. Qiu Ju’s husband Wang Qinglai got into a dispute with the village chief, and the village chief kicked him in a key area. After he sustained these injuries all he could do was lie in bed all day and was unable to work.

    Qiu Ju is pregnant and she goes to find the village chief to reason with him, but he refuses to admit his wrongdoing. She also went to the village government to sue, and the village head agreed to compensate her family for his economic loss. Qiu Ju is a kind-hearted and opinionated woman and she was already 6 months pregnant when she went to find the village head. The village head still was unwilling to apologize. When she went to the village government she went to the public safety office to mediate, and the village head agreed to pay the family. However, when it was time to collect the money, he threw it on the ground. The humiliated Qiu Ju didn’t pick up the money and again set off on another slow journey to the courts.

    Qiu Ju sold peppers in order to pay the fare, and arrived at a county public security bureau almost 10 miles away, and their ruling was the same as the village court’s. They only made the village head pay back the family. Qiu Ju was unhappy with this ruling, and she took the almost born baby with her to the city public security bureau. Their final ruling was to uphold the ruling of the county and village courts. Qiu Ju was wholeheartedly determined to see her method work, so she found a lawyer in the city who and decided to sue in public court. She lost the lawsuit, but she was so determined that she appealed it to a higher-level court.

    On New Year’s eve Qiu Ju had a difficult birth. The village chief and villagers carried her trhough the snow to a hospital. She gave birth to a baby boy with no complications, and was very grateful to the village chief and no longer wished to sue. However, as they were celebrating the birth of her child, news came that the court sentenced the village chief to jail. As she was looking at the police car in the distance, she felt a great sense of loss and regret.

    承包-cheng2bao1-to contract
    受伤-shou4shang1-to sustain injuries
    认错-ren4cuo4-to admit wrongdoing
    告状-gao4zhuang4-to bring a lawsuit
    答应-da1ying-to agree to
    赔偿-pei2chang2-to compensate
    调解-tiao2jie3-to mediate
    (wrong character for 仍-reng1-to throw -should be 扔; 仍=reng2, still)
    维持-wei2chi2-to uphold
    人民法院-ren2min2fa3yuan4-people’s court
    败诉-bai4su4-to lose a lawsuit
    上诉-shang4su4-to appeal
    除夕-chu2xi1-new year’s eve
    难产-nan2chan3-a difficult birth
    感激-gan3ji1-to be grateful

  6. 郁君和美芳
    b. 秋菊的困扰在于告还是不告?一方面中国传统的息诉的主流主张要求她不撕破脸皮,不得罪村长,不得罪政府“官差”, 大事化小,小事化无。
    Qiu Ju is uncertain on whether or not she should report the mayor. On one aspect, the Chinese traditional mainstream way requests that she does not scar someone’s pride, to not offend the village chief and government officials, but to make big problems seem small, and then to let go of the smaller problems.

  7. 玉蓮 和 寧芝

    c. 另一方面秋菊认为法律面前人人平等,不论你是不是村长,所以图通过法律途径解决这个问题,结果引发了整个村落对于秋菊的“公愤”和“鄙视”。

    On the other hand, Qiu Ju thinks that everyone should be considered equal when it comes to the law, regardless of your position. This problem could be solved/settled fairly through legal means, but in the end, the village people felt anger and disdain toward Qiu Ju.

  8. Ningtai and Diwen

    d. 大家生活的人情味很浓的小村落里,突然出现了一件法律事件,打破了这个人情社会的平静。那就是秋菊打官司。
    Everybody’s relationships in the village are very intertwined, suddenly a legal incident interrupts their tranquil society. This is the story of Qiu Ju going to court.

  9. Riccardo & Bo
    a. 《秋菊打官司》是一部反映中国人情关系文化和外来西方法制文明冲突的影片。
    “Story on QiuJu” is a movie reflecting on the clash between the way of Chinese interpersonal relationships and the western civilization’s legal system.

  10. Chunhui and Gengling

    e. 在以和为贵的中国社会里打官司是一种无法想象的破脸事件。大家普遍的认为打官司失和气,所以都很不同情秋菊。

    Because harmony is most important in Chinese society, filing a lawsuit is an unimaginable loss of face. Everyone commonly considers filing a lawsuit to cause problems, so the situation is very difficult for Qiuju.

  11. 孫老師 3/24 看過

    The story takes place in a small village in northwest china. Qiu Ju’s husband Wang Qinglai was got in a lease contract dispute with the village chief and he kicked him in his crucial manly parts. After this incident he had to lie down and was unable to do any work.
    A pregnant Qiu Ju does to the Village Chief in order to reason with him but he refuses to acknowledge that he made a mistake. She then goes to the township government in order to file a law suit and then the chief promises to compensate for all of the family’s economic losses because of the injury. Qiu Ju is an kind-hearted yet opinionated woman who is already six months pregnant and her husband has injured yet she goes back to the Village chief to discuss the merits of their argument. He continues to refuse to admit to the error of his actions and Qiu Ju believes that this matter demands an apology. Consequently she straightened up her pregnant stomach and returned to the city government to complain. Through the process of the township PSB, Officer Li mediates this dispute and the Village head still promises to repay the economic damages of the incident, but at the same time Qiu Ju comes to pick up the money, he throws it on the ground to humiliate her so she refuses to pick up the money, yet again setting her off on the long road to file another lawsuit. She brings Meizi to sell their chili pepper crop to pay for their fares to the county PSB. The county delivers the same ruling as the township PSB, merely ordering the village chief to repay the economic penalties. Qiu Ju refuses to accept this as final, dragging her large pregnant body to the city PSB. This higher court upholds the mediations and rulings of the township and county PSB rulings. Wholeheartedly all she wants is an apology. Qiu Ju again brings Meizi to sell some chili peppers to the city, this time she hires a lawyer and decides to bring a lawsuit in front of the People’s court of law. In the end she loses the lawsuit but persists with the belief that she still deserves and requires justice, consequently appealing the decision to another mid-level tribunal.
    On new years eve Qiu Ju goes into labor and has complications with her birth. The village chief and villagers help her and take her bravely through the snow to the hospital. She gives birth without any further complications to a baby boy and is extremely grateful to the village chief, without regard to the lawsuit. But at the same time Qiu Ju is celebrating the child’s one year anniversary arrives the announcement of the courts decision that the village chief is guilty of assault and he is taken into custody. She raises her head and looks into the distance to see the police car smoke and dust and feels a great sense of ignorance and loss.
    承包 chéngbāo to lease/ to undertake (a job)
    要害 yàohài crucial point ( crotch)
    躺 tǎng to recline / to lie down
    告状 gàozhuàng to complain / to sue
    答应 dāying to promise
    赔偿 péicháng to compensate
    损失 sǔnshī loss / damage
    善良 shànliáng good and honest
    有主见 yǒuzhǔjiàn opinionated
    挺 tǐng to stick out
    调解 tiáojiě to mediate
    受辱 shòurǔ insulted / humiliated
    踏上 tàshàng set foot on/ Embark? (yes)
    裁决 cáijué ruling / adjudication
    处罚 chǔfá to penalize
    不服 bùfú not accept as final/ want to have sth overruled or changed
    拖 tuō to drag / to pull
    败诉 bàisù lose a lawsuit
    感激 gǎnjī to be grateful
    庆贺 qìnghè to congratulate / to celebrate
    拘留 jūliú to detain (a prisoner)
    烟尘 yānchén smoke and dust
    茫然 mángrán ignorant

    3. 我觉得秋菊是最有意思的角色因为她非常固执,意志坚强,并拒绝放弃。
    固执 gùzhí persistent
    意志 yìzhì will / willpower
    放弃放弃 fàngqì to give up

  12. 孫老師 3/25 改正。Please go over revise and re-post.

    秋菊打官司的故事显示(suggest use: fan3ying4)中国文化和西方法制的冲突。秋菊不知道她是否要打官司。从一方面秋菊要市长认错,另外一方面秋菊不要(not 打扰use = 破坏po4huai4)社会(人际) 关系。在结局秋菊跟别(add的)农(not村人use民)疏远,是因为秋菊闹(了)事。

    失和= disharmony
    打扰= disturb
    闹事= create a disturbance

  13. 孫老師看過改正。

    a. 《秋菊打官司》是一部反映中国人情关系文化和外来西方法制文明冲突的影片。
    b. 秋菊的困扰在于告还是不告?一方面中国传统的息诉的主流主张要求她不撕破脸皮,不得罪村长,不得罪政府“官差”, 大事化小,小事化无。
    c. 另一方面秋菊认为法律面前人人平等,不论你是不是村长,所以图通过法律途径解决这个问题,结果引发了整个村落对于秋菊的“公愤”和“鄙视”。
    d. 大家生活的人情味很浓的小村落里,突然出现了一件法律事件,打破了这个人情社会的平静。那就是秋菊打官司。
    e. 在以和为贵的中国社会里打官司是一种无法想象的破脸事件。大家普遍的认为打官司失和气,所以都很不同情秋菊。

    a. 《秋菊打官司》是在講中國(delete的)(instead of 調節use 和解he2jie3)和美國(delete的)法制的衝突
    • 打官司dǎguānsi-to file a lawsuit
    • 反映fǎnyìng-to mirror / to reflect
    • 外來wàilái-external
    • 法制fǎzhì-legal system

    b. 秋菊有困擾因為中國文化的方式處理衝突是不要撕破臉皮別人。把大的問(add題)變小,(add把)小的問題(not忽略use 忘掉)。• 困擾kùnrǎo-to perplex / to cause complications
    • 訴sù-to complain
    • 主流zhǔliú-main stream
    • 撕破臉皮sīpòliǎnpí-to rip someone’s face (figuratively)

    c. 秋菊覺得每個人都應該是平等的根據法律規定。
    • 平等píngděng-equal
    • 不論bùlùn-no matter what
    • 途徑tújìng-way
    • 公憤gōngfèn-public anger

    d. 大家都在村里住在一起好好的,突然一個法律事情發生,中斷了和平。
    • 人情rénqíng-social relationship
    • 事件shìjiàn-event
    • 平靜píngjìng-tranquil

    e. 和諧是很重要在中國的社會所以打官司很是很沒有面子。這個情況對秋菊很難。
    • 打官司dǎguānsi-to file a lawsuit
    • 無法wúfǎ-unable
    • 普遍pǔbiàn-universal

  14. 孫老師看過改正。

    認清 rén qíng: human emotion / feelings
    法制 fǎ zhì: legal system
    困擾 kùn rǎo: to trouble / perplex
    主流 zhǔ liú: mainstream
    習俗 xísú: custom
    撕破脸皮 sī pò liǎn pí: to put aside consideration for others
    罪 zuì: guilt / to blame
    官差 guān chāi: government official
    化 huà: to make into
    法律 fǎ lǜ: law
    平等 píng děng: equal
    途徑 tú jìng: way / channel
    公憤 gōng fèn: public anger
    鄙視 bǐ shì: to despise
    平靜 píng jìng: tranquil
    無法 wú fǎ: unable / incapable
    失和 shī hé: disharmony

    1. 《秋菊打官司》描繪中國人情關係文化和外來法制的衝(not突。
    2. 秋菊不要(add de2得)罪村長,(add可是)不(add得不)撕破臉皮,。
    3. 但是秋菊覺得法律應該平等。她的官司引發公憤。
    4. 這個法律事件也擾亂村落的平靜社會。
    5. 在中國這(delete種)類的衝突會造成失和,所以很多人覺得打官司是很破臉的事件。

  15. 孫老師看過改正。

    扔-reng1-to throw

    A 到 E

    法制fa3shi4-legal system
    主流主张-zhu3liu2 zhu3zhang1-the main point advocates for…
    撕破脸皮-si1po4lian3pi2-to break somebody’s “face”
    大事化小-da4shi4hua4xiao3-to make big things small
    小事化无-xiao3shi4hua4wu2-to make small things nothing
    公愤-gong1fen-public indignation
    以和为贵-yi3he4wei2gui4-harmony is prized


  16. Debate topics:



  17. Possible Debate Topics

    – 我们应不应该在乎帮助农村人跟现代化或者城市化结合?

    – Should we worry about the growing gap between rural and urban communities?

  18. there are a bunch of patterns in both movies…

    1) they both show the fear of big metropolis, many people, easy to get lost.
    2) they both show that by persistence one can solve anything
    3) contrast between western society (we try once, if we don’t succeed at first we find different ways) and Chinese society (sticking with one idea until we have a proof that shows the idea doesn’t work)
    4) would you care more about justice or respect?
    5) have faith in others because there are nice people out there.
    6) never trust people that say “no problem, I’ll do it right!” (i.e. the lawyer, the old man who writes the letter)

  19. Possible debate topics:


  20. Debate topic:

  21. 考论中国现代的社会,普遍用西方法制侧路,还有觉得认清社会重要. 哪一个方面是最重要的?

  22. Debate Topic:
    她為什麼如此堅定地得到一個道歉?Which is more important? Making the problem bigger and getting justice or letting the problem go?

  23. How can the chinese tradition of saving face continue to function in today’s modern legalist society?

  24. 孫老師看過改正。

    1. 反映 fan3ying4 reflect
    2. 人情 ren2qing2 interpersonal
    3. 困扰 kun4rao3 puzzled; perplexed
    4. 在于 zai4yu2 to lie in
    5. 撕破 si1po4 to tear; to rip
    6. 途径 tu2jing4 way; channel
    7. 引发 yin3fa1 cause; evoke; initiate
    8. 公愤 gong1fen4 public anger
    9. 鄙视 bi3shi4 to despise; to look down
    10. 平静 ping2jing4 tranquil; undisturbed
    11. 打官司 da3guan1si1 to go to court
    12. 无法 wu2fa3 unable; incapable
    13. 和气 he2qi4 peace
    14. 同情 tong2qing2 sympathize; sympathy

    b. 秋菊不知到她应该告不告发村长的犯罪。她不要得罪村长。
    c. 同时,秋菊认为在法律的眼大家都是平等的,但是这样的意见吸引整个村落的鄙视。
    d. 秋菊打官司造成村落社会的平静破坏了。
    e. 中国人很重视和气,所以大家都觉得秋菊起诉只创造问题,撕破脸面。

  25. The story takes place in Northwest China at a small mountain village. Qiu Ju’s husband, Wong, had an argument with the village chief over the land they rent. During the argument, the mayor kicked Wong in the crotch and afterwards, Wong cannot work and has to lie in bed all day.
    The pregnant Qiu Ju tries to reason with the mayor but he is unwilling to acknowledge his mistake. She then goes to the township government to file a complaint against the village chief and he agrees to compensate for her family’s economic losses. Qiu Ju is a kind-hearted yet opinionated woman, who is already six months pregnant with an injured husband, goes go talk with the village chief. He still refuses to admit his mistake and Qiu Ju thinks that this situation deserves an apology. Consequently she returns to the city government to file a complaint. Along the way to the township PSB, Officer Li mediates this dispute and the village chief again promises to compensate for her family’s economic losses. When she goes to ask for the money, however, the village chief throws all the money on the floor and the humiliated Qiu Ju did not pick up the money. This again sets her off to another road trip to file a complaint.
    Qiu Ju brings along her husband’s sister to sell chili to pay for their fares to the county PSB. The county delivers the same ruling as the township PSB, requiring the village chief to compensate for her family’s economic losses. Qiu Ju is still unsatisfied with this decision and goes to the city PSB, which pronounces the same rulings as the township and county PSB. All Qiu Ju wanted was some reasoning and an apology so she once again bring’s Wong’s younger sister to sell chilis in the city to pay for a lawyer and decides to bring a lawsuit to People’s court. She loses, however, but persists that she deserves justice and appeals the decision to another mid-level tribunal.
    On New Year’s Eve, Qiu Ju goes into labor and has difficulty giving birth. With the help of the village chief and neighbors in the village bringing her to a hospital after hiking through snow, she safely gives birth to a baby boy. Qiu Ju and her family are extremely grateful of the village chief’s help and decide to disregard the lawsuit. When they celebrate the baby’s one month of birth, however, officer Li announces the court’s decision that the village chief is guilty of assault and is taken into custody. Qiu Ju watches the smoke and dust left behind by the police car and feels a deep sense of ignorance and loss.

    承包地 (cheng2bao1di4) – rented land
    要害 (yao4hai4) – crutial point
    身孕 (shen1yun4) – pregnancy
    說理 (shuo1li3) – to reason
    認錯 (ren4cuo4) – admit fault
    鄉 (xiang1) – countryside
    告狀 (gao4zhuang4) – to complain
    賠償 (pei2chang2) – to compensate
    損失 (sun3shi1) – loss, damage
    善良 (shan4lian2) – good and honest
    主見 (zhu3jian4) – opinion
    調解 (tiao2jie3) – to mediate
    受辱 (shou4ru3) – insulted, humiliated
    撿 (jian3) – to pick up
    路途 (lu4tu2) – route
    路費 (lu4fei4) – traveling fare
    縣公安局 (xian4gong1an1ju2) – county’s public security bureau
    裁決 (cai2jue2) – ruling
    不服 (bu4fu2) – remain unconvinced
    維持 (wei2chi2) – to maintain
    起訴 (qi3su4) – so sue
    堅持 (jian1chi2) – to persist
    人民法院 (renmin2fa3yuan4) – people’s court
    除夕 (chu2xi1) – New Year’s Eve
    難產 (nan2chan3) – difficult birth
    踏雪 (ta4xue3) – walk in snow
    感激 (gan3ji1) – to be grateful
    判決 (pan4jue2) – judgment
    拘留 (ju1liu2) – to detain
    煙塵 (yan1chen2) – smoke and dust
    茫然 (man2ran2) – ignorant
    失落 (shi1luo4) – to lose


  26. 在《秋菊打官司》裡,秋菊的問題是應不應該告村長。儘管她覺得村長的行為不對,可是如果秋菊告村長的話就等於對抗中國傳統的息訊,所以許多人都不認同她的做法也不同情她。

    反映 (fan3yin4) – to mirror
    人情 (ren2qing2) – personal emotions/feelings
    困擾 (kun4rao3) – to perplex
    主流 (zhu3liu2) – main stream
    主張 (zhu3zhang1) – to advocate
    要求 (yao1qiu2) – to request
    撕破臉皮 (si1po4lian3pi2) – scar someone’s pride
    得罪 (de2zui4) – to offend
    法律 (fa3lv) – law
    平等 (ping2deng3) – equal
    不論 (bu4lun4) – whatever, no matter what
    圖 (tu2) – diagram, picture
    通過 (tong1guo4) – by means of, via
    途徑 (tu2jing4) – way, channel
    引發 (yin3fa1) – to lead to
    公憤 (gong1fen4) – public anger
    鄙視 (bi3shi4) – to despise
    人情味 (ren2qing2wei4) – human emotions
    濃 (nong2) – concentrated, dense
    打破 (da3po4) – to break
    平靜 (ping2jing4) – tranquil
    普遍 (pu3bian4) – universal, common
    同情 (tong2qing2) – sympathize

  27. 美芳,很好,沒有任何需要改正的地方。

    a-e 的感想:

  28. 寧芝, 請改正再放到 Week #10 Comments 上。

    我對a)-e) 的感想:

    (add 對這個感想)我(delete跟這個感想)同意。《(wrong character球具)打官司》沒有太複雜的劇情,所以觀眾可以特別聚焦(instead對use在)中國人情關係(delete特別聚焦)。張藝謀描繪秋菊的難事,也描繪中國農村社會的現實。秋菊的衝突有兩個重要的地方:中國傳統社會的臉面和西方法制在中國的影響。另一方面我覺得秋菊的方法不一定最好。她不要得罪村長,但是她固執找說法。她不在乎農村居民對自己的看法,也不管她先生的臉面。

    1. 聚焦 ju4jiao1 focus
    2. 固執 gu4zhi2 stubbornly; persistently

  29. 元博, 非常好,我就加了一个字:依然在乎的”是”面子 。

    A-E revision


  30. 郁君, 请改正后再次放在Week#10 Comments上。

    我同意博客的意見,這部電影顯示中國人民是很冷酷的,只關心錢和商業。電影裡的人都沒有好心,只是按照規則去獲得個人的利益。在電影裡,魏敏芝到城(wrong character理should be 裡)去找張慧科,她不是因為她(delete關係)關心而在找張慧科,是因為她想要賺更多錢。在高老師離開以前他跟魏敏芝說他會給魏敏芝增加十元如果她沒有失去任何學生。因此我覺得魏敏芝決心去找她的學生是從她自己的利益而來的。博客上的意見也說電影裡的人不幫敏芝除非他們得到錢或者增益。我同意因為許多在城(wrong character理should be 裡)敏芝遇到的人不想幫她找張慧科。田正達把張慧科帶到城市可是失去他在火車站,他也不想幫敏芝,除非她有兩元。女播音員也沒有對敏芝有耐心,因為她覺得用播音去找张慧科沒有用處也不是她的問題。連(work on sentence order for: 女士在辦公桌的電視(Not節目use台) should be 在電視台辦公桌的女士(add都)非常苛刻,她讓魏敏芝站在門外兩天。這些人的行動在電影裡顯示麻木不仁的中國人。我同意魏敏芝很有決心但不是因為她愛她的學生,是因為她貪婪。

    博客bókè-blog/ blogger
    顯示xiǎnshì-to show
    按照 ànzhào-according to/ follow
    獲得huòdé-to obtain
    賺zhuàn-to earn
    增加zēngjiā-to raise
    失去shīqù-to lose
    火車站-huǒchēzhàn-train station
    播音bōyīn-to broadcast
    耐心nàixīn-to be patient / patience
    電視節目diànshìjiémù-television program
    苛刻kēkè-harsh / pitiless
    行動xíngdòng-operation / action
    麻木mámù-numb / insensitive / apathetic
    不仁bùrén-not benevolent / heartless

  31. 宁台:请改正再放上Week#10 Comments。

    (add對這個感想)我(delete跟這個感想)同意。《秋菊打官司》 准确地描绘中国传统观念的面子和平等和正义的西方法律观念。秋菊的固执和意志是非常令人钦佩的但是我觉得她不一定用最好的方法。她完全不在乎她的丈夫的面子,而结果她感到难过是因为村长(add被)送进监狱,尽管他不是真的坏人。我跟(move 不同意 here)第三部分(delete不同意)是因为村落(add里的)人(add并没有)不讨厌和看不起秋菊。每次他去到村长的家村长的孩子们(add都)叫他阿姨,而且秋菊难产的时村长帮助送(change他to她)去医院,即使秋菊(worng根should be跟)村长打官司。

  32. 耕林, 很好!


  33. 玉蓮: 請改正。

    Change these five points into one paragraph of a reflection writing:
    a. 我同意這個作者的說法。我覺得中国人情关系文化和外来西方法制文明冲突是一個很重要的思想研究。
    b. 我认为(change这into 秋菊堅持要打官司)是非常有趣的, 因為她违背了中国的传统。
    c. 我絕對同意法律面前人人平等。 我们的社会需要规则所以社會是公平的。(add: So I think Qiuju did the right thing.)
    d. (Delete这是)很可悲这一事件引起了(delete 在社会上)很多问题。
    e. 我很佩服(instead of 她use 秋菊)的(not实力but決心jue2xin1; determination),因為不管什麼事,她從不放棄。

  34. 我對a)-e) 的感想:


    1. 聚焦 ju4jiao1 focus
    2. 固執 gu4zhi2 stubbornly; persistently

  35. Corrected hw


  36. 《秋菊打官司》英语翻译

    This story takes place in a small mountain village in Northwestern China. Qiuju’s husband, Wang Qinglai, got in a lease dispute with their village chief, during which the village elder kicked him between the legs so hard he was forced into bed rest until he healed completely, unable to work.

    A pregnant Qiuju goes to the village chief and tries to reason with him, but the village chief refuses to acknowledge that he made a mistake. Qiuju complains to the local authorities for a second time, and the village chief agrees to compensate Qiuju and her family for their financial difficulties. Qiuju is a kind-hearted but also strongly opinionated woman, and already six months pregnant, again tries to reason with the village chief and get him to acknowledge that he made a mistake – but the village chief still refuses to acknowledge that he made a mistake. Qiuju thinks that this kind of an issue must be discussed, so she stood up and went right back to the local authorities, and after their mediation the village chief again only agreed to compensate for Qiuju’s family’s financial difficulties. When Qiuju went to collect the money from the village chief, the village chief threw the money on the ground. Humiliated, Qiuju refused to take the money and again set off on the path to bring the issue to court.

    Qiuju takes her sister-in-law Meizi and sells enough chili peppers to pay for the county public security bureau to settle the matter. The county public security bureau came to the same decision as the local village authorities had, and even ruled in favor of fining him further. Qiuju completely refused this ruling, and again – heavily pregnant – went higher up to the city public security bureau with the issue. The city public security bureau’s final ruling was to keep with the decision of the county public security bureau’s previous ruling. Dead-set on getting the village chief to acknowledge his mistake, Qiuju got her sister-in-law Meizi and once again sold chili peppers until she had enough money to travel to the city and hire a lawyer, deciding to bring the lawsuit to the People’s Court. Qiuju lost the lawsuit, but stood firm in her beliefs and demand for justice, and appealed the decision of the People’s Court.

    On the night of New Year’s Eve, Qiuju went into labor and had difficulty giving birth. With the help of the village chief and their fellow villagers, Qiuju was able to make it to the hospital in the same night and through the snow. There, Qiuju was able to give birth to a baby boy. As a result, Qiuju and her family were extremely thankful to the village chief, the lawsuit no longer an issue for them. But during the celebration of Qiuju’s son’s one-month old birthday, Qiuju received news of the court’s decision, and the village chief was taken into custody. After chasing after and hoping to catch the police car, Qiuju vacantly stares at the smoke and dust left behind by the distant police car and feels a profound sense of loss.

    要害 yao4hai4 – crucial; key point; man’s genitals
    身孕 shen1yun4 – pregnancy
    說理 shuo1li3 – to reason
    認錯 ren4cuo4 – to admit fault
    鄉 xiang1 – countryside
    告狀 gao4zhuang4 – to complain
    賠償 pei2chang2 – to compensate
    損失 sun3shi1 – loss, damage
    善良 shan4lian2 – good and honest; kind-hearted
    主見 zhu3jian4 – opinion
    調解 tiao2jie3 – to mediate
    路費 lu4fei4 – traveling fare
    公安局 gong1an1ju2 – public security bureau
    裁決 cai2jue2 – court ruling; ruling
    起訴 qi3su4 – to sue
    人民法院ren2min2fa3yuan4 – people’s court
    難產 nan2chan3 – difficult birth
    拘留 ju1liu2– to detain


    我觉得村长是最有意思的角色。电影所有的故事都对他表达是一个坏人,不太聪明, 等等。但是,电影最后的部分,观众得面对秋菊希望的后果。那么如果村长就是政真的坏人,为什么他当除夕之夜的时候帮助了秋菊?如果村长没帮助她,秋菊一定坑死了。我觉得村长的角色表达两个人的沟通和农民和城市的问题。

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