Wk#07 (2/27-3/2)

Chinese 309 |  Phoenix Claws and Lion’s Head: Food and Chinese Culture
三年中文: 中國的飲食文化

課程題目與目標 Lesson Topic & Goals:
題目 #2: 传统饮食文化 – 菜谱,选材,食物的冷热性,中医食疗与民间关于吃的禁忌

1.  进一步来了解中国菜烹饪选材和食材五品的观念。
2.  知道中国民间传统和习俗中关于吃的禁忌。
3.  学习中医对食物的分类与「温、热、凉、寒」四气。


《中國菜簡介PowerPoint》, https://chinese4u.edublogs.org/files/2012/01/Chinese_Food-1ro169m.ppt.
《中国菜烹饪特点》, 来源:百度百科,http://baike.baidu.com/view/80165.htm#2.
《吃的禁忌》, 來源:http://chinaabc.showchina.org/rwzgxl/zgys/200703/t109036.htm
《中国民间关于吃的禁忌》, 來源:http://www.chinese.cn. 21:20, August 29, 2009, http://www.chinese.cn/food/en/article/2009-08/29/content_23534.htm.
《食物相剋圖及解毒方法》, 來源: http://lohas.supergood.com.tw/supergood/ezcatfiles/c001/img/img/3250/food_f.jpg.
《溫熱涼寒-談食物的四氣》,   林仲醫師, http://ades.tmu.edu.tw/english/qna/faq/fourchi.htm.
《药膳中常见的几种药材》Chinese herbal medicine in herbal cuisine,  http://tcm.chinese.cn/cards/ys/article/.

Food in Chinese Culture, Richard Shek, paper presented at the Sinology Conference, held at California State University, Sacramento, February 17-18, 2005,  http://csuspress.lib.csus.edu/sinology/content/shek_richard.html.

In-Class Group Assignment for Week #7:
小組1.   Hunter  (青泓) | Taylor (玉蓮) | Belinda (慧婷)
小組2.   Bo  (元博) | Travis S (傳文) | Monica (曼寧)
小組3.   Amanda (曼迪) | Travis T. (福臨) | Yvonne (靜儀)
小組4.   Emily (郁君) | Alexi (偉誠)
小組5.   Phillip (春暉) | Maxwell (敏偉) | Lev (南樂)
小組6.   Ada (美芳) | Brandon (耀桐)

星期一課堂題目及活動 (Monday 2/27):__________________________________
1. 检讨功课 #3 (Weeks #5/6) – Post revision under (Wk#07) this week’s Comments
(缺交功课: 福临,元博,传文)
2. 学生口头报告 – 青泓,美芳,曼宁,玉莲,敏伟, 曼迪, 春晖
3. Student Project #1 progress report:
Missing text slides: 玉莲
Audio problem: 春晖
Publishing options (please drag into Group 309): 伟诚
Project not posted (w/tech problems): 曼迪,曼宁 (need to clean up fonts, and use a differetn PDF program to save)
Project posted but not completed: 元博(1 slide only); 传文(need to record)
Also see Student Project #2 (见下)
4. 阅读功课: (Please review the following individually. On Wed. in class, each group will discuss your corresponding paragraph and post an English translation.)
7.1 一般人,尤其是老一輩的人,多多少少都種食物是「涼」的、某種食物是「熱」的一些模糊概念,淵源如前所述,因為古人食物跟藥物一樣,分為「熱」、「溫」、「涼」、「寒」等不同的性質,中醫稱之為「四氣」或「四性」,這種食物分類法是中國老祖宗所特有的,歐美文化所無
7.2 大家最感困惑之處為食物所具有的四氣性質不能照其字面的意義去解釋,如煮得熱騰騰的食物並不一定就是「熱」性的食物,把食物放涼了以後也並不表示食物的性質就是「寒」性,真把人搞糊塗了。
7.3 食物的四氣性質主要依人體吃了這種食物後的所產生的影響或反應來決定舉個最簡單的例子為人們喝下一杯烈酒或是吃了辣椒以後後,馬上就感覺到嘴巴至全身都開始熱烘烘起來,由此身體的感就可知酒味與辛辣食物是「熱」性的食物。
7.4 中醫與西醫學疾病的分類方法有很大的歧異,其中之一為中醫把疾病的性性質分為「寒證」或「熱證」。「寒證」的主要證候為手腳冰冷、怕冷、口不渴、喜歡喝熱的東西、面色蒼白、精神萎靡等人體生理能不振、新陳代謝率低下的現象常見於慢性病。「熱證」可發熱、怕熱、口渴、喜歡喝冷的東西、面色紅、煩躁等人體生理功能旺盛、新陳代謝率增加的現象,常見於急性病或人體有病毒細菌感染等情況。
7.5 另外中醫也依上面所述的人體生理功能變化把人的體質分為熱性與寒性,寒性體質民間俗稱的「冷底」。凡是適用於寒性體質與寒證的食物被歸類於「熱」性的食物,由此可知給慢性病病人進補補品大都熱性的食物;反之適用於熱性體質與熱證的食物就被歸類於「寒」性的食物,例如發燒時可以喝西瓜汁來退燒,這點也可知西瓜為寒性的食物。
7.6 現代醫學的觀點來看,可以使人體的能量代謝率提高,產熱量增加的食物即為熱性的食物,反之會使人體能量代謝率降低,產熱量下降的食物即為寒性的食物。

星期三課堂題目及活動 (Wednesday 2/29):______________________________
1.  Student Project#2 – 介绍
2. 分組阅讀功課: post your English translation under this week’s Comments (complete before Friday’s class)

星期五課堂題目及活動 (Friday 3/2):____________________________________
1.  Topic #2 Student Project – 分組
2. 檢討阅讀功課
3.  学习国菜五品 -色、香、味、意、形

Next Week #8 – Student Project #2: 介绍一道中国菜 ( Choose a Chinese dish to introduce)
分组: Group Assignment – your own choice – each group needs to have at least one teammate who has access to a kitchen

1. 选择一道中国菜根据以下中国饮食文化的一个特色: a)  时令进补的道理  b) 色、香、味、意、形国菜五品的原则 或 c) 菜名的历史故事和意义
2. 用网路或食谱来找这道菜的做法-做出中英食谱对照 (包括材料和做法)
3. 解释选择这道菜的原因 – 列出四点
4. 找一个时间全组同学自己买材料根据食谱来做这道菜然后一起吃 或 找一家中国饭店能做出这道菜约好时间一起去吃吃看 (照相或录影记录)
5. 根据这个经验写出一篇日记录 (blog entry) – 至少500字包括感想及照片

Timeline for Week #8
Monday: Choose a dish and find a recipe (post online – in both Chinese and English)
Wednesday: Explain the reason for choosing this dish (post online – in a list format – in Chinese)
Friday: Discuss group plans to either cook the dish or go to a restaurant to eat this dish (to be completed by the end of Week #10 – the week after Spring break)
Spring break and Week #10:
Follow-up report: individual work – journal entry  and photos ( writing should be in paragraph length, including description of event, comments of the actual cooking and eating experience, as well as your personal reflection, at least 500 words)


适合冬天的五个经典食谱  http://news.xinhuanet.com/food/2004-12/28/content_2387726.htm
冬季进补吃出健康 http://news.xinhuanet.com/food/2005-11/29/content_3846416.htm
冬季进补的四大禁忌 http://health.sohu.com/20061128/n246643247.shtml

20 thoughts on “Wk#07 (2/27-3/2)

  1. 1.溫熱性食物:香辛料(辣椒、胡椒、蔥、薑、韭、蒜、芫荽、肉桂、













  2. 中国菜特点
      总结为:色、香、味、意、形。被称为国菜五品。   中国菜的特点很多,从烹饪文化角度与其他国家相比,中国菜更具有多彩多姿、精细美好、和谐适中的特征。


    香:为了增加香味设计的一些食材。事实上,胡椒,茴香一些香辛料主要是调味去除食材的腥、膻或异味。也有一些高级菜肴加如叫花鸡用荷叶包裹,闻有 一股清香。鲜花饼加入鲜花,吃起来有临花圃之中。 中国菜味:通过食材的选择也可以增强食物的味道。比如虾饺中加入的虾脑。使饺子更加鲜美。   意:食材的名称,形状可代表菜肴意境。古时后,举子们在赶考的时候要吃条红色鲤鱼,意为鲤鱼跳龙门。   

  3. Group 2: Travis, Bo,Monica

    Many people find the four characteristics of food rather confusing; their characteristics do not literally come from the way in which they are prepared. For example, if a food is steamed it does not necessarily have a “hot” property. On the other hand food that is chilled does not necessarily have a “cold” property. This is what confuses people.

  4. (老師檢查 Wk#6/7 3nd Assignemnt – REVISED COPY)


    1. 一家人,必定要坦誠對待,這樣才會促進家庭和諧。
    2. 人們的生活都應該隨者科技的變化而變化。
    3. 她努力了那麼多年,總結了不少積蓄。
    4. 我今天發燒,不宜外出。
    5. 他所謂的溫書只是偶爾拿起本書看一看而已。
    6. 至於對老人家,他就有耐性得多了。

    1. 講究 (jiang3jiu4) – to pay particular attention to
    2. 搭配 (da1pei4) – to pair up
    3. 離不開 (li2bukai1) – inseparable
    4. 必定 (bi4ding4) – to be bound to
    5. 主副 (zhu3fu4) – major and minor
    6. 相對 (xiang1dui4) – relatively
    7. 惹 (re3) – to provoke
    8. 至今 (zhi4jin1) – so far
    9. 莫名其妙 (mo4ming2qi2miao4) – unfathomable mystery
    10. 民間 (min2jian1) – among the people
    11. 禁忌 (jin4ji4) – taboo, contraindication
    12. 變化 (bian4hua4) – change, variation
    13. 某個 (mou3ge4) – some, a certain
    14. 總結 (zong3jie2) – to sum up
    15. 不宜 (bu4yi2) – not suitable
    16. 特殊 (te4shu1) – special, particular
    17. 不良 (bu4liang2) – bad, harmful
    18. 所謂 (suo3wei4) – so-called
    19. 體質 (ti3zhi4) – physique
    20. 否則 (fou3ze2) – if not

  5. 7.4
    Traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine have different classification methods for illnesses. Chinese medicine characterize illnesses by “cold” or “hot.” The common “cold” symptoms are primarily cold hands and feet, fear of the cold, lack of thirst, fondness for hot beverages, pale complexion, lack of energy, and low metabolism. The common “hot” symptoms are primarily high temperatures, fear of the heat, constant thirst, fondness for cold beverages, flushed complexion, high energy, and a high metabolism.

  6. Belinda, Taylor, Hunter

    The average person, especially the older generation, to some extent have some kind of vague notion of “cold” and “hot” food. People from ancient times considered food and medicine to be the same. Broken down into groups it is, “hot”, “warm”, “cool”, “cold” these different characteristics. Chinese medicine regards it as the “four energies” or the “four characteristics”. This method of classifying food is China’s old specialty that other Western countries do not have.

  7. (老師檢查 Wk#6/7 3nd Assignemnt – REVISED COPY) – missing 6 sentences and vocabulary list


    关于食物, 中国民间有什么禁忌?我将分析一下三个中国食物的方面,季节的变化,日常饮食,所谓“发物”。

  8. (老師檢查 Wk#6/7 3nd Assignemnt – REVISED COPY)

    Revision of #3 hw from Week 5/6

    中国人吃饭的时候注意食物的搭配。一桌菜需要有肉和素菜,所以这叫荤素搭配。中国人也很注意阴阳的搭配。所以他们会选择吃两种阴阳平衡的食物对身体健康好。可是, 有的食物不合,如果一起吃,会惹麻烦也损害身体的健康。中国人也相信某些食物的组合适合不同的季节。比如夏天的时候,吃新鲜辣椒对身体好,可是冬天吃干辣椒。所以很多人有这些的想法,吃到组合对的食物感觉会很好,可是吃到不对的组合对身体很不好甚至生病。所以吃东西的时候,必须注意食物的组合不然你身体会很难受。

    注意 zhu4 yi4 pay attention to
    搭配 da1 pei4 to pair up
    荤素 hun1 su4 meat and vegetable
    阴阳yin1 yang2 yin and yang
    惹麻烦 re3 ma2 fan1 create difficulties
    损害 sun2 hai4 harm
    健康 jian4 kang1 health
    某些 mou3 xie1some
    新鲜 xin1 xian1 fresh
    辣椒la4 jiao1 hot pepper
    干 gan1 dry
    难受 nan2 shou4 to feel unwell
    杂 za2 too mixed up
    病倒 bing4 dao3 to be down will an illness
    相左 xiang1 zuo3 fail to meet each other
    属于 shu3 yu2 to count as/ classified as
    令人目昏 ling4 ren2 mu4 hun1 to make someone muddleheaded
    暖腰膝 nuan3 yao1 xi1 to be warm from your waist to the knees
    副食 fu4 shi2 non-staple food
    家常菜 jia1 chang2 cai4 home cooked meal

    1. 我们的中文老师很讲究学生的会话能力,所以我们有许多的发言的报告。
    2. 她作为一个完美的学生反映在她的功课方面,她的功课总是写得好也完整的。
    3. 我在高中的时候,我做很多课外的活动,比如游泳,乐队,合唱以及辩论队。我每天都很忙!
    4. 我们的大学的学生有多样性,有的是从美国,有的是从外国来的。
    5. 在中国,很多学生为了考好的成绩有很多压力所以找别的学生当枪手替他们考试。总之,学校应该减轻压力也取消考试!
    6. 很多学生不能应付大学的压力,不好好睡觉所以身体不好,甚至病倒! =)

  9. (老師檢查 3nd Assignemnt – Summary should be in Chinese!! Revised to receive a makeup grade)
    Week 5&6 HW

    Chinese traditional philosophy has always paid special attention to the relation between man and nature. This type of culture reflects food aspects; food and eating are harmoniously and symbiotically associated. Therefore, for Chinese people’s daily food life, there are many things to abstain from, particularly the pairing of certain foods. Foods that are in-season and everyday must be considered, as well as problems with giving food and abstaining from certain foods. These foods have plenty of discussion and experience that has been have handed down. There are plenty of people that can summarize the scientific theory. In closing, food problems are truly not simple.

    讲究-jiǎngjiu-to pay particular attention to
    天人合一-tiānrénhéyī-oneness of man and nature
    反映-fǎnyìng-to reflect
    相处-xiāngchǔ-to be in contact with
    禁忌-jìnjì-to abstain from
    搭配-dāpèi-to pair up
    时令-shílìng-in season
    忌口-jìkǒu-avoid certain foods
    有的是-yǒudeshì-have plenty of
    世代相传-shìdàixiāngchuán-passed from generation to generation
    总结-zǒngjié-to conclude
    总之-zǒngzhī-in brief

    于是:What do you mean here? 中国的大军履行过中国大陆,于是饮食文化块块地不胫而走。
    有的是:现在,中国大(not 成时 should be 城市)有的是美国快餐饭馆。
    讲究: 传统中药讲究饮食的平衡。

  10. (老師檢查 Wk#6/7 3nd Assignemnt – REVISED COPY – with additions – see corrections)

    中國的飲食文化歷史悠久,有好幾位知識份子都認為飲食對一個國家有著舉足輕重的地位。孔子說民以食為天,(add人民)吃得飽,就等於國家的經濟繁榮。 孟子的想法跟孔子的一樣,他覺得老百姓能吃飽才會有道德意識。 管子也曾經說過,“王者以民为天,民以食为天,能知天之天者,斯可矣。”他的意思就是食物跟人(add民)生(add活)有個密切關係。作為一個皇帝,人民(add生计)是最重要的問題,對人民來說吃飽是最重要的,所以皇帝也要管好吃的問題。三位知識份子所說的都跟中國歷史有關,中國一直都有很多貧窮(change人to百姓),食物的問題也很多。

    有的時候說話小心點比較好, 太直截了當有可能會找麻煩。
    我的爸爸平時不會給我壓力,我 讀好書他就會心滿意足。

    1)歷史悠久 (lìshǐyōujiǔ): long-established/time-honored
    2)知識份子 (zhīshifènzi): intellectual
    3)認為 (rènwéi): consider/believe
    4)舉足輕重 (jǔzúqīngzhòng): to hold the balance of power
    5)地位 (dìwèi): status/position
    6)等於 (dìwèi): to be tantamount/equal to
    7)經濟繁榮 (jīngjìfánróng): economic prosperity
    8)道德 (dàodé): virtue/morality/ethics
    9)意識 (yìshí): consciousness/ awareness
    10)想念 (xiǎngniàn): to remember with longing
    11)家常菜 (jiāchángcài): home cooking
    12)發現 (fāxiàn): to discover
    13)有荤有素 (yǒuhūnyǒusù): to have meat and vegetables
    14)腸胃 (chángwèi): digestive system
    15)於是 (yúshì): as a result
    16)直截了當 (zhíjiéliǎodàng): direct and plain speaking; blunt/straightforward
    17)心滿意足 (xīnmǎnyìzú): perfectly contented/satisfied
    18) 將 (jiāng): to take
    19) 平時 (píngshí): ordinarily
    20) 壓力 (yālì): pressure

  11. 7.3 食物的四氣性質主要依人體吃了這種食物後的所產生的影響或反應來決定,舉個最簡單的例子為人們喝下一杯烈酒或是吃了辣椒以後後,馬上就感覺到嘴巴至全身都開始熱烘烘起來,由此身體的感就可知酒味與辛辣食物均是「熱」性的食物。

    The nature of food is mainly dependent on the reactions and affects that arise after consuming that type of food. To cite one of the simplest examples, after a person drinks hard alcohol or eats peppers, they will immediately begin to heat up, starting from their mouth until it spreads to their whole body. From drinking alcohol, your body will also begin to clearly emit smells of alcohol. Thus hard alcohol and spicy foods are equivalent to foods that are hot in nature.

  12. (老師檢查 Wk#6/7 3nd Assignemnt – REVISED COPY)




    There are many food taboos in Chinese food culture, some of which are seasonal, and other of which follow yin and yang principles or specific tastes. Matching the main dishes and side dishes is also very important. For example, earlier this week I learned that beef and rice make a good pairing of main and side dishes. This is because the sweet taste of the beef balances with the bitter rice. It balances the yin yang of the meal.Other rules of food taboos include to never eat only vegetables or meat in a meal. The meal should have a bit of each in order to balance the yin and yang.
    Other food taboos were created to guard against allergies. Allergies to foods such as milk, peanuts, and gluten products are all very serious and can kill someone who is allergic to them. Other allergies may cause skin irritation and general uncomfortableness. For example, my sisters are allergic to milk. If they drink milk, they get hives and have trouble breathing. It is very important to be conscientious of potential allergies when preparing a meal.
    Finally, some food taboos were created because certain pairings led to poisoning. For example, pairing crab with persimmons is a taboo because it can harm your body and poison you. These taboos were developed off of hundreds of years of experience.

    禁忌 jìnjì taboo 季节性 jìjiéxìng seasonal
    仔细 zǐxì careful
    配对 pèiduì to match; to pair
    主菜 zhǔcài main course
    甜美 tiánměi nice and sweet; luscious
    口感 kǒugǎn how food feels in the mouth
    匹配 pǐpèi compatible
    经典 jīngdiǎn classical
    规则 guīzé rules and regulations
    唯一 wéiyī only / sole
    创建 chuàngjiàn to found / to establish
    防止 fángzhǐ to prevent / to guard against
    过敏 guòmǐn to be allergic / allergy
    花生 huāshēng peanut
    面筋 miànjīn gluten
    严重 yánzhòng serious / severe / critical
    杀死 shāsǐ to kill
    导致 dǎozhì to cause / to bring about
    螃蟹 pángxiè crab


    2. 他们将约翰和玛丽配对成舞伴。

    3. 工业已採取有效措施以防止廢氣污染。

    4. 那孩子对鸡蛋过敏。

    5。 對大多數人來說,節制生育已不再是那麼一個禁忌的話題。


  13. 耀桐和美芳


    From the point of view of modern medicine, the human body’s metabolism rate can increase, and “hot” food is considered to be the food that produces this increase. Conversely, it is possible for the human body’s metabolism rate to decrease,and it is “cold” food that is attributed to this decline in heat.

  14. (老師檢查 Wk#6/7 3nd Assignemnt – REVISED COPY)

    Revised (3 important points)


    疾病 ji2bing4 disease/sickness/ailment
    治療 zhi4liao2 to cure medically
    滋補 zi1bu3 nourishing/nutritious
    人體 ren2ti3 human body
    美味 mwe3wei4 delicious food
    享受 xiang3shou4 to enjoy
    消費者 xiao1fei4zhe3 consumer
    使 shi3 to enable
    效果 xiao4guo3 result/effect/quality
    藥品 yao4pin3 medicine
    特殊 te4shu1 particular/special
    原料 yuan2liao4 raw material/ingredients
    藥材 yao4cai2 medicine ingredients
    烹飪 peng1ren4 cooking/culinary arts
    藥膳 yao4shan4 medicinal cuisine
    食物中毒 shi2wu4 zhong4du2 food poison
    經歷 jing1li4 experience
    必須 bi4xu1 must/to have to
    改變 gai3bian4 to change
    當 dang4 when/during
    同類 tong2lei4 similar/same type
    時間內 shi2jian1nei4 within (a period of time)


  15. Yvonne, Amanda, Travis DST

    7.3 食物的四氣性質主要依人體吃了這種食物後的所產生的影響或反應來決定,舉個最簡單的例子為人們喝下一杯烈酒或是吃了辣椒以後後,馬上就感覺到嘴巴至全身都開始熱烘烘起來,由此身體的感就可知酒味與辛辣食物均是「熱」性的食物。

    Edited Translation:
    The four natural principles of food are mainly dependent on the reactions and effects that arise after consuming that type of food. To cite one of the simplest examples, after a person drinks hard alcohol or eats peppers, they will immediately begin to heat up, starting from their mouth until it spreads to their whole body. From the reaction of the body, we know that hard alcohol and spicy foods both have hot properties.

  16. belinda, hunter, taylor

    7.1 edited translation


    The average person, especially the older generation, to some extent has some kind of vague notion of “cold” and “hot” food. People from ancient times considered food and medicine to be the same. Broken down into groups, these characteristics that affect the body are “hot”, “warm”, “cool”, and “cold”. Chinese medicine regards it as the “four energies” or the “four characteristics”. This method of classifying food is China’s tradition that Western countries do not have.

  17. Phillip, Lev, Max



    Further aspects of traditional Chinese medicine are also based on the metabolic changes in the human body mentioned above, and divides people into two types of physiques: “hot” and “cold.” Someone with a cold physique is commonly referred to by the average person as having “lengdi,” or a “cold foundation” or “base.” Any food applicable to a cold physique or anything that has proven to be cold is called “hot” food. Because of this, we know why most tonics or medicines you give to chronically ill people are “hot” foods. Conversely, any food applicable to a hot physique or anything that has proven to be hot is called “cold” foods. For example, when you have a fever you can drink watermelon juice to reduce the fever, and because of this we know that watermelon is a “cold” food.

  18. (老師檢查 Wk#6/7 3nd Assignemnt – REVISED COPY)

    4。美国民间一般觉得Barack Obama 的政府还过得去马马虎虎。

    搭配: dāpèi: combination

    规则: Guīzé: Rule

    某些: mǒuxiē: certain

    阴阳: yīnyáng: Yin-yang

    平衡: pínghéng: balance/equilibrium

    搭配: dāpèi: combination

    适当: shìdàng: appropriate

    味道: wèi: taste/smell

    随时: suíshí: seasons

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