Wk#10 (3/25-3/29)

Topic #3 比較兩岸現代和當代的藝術文化發展: 有爭議性的藝術文化表演 

  1. Learn about the new generation of artists, their work, and what this creative culture represents in comtemporary Taiwan and China;
  2. Be able to talk about and comment on different types of creative art forms, including visual arts, literary arts, and performing arts (music, theatre, dance and film);
  3. Study selected artists, whose work is considered controversial for criticizing the government and its policy;
  4. Compare the preservation of traditional arts in Taiwan and China.
  5. Grammar review – see patterns posted below.

Complete the Voicethread Project before class on MONDAY 3/25:
If you use Safari, the Voicethread slide may not load. You should try to Chrome, Firefox or IE. If the slide still doe not load, go to https://voicethread.com/share/4298890/ to access it.

Jack’s recording: mov file

Monday 3/25__________________________________
Group #1: Calvin, Erica
Group #2: Jaimie, Eddie
Group#3: Angelica, Jack
Group #4: Sam, Taili, Mia
Group #5: Shelby, Eric, Maggie
 1.  期中成績和功課
  – Topic #2 Voicethread (25%)
介紹第三個題目 – 你有沒有足夠的生詞來說明這個題目?
課堂活動: (25 min)
兩位或三位同學一組,到網頁 http://news.xinhuanet.com/shuhua/2008-03/26/content_7859872.htm
Group Assignment 3.1: Read the essay in Chinese and provide a short English Bio of 水天中 – posted under Comments
In addition to the Englih bio, include an annotation of SIX key words or phrases (中文 Zhōngwén: Chinese). Complete by next class on Wednesday.

HOMEWORK to be completed by 3/27 Wednesday’s class:

独家访谈 – 水天中谈中国当代艺术的发展状况

2008年03月26日 08:49:46  来源:新华网
Read the following selected text from an interview with Mr. Shui Tianzhong: (1. to 5.)
Individual Assignment 3.2 Post a readable English translation under Comments:
1. 我比较关注的是中国现、当代的美术。就是20世纪以来的中国美术。…简单地说中国现、当代美术的特点就是多样性和丰富性。
2. 中国艺术目前正处于和世界性的艺术成为一个整体的过程。… 中国艺术现在已经和世界艺术接轨了,已经成为世界艺术的一部分了。
3. 提到当代艺术一般要提到装置艺术 、行为、新媒体艺术,但是有些绘画也有很强的当代性。
4. 目前刚刚开始兴起的新媒体艺术,一般所谓的新媒体就是通过数字化的影视和图象来创作的作品。在国际上,通过数字化的图象表达自己的艺术观念的作品已经比装置和传统的行为艺术更加前卫和当代一些。
4. 前卫艺术就是要不断地把自己放到社会主流文化的对立面,它一旦失去了这种针对性,它也就失去了它的前卫性。
5. 在这种情况下,当代艺术就越来越重视艺术的观念性,所谓的当代性就是你关注当代最关注的一些问题。比如说环境问题、性别问题、种族问题、宗教冲突问题等等,这是当前全人类都难以排除的很尖锐的问题。

Wednesday 3/27_______________________________
Sit with same group partner(s.)
1. 檢查功課
– approve translations
2. 討論問題: (15 min.)
a. 你和你的同學對西方或中國藝術的了解。
b. 你和同學喜歡的藝術類型。
c. 你和同學所知道的西方或中國藝術家。
d. 你和同學所知道的西方或中國有爭議性或是比較前衛的藝術家。
3. 你和同学的看法:

Friday  3/29_______________________________
Class does not meet. Please meet with your paired partner to
 complete the following task:
Group Assignment #3 – due Friday mid-night – posted under comments.
1. Meet with your partner, compare notes, and discuss the meaning of Mr. Shui’s comments
2. List two main points in Chinese from Mr. Shui’s comments.
3. Work together and post a response comment in Chinese (one paragraph about 8-10 sentences) explaining whether you agree with Mr. Shui’s opinion and why. (You can use the grammar patterns listed below. We will go over the patterns next week in class.)

HOMEWORK to be completed by 4/1 Monday’s class: TO BE POSTED

Start reading the following background essays to p
repare for Weeks #13/14 Topic #3 Project
英文背景閱讀Background Reading:
1. Frontline: China in the red: birth of a beijing music scene | PBS
. Luo Dayou in Concert: Taiwan Singer-Songwriter an Inspiration to Mainland Musicians
4. An Artist’s Famous Smile: What Lies Behind It? – NYTimes
5. Teresa Teng: Taiwan’s controversial diva – gbtimes
6. The Rabel Returns – Cui Jian – timeout Beijing
7. Where an Internet Joke is not a Joke – NYTimes
8. Shen Yun: Art, Truth, Politics clash at Kennedy Center
9. Zhu Yu: Conceptual vs. Controversial

Weeks #10-11文法複習:
1. 不僅/不但…,而且…
2. ….,不僅如此,…還/也
3. 受到…的影響/對…的影響
4. 儘管
5. 之所以…是因為…
6. 越來越 vs.  越A越B
7. 只有…才…
8. 任何…都…
9. 寧可…也不…
10. 當…時
11. 甚至 vs. 連…都/也…
12. 其實… / 其實…並不
13. 對…來說 vs.  就…而言 vs. 論…
14. 不管… / 無論…都…
15. 最重要的是… / 最有趣的是… / 最吸引人的是… / 最讓人生氣的是… / 最令人難忘的是…

Week #11 阅读资料:
1. 崔健的《一无所有》通过叛逆性的歌唱表现出作为一名文化反叛者应有的个性意识和批判精神。可以这样讲,《一无所有》是中国20世纪80年代末90年代初社会转型时期的一面镜子,照出了那一代年轻人从传统社会文化中觉醒后挣扎着反抗的痛苦心境和在迷惘困惑中不断寻找自己精神家园的艰难心路历程。





2. (2005年04月03日20:07 新华网 由高等教育出版社新近出版的《大学语文》收入了罗大佑歌曲《现象七十二变》。 《现象七十二变》列在新版《大学语文》的诗歌篇。在《导语》中,编者认为:“今天的流行歌曲,或许就是明天的诗。以此审视,流行歌曲自有超越通俗文化的意义与价值。罗大佑歌曲的价值,在于他唱出了二十世纪八九十年代,海峡两岸中国青年面临社会转型时所特有的迷惘、困惑、痛苦和思考”。

黃花崗有七十二個烈士 孔老夫子有七十二個弟子
 孫悟空的魔法七十二變 我們要等到民國七十二年
 歲歲年年風水都在改變 有多少滄海一夜變成桑田
 在這個五千年的悠久歷史裡面 成功與失敗多少都有一點
 清清楚楚寫在你的臉上 你是個道道地地的聰明人
 慌慌張張邁開你的腳步 你是個匆匆忙忙的現代人
 有人默默耕耘默默從事 有人在過著他的太平日子
 有人在大白天裡彼此明爭暗鬥 有人在黑夜之中槍殺歌手
 隨著都市現代化的程度 每個人多少追求一點幸福
 是個什麼樣的心理因素 每天要吃掉一條高速公路
 在西門町的天橋上面閒逛 有多少文明人在人行道上
 就像我看那文明車輛橫衝直撞 我不懂大家心中做何感想
 一年過了又是新的一年 每一年現代都在傳統邊緣
 在每個新的一年三百六十五天 我們都每天進步一點點
 眼看著高樓蓋得越來越高 我們的人情味卻越來越薄
 朋友之間越來越有禮貌 只因為大家見面越來越少
 蘋果價錢賣得沒以前高 或許現在味道變得不好
 就像彩色的電視變得更佳花俏 能辨別黑白的人越來越少
 一年過了又是新的一年 每一年都曾經是新的一年
 在每個新的一年三百六十五天 我們都每天進步一點點
 現實生活不能等待奇蹟 這是個非常簡單的道理
 如果真要生存非常容易 只要你對人保持一點距離
 但是生活不能像在演戲 你戴著面具如何面對自己
 或許你將會真的發現一些奇蹟 只要你拋開一些面子問題
 或許你將會發現人生還算美麗 只要你拋開一些面子問題


43 thoughts on “Wk#10 (3/25-3/29)

  1. 1. 崔健的歌,”Nothing to My Name”不但成為中國學生的抗議國歌在天安門廣場,而且影响新生代和搖滾音樂的爭議。
    2. 許多藝術家的作品不僅如此諷刺中國的政府,還代表藝術家的情感和創意。
    3. 很多人在1989 受到流行音樂和搖滾音樂的影響,所以許多學生參加運動。
    4. 儘管政府禁止許多歌手和樂隊表演,搖滾音樂有更多的歡迎。
    5. 之所以羅大佑的歌手在新生代很流行是因為他的歌詞談生活,態度,社會,和政治的問題。他的風格並不難,但他的風格寫的很聰明。
    6. 岳敏君的微笑的自畫像越來越北人家批評因為岳敏君的視覺藝術商業化諷刺中國和台灣的政府。

  2. 1. 中國大陸人聽台灣歌手的音樂不但有娛樂性,而且還可以學到台灣的文化。
    2. 崔健的歌之所以都很受歡迎是因為他寫的歌詞充滿了不同的含義,不僅如此,他對社會的責任感也讓他被認為是一個真正的中國知識分子。
    3. 世界各地的藝術家都受到岳敏君的畫的影響。
    4. 儘管崔健的專輯不是出得很密,他也很受觀眾的歡迎。
    5. 羅大佑之所以那麼受歡迎是因為他的歌詞很有爭議性。
    6. 崔健寫的歌詞越來越有諷刺性。/羅大佑唱歌越唱越紅。

  3. 1. 羅大佑不但天才的,而且他對他的聽眾很有影響。
    2. 羅大佑用他的音樂批評台灣的政治現狀, 不僅如此, 他的音樂也是好聽的。
    3. 不管大陸和台灣喜歡搖滾音樂,他們都受到搖滾音樂的影響。
    4. 儘管我很累也想睡覺,我一定要做完功課。
    5. 之所以羅大佑的手歌很流行是因為他的手歌談談生活,愛情,和政治的問題。
    6. 如果你努力地學習,你的成績會越來越好。

  4. 1。崔健的歌曲不仅有政治的意味,不但有争议性的。






  5. 1. 崔健不但会弹吉他,而且会吹小号。
    2. 不仅如此,就想出去走走,大家也都抢着要载,且这个抢人的剧情几乎天天上演。
    3. 美国的摇滚乐对中国音乐文化的影响很大。
    4. 尽管我的听力不太好,我的写作能力是还可以的。
    5. 之所以中国的摇滚乐是有争议的是因为政府经常审查歌手。
    6. 尽管政府的审查,中国的摇滚乐正在成为越来越受欢迎。

  6. 1. Cui Jian’s music includes not only traditional Chinese instruments, but also Western rock melodies.

    2. The smiles Yue Minjun paints can represent many different emotions. Not only that, but they seem to represent something beyond just emotion as well.
    岳敏君畫的笑容可以代表許多不同的感情。不僅如此,它們也似乎代表一個超過 (chao1guo4 surpass) 感情的事情。

    3a. When Yue Minjun created his special smiles, he received the influence of another artist named Geng Jianyi.
    岳敏君創作他特別的笑容的時候受到另外一個藝術家,叫耿建翼 (Geng3 Jian4yi4),的影響。

    3b. In the mid-80’s, Luo Dayou had a large effect on the young generation.

    4. During Cui Jian’s performance in Shenzhen, despite the Ministry of Culture’s willingness to compromise, Cui Jian still refused to accept its condition and wasn’t allowed to perform a second show.
    崔建在深圳 (Shen1zhan4) 的表演時,儘管文部省 (wen2bu4sheng3 Ministry of Culture) 願意妥協 (tuo3xie2 to compromise),崔建還拒絕 (ju4jue2 refuse) 接受他的條件 (tiao2jian4 condition),所以不可以表演第二個表演。

    5. I think the reason why so many young people like Luo Dayou’s music is because his lyrics are so down-to-earth.
    之所以那麼多年輕人喜歡羅大佑的音樂,我覺得是因為他的歌詞是那麼樸實的(pu3shi2 down-to-earth)。

    6. Because there are so many counterfeit CD’s, in China, it’s becoming easier and easier for young people to listen to all kinds of music.
    因為那麼多仿冒品 (fang3mao4pin3 counterfeit) 光碟 (guang1die2 CD)的關係,在中國年輕人聽各式各樣的音樂越來越容易。

  7. 1. 落大佑不但是一個很有名的音樂家,而且被認為是一個中國知識份子。
    2. 台灣流行音樂
    3. 台灣政治藝術文化都對中國音樂的影響很大。
    4. 儘管催建叫中國搖滾教父,有批評家覺得他不再是中國音樂的代表。
    5. 落大佑的歌詞之所以很流行是因為他的作品一看比較簡單,可是以後發現靈活。
    6. 岳敏君的画很奇怪,可是你越看越喜歡。

  8. zuo4pin3 作品

  9. 作品
    bao3cun2 保存

  10. Part 1:
    艺术家 yishujia-artist
    创意chuangyi-creative meaning
    Part 2:
    艺术种类Yishu zhonglei-Art forms
    表演艺术biaoyan yishu-performing art
    wi3dao3 舞蹈-opera dance(classier way of saying dance)
    有争议性you zhengyixing-controversial

  11. 生词 (3-25)

    (not 喘一) 创意 CREATIVE
    作品 art work
    种类 type
    形式 forms/type
    文学 literary
    视觉 visual (vision)
    舞蹈 dance
    xi4ju4 戏剧 theater
    有争议性 controversial
    批评 criticize
    政府 government
    zheng4ce4 政策 policy
    保存 preserve

  12. Sam, Mia, Taili

    Shui Tian Zhong was born in 1935 in Lanzhou in Gansu Province. He is a fellow at the Chinese Art Academy. He is the director of the Chinese Fine Arts Committee and a permanent member of the Chinese Oil Painting Institute. He has critiqued many oil and landscape painting collections, including “Century’s Gate” and “A Modern Fine Arts Collection”. The State Council has recognized him as an important contribution to the studies of Chinese fine arts.

  13. Name: 水天中
    DOB: 1935
    From: Langzhou, Gansu
    -Researcher at the Chinese Academy of Arts
    -Deputy director of the commeettie of Chinese Arts Association
    -Executive Director at China Oil Painting Society
    -Participates in many art activities in terms of foreign art interaction in China

  14. 1) I’m quite interested in the current state of China, present-day art. Precisely, Chinese art since the 20th century. Simply put China now, and the characteristics of modern art, are full of diversity and richness.
    2) Chinese art is now in the process of becoming a whole in the world of art. Modern Chinese art and world art are already connected, and Chinese art has already become a part of world art.
    3) To mention contemporary are it is also important to mention the art equipment, behavior, new media art, however some drawings have very powerful contemporary characteristics.
    4) It is just the beginning of the rise of new media art, generally the so-called new media is television and images digitalized in order to create new work. International art expresses their artistic ideas through the digitized images and works have a more avant-garde expression that the traditional performance art compared to the contemporary.
    5) Avant-garde art continues to put itself in the cultural antithesis of mainstream society, and once it lost this targeted, it loses its avant-garde.
    6) In this case, the contemporary art pays more and more attention to the concept of art, the so-called modern art is concerned about what mostly concern you. For example, environmental issues, gender issues, racial issues, religious conflict, it is difficult to exclude all mankinds issues.

  15. 1. I compare the interest of present China, the contemporary fine arts since the 20th century. To put present China simply, contemporary fine arts’ characteristic is diverse and rich.

    2. Chinese art currently with world art is becoming one whole process. Chinese art at present already with world art is connected and already is a part of world art.

    3. Mentioning contemporary art commonly also brings about mentioning the equipment of art, behavior, and new media art. However, some drawings also have a strong contemporary nature.

    4. At the present time, media art has started to spring up. Therefore new media has been created through means of digital movies and television as well as pictures. Internationally, digital images express one’s own art concepts are even more avant-garde and contemporary than traditional art.

    5. Avant-garde art is constantly putting oneself out into the opposite of society’s mainstream. It loses its focus, and also loses its avant-garde nature.

    6. In this circumstance, contemporary art is becoming a more and more important art concept. Therefore the contemporary nature covers your most concerning contemporary problems. For example there are environmental problems, gender problems, race problems, religion conflict problems, and more. This is today’s human race’s most hard to eliminate problem.

  16. 1) I am quite partial to Modern and Contemporary Chinese Art, which is all fine art since the 20th Century. Simply speaking, what is so special about Chinese contemporary art are its abundance and diversity.
    2) Chinese Art is at present in a process of becoming more globalized, and is now being integrated in the global art scene, of which a portion has already become globally recognized.
    3) When mentioning contemporary art, one usually refers to art installations, performances, and new media art, but some paintings also have a strong contemporary spirit.
    4) At present, interest in New Media Arts has just started to grow, and this term typically refers to images and films that have been produced through a digitized process. Internationally, digitized images conveying the artists personal concepts have already become much more vanguard and contemporary than more traditional art methods.
    5) Vanguard art is art in which the artist continuously places him-or herself in opposition to mainstream culture; if it quickly loses its relevance, it loses its vanguard character.
    6) In this kind of situation, contemporary art attaches more and more value to the conceptual and ideological natures of art, and what is called contemporaneous are social problems that you, yourself are interested in. For example environmental, sexual, ethnic, and religious issues, etc., these are dangerous issues facing humanity that are hard to eliminate.

  17. 1. 我比較關注的是中國現、當代的美術。就是20世紀以來的中國美術。…簡單地說中國現、當代美術的特點就是多樣性和豐富性。
    I am comparing contemporary art as it is China today. This means Chinese art since the 20th century. Simply put, the characteristics of Chinese contemporary art are its diversity and abundance.
    2. 中國藝術目前正處於和世界性的藝術成為一個整體的過程。… 中國藝術現在已經和世界藝術接軌了,已經成為世界藝術的一部分了。
    At present, Chinese art has evolved into a global phenomenon, both popular and with cosmopolitan characteristics. Already Chinese art has been brought under the fold of the worldwide art community, making it but a subset of global art.
    3. 提到當代藝術一般要提到裝置藝術 、行為、新媒體藝術,但是有些繪畫也有很強的當代性。
    In order to discuss contemporary art, most discuss installation art, behavior art, and new media art; but some, more traditional forms, like paintings also bear a strong resemblance contemporary styles.
    4. 目前剛剛開始興起的新媒體藝術,一般所謂的新媒體就是通過數字化的影視和圖象來創作的作品。在國際上,通過數字化的圖象表達自己的藝術觀念的作品已經比裝置和傳統的行為藝術更加前衛和當代一些。
    New media art is only just starting to gain popularity. Most of these so-called ‘new media’ pieces are merely created through the means of digital movies or images. Internationally speaking, the use of digital art as an avenue to express individual opinions on art is already even more avant garde and contemporary than installation art and traditional forms of behavior art
    5. 前衛藝術就是要不斷地把自己放到社會主流文化的對立面,它一旦失去了這種針對性,它也就失去了它的前衛性。
    Avant garde art means to constantly put oneself in opposition with mainstream society and culture, if one loses this type of focuses then they will also lose the characteristics that make their art avant garde.
    6. 在這種情況下,當代藝術就越來越重視藝術的觀念性,所謂的當代性就是你關注當代最關注的一些問題。比如說環境問題、性別問題、種族問題、宗教沖突問題等等,這是當前全人類都難以排除的很尖銳的問題。
    In this type of situation, contemporary art has gradually become a gateway for personal expression. So-called contemporary characteristics can be whatever contemporary problems that you find yourself concerned about. For example: environmental questions, gender questions, racial questions, religious conflict questions, etc. These controversial problems are all those that modern humanity has yet to find a way to solve.

  18. Part 1:
    艺术家 yishujia-artist
    创意chuangyi-creative meaning
    Part 2:
    艺术种类Yishu zhonglei-Art forms
    表演艺术biaoyan yishu-performing art
    武大wuda-opera dance(classier way of saying dance)
    有争议性you zhengyixing-controversial
    Short Bio
    Shui Tian Zhong is an art critic Born January 1935. He is currently a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Arts and is the executive director of the Chinese oil painting society. He comes from a family of painters. Shui Tian Zhong used to be a painter but has now moved on to becoming an art critic in the history of art and the fine arts. Shui Tian Zhong started out as a critic of art leading back to the Song dynasty and has now moved onto art in the 20th century. He has hosted and participated in the assessment of the Chinese oil painting exhibition, landscape painting and oil painting exhibition.
    1st group talked about first impression of shanghai was beautiful and fanhua. And Taipei has caogun(very green) consumerism(xiaofeiguan) is different in Taipei. For example if you go to canguan you will see families eating together in Taipei but in shanghai you will see white collar people(gongshiren)
    2nd group caomeizu
    3rd group talked about how wenhua and jingji have a connection if your city is more well rounded then it will attract business people and the economy will improve.
    1. These are my comparisons of modern Chinese and contemporary art with emphasis of art in the 20th century. To put it simply, modern china’s contemporary characteristics is very diverse and rich.
    简单的说to put it simply
    多样性duoyangxing diverse
    2. Chinese art currently is straight forward and worldly embodying a global course of events. Chinese modern art has even now been incorporated into worldly art.
    3. In reference to contemporary art, action, and new media art, there is somewhat powerfulness to its contemporary characteristics.
    新媒体xinmeiti new media
    4. Only recently has art started to give way to new media art, this so called new media art comes in the form of digital movies and pictures. Internationally, digital pictures are a way of a person expressing their art style which can be traditional art, vanguard and contemporary.
    作品work of art
    数字化shuzihua digital
    所谓suowei so called
    5. Vanguard art is a form of art that continues a person’s unique and opposite mindset from mainstream society and culture, if you lose this factor, then you lose the vanguard characteristic.
    6. This type of trend is now starting to fall away to a more contemporary art form which is becoming a more increasing popular style of art, this is the biggest problem of contemporary art. For example environmental problems, gender problems, ethnic problems, religious conflicts etc. It is hard to eliminate these problems in the present world. ???

  19. Shui Tianzhong was born in 1935, in Lanzhou, Gansu province. He currently works as a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Arts. He is the deputy director of the Committee of Chinese Arts Association, as well as the Chinese Oil Paint Society executive director. He is a well-known art critic. He has written several books, including Chinese Contemporary Art Criticism Series, Passing through the Seasons, and Twentieth Century Chinese Oil Painting (Volume I). His primary interest is contemporary Chinese Art in the 20th Century. He has been in charge of an has participated in the assessment of the Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition, the art critic Annual Nomination Exhibition, Chinese landscape painting and oil painting Landscape Exhibition, the Exhibition of 20th Century Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition, and “Gate of the Century” Modern Art Exhibition. He has presided over the Annual Conference of the Chinese Academy of Arts Institute of Fine Arts, National Art Theory Symposium, Lin Fengmian art workshops, and the new era creative arts theory seminar. He has attained prominent contribution specialist from the State Council. Shui Tianzhong often goes abroad to see foreign exhibits and understand the current situation of foreign art.

  20. Eric, Maggie, Shelby

    Shui Tian Zhong is an art critic and holds the position of executive director of the Chinese Oil Painting Society and is also a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Arts. Born in Lanzhou, Gansu in 1935, Mr. Shui comes from a family of painters. Shui was once a painter himself, but has since moved on to the field of art criticism, with an emphasis in the history of art as well as the fine arts. Shui Tian Zhong began his career as a critic examining works from the Song dynasty, he now works with 20th century artwork. He has written and compiled a variety of texts, including “Chinese Modern Paintings Review”, “Modern Art Assessment Series”, “Through the Four Seasons”, “History: Art and Man”, “Selected Works of Chinese Artists in the 20th Century.” (edited by Lang Shoujun), “History of Art,” and “20th Century Oil Painting” (vol. I). Additionally, he has hosted and participated in many exhibitions. He acted as a judge in the ‘Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition’ and ‘Chinese Landscape and Oil Painting Exhibition.’ Mr. Shui also displayed his work in the ‘20th Century Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition’ and ‘Gate of the Century Modern Art Exhibition.’ Mr. Shui has presided over the Annual Conference of the Chinese Academy of Arts’ Institute of Fine Arts, National Art Theory Symposiums, Lin Fengmian Art Workshops, and presided over the New Era Creative Arts Theory Seminar many times.


    評論 (pínglùn) critic

    評審 (píngshěn) to judge, to evaluate, to assess

    畫展 (huàzhǎn) art exhibition

    油畫 (yóuhuà) oil painting

    副主任 (fùzhǔrèn) deputy direction
    常務理事 (chángwùlǐshì) permanent member of a council

  21. 对比 - duìbǐ - contrast
    结构 - jiégòu - structure (of an artistic work)
    观念 - guānniàn - sense (of a concept, idea)
    架桥 - jiàqiáo - to bridge (can be use metaphorically)
    背离 - bèilí - to deviate from (traditional practices or methods)
    色彩 - sècǎi - coloration

  22. Translation of Shui Tianzhong’s Comments:
    1. I am especially concerned with comparing China’s modern and contemporary fine arts, especially Chinese art from the 20th Century onward. To put it simply, the unique characteristics China’s modern and contemporary arts are diverse and abundant.
    2. At the present moment, Chinese art and art around the world have reached a state where they are becoming more harmoniously intertwined as a process.
    3. When speaking of contemporary art in general, one must speak of installation art, performance art and art exploring new mediums of expression. Additionally, there are some paintings that represent contemporary art.
    4. At the present time, new mediums of expression have only very recently come into vogue. In general, the mediums that can be called “new mediums” certainly includes movies, television and photography that have been created and altered digitally. Internationally, the digital medium has become its own mode of artistic expression that has already added more to the avant-garde and contemporary art scenes when compared to successes of installation and traditional performance art.
    5. Avant-garde art has acted to consistently place itself as the anti-thesis to mainstream culture, if it were to lose this purpose, it would also lose its quality of being avant-garde.
    6. In this state of affairs, contemporary art has increasingly attached importance to the conceptual qualities of a work of art. What is called “contemporary” focuses on several important issues that you are concerned with. For instance, contemporary art addresses environmental issues, gender issues, racial issues, issues of religious conflict and so on. These are the contemporary issues that all of mankind is having serious difficulty doing away with.

  23. Shui Tian Zhong was born in 1935 in Lanzhou Prefecture, Gansu Province. He now serves as a researcher at the China Art Research Institute, the assistant director of the theory committee of the China Artists Association, and a permanent member of the China oil painting institute. He is a prominent critic of contemporary Chinese art. He claims that China is not yet open enough to fully appreciate forms of contemporary art, and he is a supporter of exposing China to these more modern art forms. He also supports freedom of expression and conveying new ideas through artistic media.

  24. Translation:

    1. I’m pretty aware of the current state of China and contemporary art and how it has been since the 20th century. Simply put, the characteristics of contemporary art are that there is a lot of variation and diversity.
    2. At the present time, the current state of Chinese art and art around the world is becoming a global course of events. Chinese art is now already on the same level as other art around the world, and has already become a part of global art.
    3. Mentioning contemporary art generally raises ideas of art, conduct, and new art in the media, but some paintings are also very strong in terms of the contemporary era.
    4. Recently there was a rise of new art in the media, in general, the new art in the media has been created by going through digitalization by means of movies, television, and pictures. In terms of international art affairs, digitalized pictures expresses personal ideas about art as opposed to traditional ways of art and is more progressive in the contemporary era.
    5. Progressive art allows for continuous additions of putting yourself in mainstrem society and culture, and if it loses this purpose, then it immediately loses it’s progressiveness.
    6. In this kind of situation, the contemporary age is starting to value the notion of art more and more, and the nature of this contemporary era mostly concerns the problems relating to your interest in it. For example, environmental issues, gender issues, race issues, relgious conflict issues, etc. These are currently the most intense problems that hard to eliminate within human nature.

  25. 1. I pay attention to modern and contemporary Chinese fine arts from the twentieth century on. To put it simply, modern Chinese art has more variety and content.
    2. Chinese art is currently becoming a part of the global art community. Chinese art is on the same page as the world’s art and has become more widely understood and accepted.
    3. In order to talk about Chinese fine arts, one must mention art installation, activity, and new art media. However, some art has a distinct modern nature to it.
    4. Recently, the digital production of movies and pictures has become the new form of art media. Internationally, digital art is the new trend to express an artist’s views.
    5. The new trend in art is to put oneself opposite mainstream society. Once art loses that position, it ceases to be new and trendy art.
    6. In this situation, contemporary art is more and more connected to the current time period and its issues.For example, issues of the environment, gender, race, religion, and more. All these problems are difficult issues that affect the entire human race.

  26. 我比较关注的是中国现、当代的美术。就是20世纪以来的中国美术。…简单地说中国现、当代美术的特点就是多样性和丰富性。
    The thing I pay relative close attention to is China’s present, contemporary painting. That is, the art of the twentieth century. To put it simply, the main characteristic of China’s contemporary painting is diversity and richness.

    中国艺术目前正处于和世界性的艺术成为一个整体的过程。… 中国艺术现在已经和世界艺术接轨了,已经成为世界艺术的一部分了。
    Chinese art is at the present time in a state of mixing with the worlds forms of art to become a synthesized process. China’s art has already connected with the world’s art, and has already become a portion of the world’s art.

    提到当代艺术一般要提到装置艺术 、行为、新媒体艺术,但是有些绘画也有很强的当代性。
    To bring up contemporary art generally means bringing up installation art, performance art, and new media art, but some painted art still has a very strong contemporary nature.

    At the present time new media art has just begun to spring up, in general what is called new media art is to say that it is a work of art created through digital film and images. Internationally, works of art produced through digitalizing images, this concept, is already more avant-garde and somewhat contemporary than traditional or installation art.

    Avant-garde art desires to unceasingly release oneself from society’s mainstream culture and oppose it, in case it loses this kind of focus it also loses its avant-garde nature.
    In this situation, contemporary art is more and more valuing the conceptual properties of art, so what is called contemporary is exactly that you pay the most attention to contemporary problems. For example, environmental problems, gender problems, race problems, religious conflict problems, etc., this is the difficult to predict or remove intense problem of all modern humanity.

  27. Jack Sieber

    1. I pay close attention to current events in China, contemporary art, more specifically, twentieth century art. Put simply, contemporary Chinese art’s distinguishing feature is its range of diversity and abundance.
    2. Chinese art is just now starting to prove itself internationally, and has already become legitimized by the international art scene.
    3. When speaking of contemporary art, one must include art installations, performances, new-form media, and the more traditional art form of drawing and painting (which still continue to be powerful forms of art even in modern day).
    4. Recently, newer forms of art have sprung up, generally what is referred to as digital art, where manipulating videos or photos digitally produces the art. The digitalization of images and voice has allowed individuals to express themselves to the global audience in a way which traditional forms of art cannot match.
    4. Avant-garde art is necessitates placing oneself the mainstream culture, and then opposing the mainstream. If it loses this type of focus, then it will also lose the very thing that makes it avant-garde.
    5. These circumstances, in the broader focus of art, have lent themselves to accelerating the pervasiveness of contemporary art. What is called “contemporary art” is merely paying attention to what issues are prevalent now; for example, the environment, gay rights, race, religion, etc- the perennial issues.

  28. Eddie, Shelby


  29. Sam, Mia, Taili

    我們覺得新媒體是比較民眾唾手可得,因為許多人能上網看這樣的藝術。 可是,新媒體藝術也可能會失去了古典作品的藝術性的功力。

  30. Google Searches on the types of art from the the translation:

    Behavior Art 行為藝術

    Installation Art 裝置藝術

    New Media Art 新媒體藝術

  31. 生詞 3-27-13
    不久以前 not too long ago
    展覽 exhibition
    正統 mainstream
    主流 mainstream
    傳統 traditional
    價值 value
    藝術性/娛樂性高/不高 artistic value;entertaining
    看法 viewpoint
    想法 opinion

  32. 主流-mainstream
    行为艺术-behavior art

  33. 我和美莲觉得艺术是可有可无但是可更换的。应为人家都对艺术有他们自己的趣味。但是人家的趣味会很容易地变。比如说如果有新的艺术家介绍比较有争议性的话,有些人会开始喜欢这样的新的现象。

  34. 因為是數字話的時代, 藝術家可以很容易把他們的作品放在主流的媒體, 可以介紹新的藝術形式, 我們覺得這樣很好, 因為讓人很創意.

  35. Mia, Sam, Taili


    2. 當代藝術越來越關注當前問題。比如說,黃景問題,性別問題,宗教問題,等等。

    在他的詳談水天中說他覺得在七十年代以前,藝術家不能表示自己的看法。 如果藝術家的看法跟政治的大不相同,他們可能會被政府嚴懲。他說現在, “根本沒有這個問題”。 他也說,藝術批評的問題不是政治的,而是傳統倫理觀念的問題。 我們跟水天中意見不合。 我們看今天中國政府跟人民(包括藝術家)的關係是階級式的, 操控很嚴。 比如說,一個很有名的藝術家叫艾未未,為了他做的有爭議性的作品,被政府幽禁。 艾未未是一個表達審查的例子。 如果藝術家被政府審查,他們怎麼表達自己的想法?

  36. 現代通信技術對藝術界使快速成長,由於藝術界的形式,思想和創作過程受到了網絡溝通的影響。鄧小平的改革開放不但使中國經濟越來越自由,而且給中國的藝術家更表達權力。水天中表達:藝術攝製得越來越快,越來越又多-是這樣因為社會把電信利用極了。當代電信幫中國共產主義政府限制人民的批評-對中國共產黨來說,電信是個非常有用的工具。不管當代的互相聯繫,所有的藝術形式還受到政權的影響。只要自由的社會和民主政府才有現實的批評,和只要現實批評才有清廉的藝術。比如, 雖然在網路上人應該有自由也應該可以表達不同的意見, 中國政府還有管網路上的資料. 這樣, 中國藝術家, 作家, 等等還沒有真的在網路上的表達能力.

  37. 水天中两个重点:




  38. 1. Meet with your partner, compare notes, and discuss the meaning of Mr. Shui’s comments


    English Translation:
    What is the significance of to people of a nation, for mankind as a whole, or even to an individual? I think this the question for art should be asked in such way. Art is indispensable. Regardless whether it is one person or a clan, a nation or a country, art’s role is hidden but gradual. Chinese traditional interpretation is influenced gradually, that gradually enhance one’s aesthetic taste, while enhancing the love of beauty, health, life, care and concern, which I think are indispensable. But if you want to use art to change a specific problem or change people’s livelihood, that is unrealistic, and (even if not) it is difficult to achieve.

    2. List two main points in Chinese from Mr. Shui’s comments.

    1. 艺术是不可缺少的。
    Art is indispensable.

    2. 艺术的逐渐地能够提升你的审美品味,提升你对一切美的、健康的、有生命的东西的热爱、关心和关注。
    Art gradually enhances your aesthetic taste, enhances your love of beauty, health, life, care and concern.

    3. Work together and post a response comment in Chinese (one paragraph about 8-10 sentences) explaining whether you agree with Mr. Shui’s opinion and why. (You can use the grammar patterns listed below. We will go over the patterns next week in class.)


    Shui Tianzhong’s point is that art is indispensable. He thinks that art gradually enhances your aesthetic taste and enhances your love of beauty, health, life, care and concern. Our opinion is that creating art has many benefits. Anyone can create art. Art allows people to express their feelings and allows people to create new and innovative artwork. Art not only cannot fix a specific problem, nor can it change a people’s livelihood. Art is not a solution. Art reveals problems and reveals people’s lives. Through the process of appreciating art, a person can become more and more smart and cultured.

  39. 水天中

    Shui Tianzhong is a famous Chinese art critic. Mr. Shui is currently a researcher at the Chinese research institute. He has hosted numerous artistic discussion seminars. He is also the deputy director of the committee of the Chinese Fine Arts Theory Association, and a permanent member on the council of the Chinese Oil Painting Institute. For these reasons Mr. Shui is famous in China as a renowned art critic. He is very knowledgeable about contemporary art and the various styles that have arisen in the more recent past.

    評論家 pínglùnjiā
    當代美術 dāngdàiměishù: contemporary art
    前卫性 qiánwèixìng: avant-garde
    艺术界 yìshùjiè: art world
    多樣性 duōyàngxìng: variegation, diversity
    影響 yǐngxiǎng: influence

  40. 水先生說了“如今当国外的艺术界谈到当代艺术的时候必然就包括了中国艺术。” 而且他說 “我们很难设想如果中国没有那些古老的建筑,包括我们的长城、兵马俑、敦煌艺术,没有李白、杜甫、屈原,没有红楼梦、没有关汉卿,没有这些的中国人是什么样的中国人?。。。很难想象。这些对我们有很深远的影响,所以无论是个人还是群体来说艺术都是必不可少的。而且应该有越来越多的人去关注、培植。”


  41. 水天中回答
    乾脆 blunt

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