Chinese 307 | 三年中文: 從電影看中國文化的承傳與創新
Through the Cinematic Lens: Old and New China in Film
Topic #4 從不一樣的喜劇來看藝術電影和商業電影的價值
課程題目與目標 Lesson Topic & Goals:
1. 透过幾種類型的喜劇片来看中國票房電影和藝術電影的不同;
2. 準備辯論題目: 制作艺术电影比商业电影重要。同意还是反对?
Wk #13: 《尋槍》The Missing Gun (China, 2002) Screening Notes
Wk#14: 《海角七號》Cape No.7 (Taiwan, 2008) 完整版預告 Screening Notes
Wk#15: 《手机》Cell Phone (China, 2003) Screening Notes – to be screened on Monday 4/25
Monday 4/22_________________________________________
1. Topic #4 Writing Assignment – 写影评:你可以选择中文或英文电影 (check posting – 1st paragraph by Monday 5 pm, late posting by Tuesday 10 am)
2. 分組討論辯論:
组一:Riccardo, Nitai, Phillip
组二:Ada, Emily, Taylor
组三: Bo, Edmund
组四: Colin, Liz
Student Evaluation (last 20 min.)
1. 喜欢看艺术片的观众多是喜欢想像和思考的人,他们觉得商业片实在是太肤浅,不愿意浪费时间!
2. 艺术片比较有内涵和深度,也许看了一次不懂导演的讯息,可以一看再看,是值得回味的经典。
1. 商业片仅供消遣,故事内容不需要太严肃。观众没有时间和心情去分析电影,也不要希望看了电影后有挫折感。
2. 商业电影的目的就是要普通大众从电影中找到娱乐性,来疏解现实生活的负担和压力。
3. 电影就是一种产品,商业电影让人心甘情愿花钱去看,有人买就有人拍,竞争激烈自然会越拍越好。艺术电影没有观众看,没有人批评没有进步,那么就会慢慢淘汰了!
HW to be completed before Wednesday’s class on 4/27:
1. 準備辯論
2. 翻譯功課: 《手机》Cell Phone (China, 2003) Screening Notes (translation of the synopsis into English by next Wednesday 5/4 – last day of class)
Wednesday 4/27_______________________________________
1. 辯論 (follow the same rule from last time – see under Comments)
HW to be completed before Friday’s class on 4/29:
1. Topic #4 Writing Assignment – 写影评 (Revise 1st paragraph, continue on 2nd paragraph – see description of each paragraph below)
Friday 4/22____________________________________________
1. 检查功课
2. 写影评
Paragragh 1 (draft completed by Monday 4/25 5:00 p.m.): 开头应该包含两层意思。一是对分析的对象(即这部作品)做个简单的介绍:叫什么名字(标题),作者是谁(那个台拍的),讲了什么内容,表达什么主题等。二是对这部作品做个总的评价,就是提出全文的中心论点,如“这部片子拍得很成功”等等。
Paragraph 2 (draft completed by Friday 4/29 before class – You can use the class time to edit and re-write.)中间是主体,要求具体分析这部片子的成功之处,有哪些创作经验。提出三个方面的特点,还可在前面加上“第一、第二、第三”,或“首先、其次、再次”。
Paragraph 3 ((draft completed by Monday 5/2 5:00 p.m.) 最后是结尾,是解决问题,即结论部分。这部分很短,主要对全文作总结,或指出其不足,或提出希望,或补充说明,或照应开头。。
HW to be completed before Monday’s class on 5/2:
1. 影評 (complete draft – including 3rd phragraph – you can use the entire class time to edit and finalize 3rd paragraph)
2. 《手机》Cell Phone (China, 2003) Screening Notes (not due until Wednesday 5/4)
相關連接 Related Links:
1. 《海角七號》(Cape No. 7) 是一部2008年的台灣電影。
2. 票房破62.06亿- 2009中国电影艺术与产业备忘; accessed on 4/14 at
Save the date: May 11 (Wednesday) 4:00pm-6:00pm WY209
Class party for all 3rd-year students and graduating seniors in Chinese!
Take-out dinner from Tthe acoma Szechuan!
背景閱讀資料 Background Reading Materials:
1. What Is Independent Film? – (accessed on 4/19 at
2. Film Review – Cell Phone (accessed on 4/24 at
3. New York Times Movie Review – The Missing Gun: It Would Have Been Much Easier if He’d Just Misplaced His Keys, By ELVIS MITCHELL (Published: April 2, 2003; accessed on 4/10 at
4. New York Times Movie Review – Happy Times: Where Happiness Comes in Small Dollops, by A. O. SCOTT (Published: July 26, 2002; accessed on 4/10/11 at
5. Film Review – Tropical Fish by DAVID ROONEY (Published on Aug 20, 1995; accessed on 4/10/11 at
Pro Con
Time Allowance Time Allowance
Introduction: 3 minutes 3 minutes
Rebuttal: 3 minutes 3 minutes
Questions from Class 4 minutes 4 minutes
equally to Pro & Con
alternating. If there is
time the professor will
Concluding Remarks: 2 minutes 2 minutes
Total Time Pro & Con 12 minutes 12 minutes
Rules and responsibilities:
1.) Team members must meet together in preparation for the debate, so they can work together as an effective team.
2.) The timekeeper will strictly enforce the time restrictions, providing a 30 second warning before the end of each section of the debate.
3.) All members of each side must participate in the debate.
4.) You may bring some brief notes, but you may not read them. 5.) Maintain good eye contact with the audience.
Paragraph 1 Rough Draft
Sun Laoshi noted on 4/28: Put it in a fomal movie review style. Not 合一中国 should be 统一中国
Sun Laoshi noted on 4/28: Good intro. Maybe add just one comment at the end to tell the potential viewers if they would like it or not.
Sun Laoshi noted on 4/28: What does this phrase mean? 有点儿狗血 Also, does 强大 at the end mean powerful?
My movie is “Edward Scissorhands”
Sun Laoshi noted on 4/28: You need to actually write the first paragraph for the 电影评论!Be sure to follow the format listed here:
Paragragh 1 (draft completed by Monday 4/25 5:00 p.m.): 开头应该包含两层意思。一是对分析的对象(即这部作品)做个简单的介绍:叫什么名字(标题),作者是谁(那个台拍的),讲了什么内容,表达什么主题等。二是对这部作品做个总的评价,就是提出全文的中心论点,如“这部片子拍得很成功”等等。
知名香港導演王晶在1991年所拍的《賭俠2之上海灘賭聖》是《賭俠》的續集. 大軍(程東飾)因在《賭俠》的賭場上敗給阿星(周星馳飾), 下定決心要向阿星報仇. 大軍跟師第們對阿星發功時, 發生了時空倒流. 因此, 阿星, 他的三叔(吳孟達飾)和大軍返回到1937年的上海. 阿星在上海歷經辛苦, 最後在大軍的幫助下贏了一場重要的賭局也回到1991年的香港. 這部電影非常有娛樂性.除此之外, 電影的內容也包含了一個愛情故事,是一部值得看的笑片.
Sun Laoshi noted on 4/28: Very good. Continue into the 2nd paragraph.
Sun Laoshi noted on 4/28: Very good. Continue into the 2nd paragraph. I will see if I can watch the movie this weekend.
Topic #4 Essay Draft
《颶風營救》是一個懸念的行動電影,主演是 Liam Neeson,是很好的電影因為這個故事是一點兒真正的。這個電影是關於一個男人和他的女兒。有一天,他的女兒被綁架。這個男人以前是一個退休的政府代理,所以他知道他要做什麼。他決心找到她。
Sun Laoshi noted on 4/28: Add more info about the film (year, director, or country). You talk about the main story line but you still need to give you recommendation. The second point mentioned in the review format:
Thirty years ago, Yanshou was still a young child in the mountains with a heavy accent and experienced his first long distance call. Thirty years later, he now relies on his speaking abilities to make a living as a famous television program host. He hosts the program “Say What You Have to Say”. One day, while Yanshou was filming the program, he realizes that he left his cell phone at home. This small mistake causes his wife Yu Wenjuan to discover a secret between him and another woman.
In order to deceive his wife, Yan Shouyi claims that he had a meeting with the television station’s special planner, Mr. Feimo, when he was actually meeting up with his lover. His wife ultimately discovered Yan Shouyi’s tryst with his lover, Wuyue, who is an editor at some publishing company. It was clear that he has an affair with Wuyue and needless to say, Yan Shouyi divorced Yu Wenjuan.
Shenxue, an acting professor at a college theater, was the instructor for popular television hosts like Yan Shouyi and his colleagues. After the short training course was over in six months, Shenxue and Yan Shouyi’s relationship underwent a subtle change. After some comparison, Yan Shouyi still thinks that Shenxue is better than Wuyue and even decides to marry her.
After Yan Shouyi and Yu Wenjuan divorced, she gave birth to their only child. For convenience sakes, he bought Wenjuan a more feminine phone. Shenxue discovered this and got in a huge fight with Yan Shouyi, which damaged their relationship. Shortly after, Yan Shouyi, Shenxue and Wuyue all had dinner at a western restaurant, leading Shenxue to suspect the two’s old affection has reappeared. Ever since, Yan Shouyi developed a serious fear for cell phones and ordinary conversations.
“Gran Torino”是美国的电影。在2008制作,导演是clint eastwood. 他很有名因为他造成了很多的成功的电影。果然这个片有很高的票房。故事是比较简单,可是有非常重要的主体。Clint eastwood 是导演也是主演。他是韩国战争的退伍军人,住在michigan。第一部镜头是他的太太的葬礼。当下表观他不是幸福的人,他跟他的孩子疏远了。 Eastwood觉得他们不可能是他的孩子。在他的家也有问题。他的社区改变,有很多新的相邻,他们都是移民者从东南亚来的。他的经验在战争给他很大的影响,变成他一个种族主义者。所以他鄙视者改变,他觉得他们风俗是奇怪。那一夜,一个犯罪团伙逼者年轻男人尝试偷eastwood的车,eastwood找到他然后几乎死他。一些天后,那个年轻男人的姐姐逼者他谢罪。然后她说明形式,很多的移民者年轻男人没有机会,所以他们参加一个犯罪团伙。她不要她的弟弟这样。所以她问eastwood,会不会给她的弟弟工作,同时让他成功。Eastwood同意,然后日益喜欢他的相邻更多。最后他跟他的相邻象一个家庭。可是那个犯罪团伙不要算了那个年轻男人。为了保护他的新的家, eastwood对敌那个犯罪团伙然后惨死。
Sun Laoshi noted on 4/28: Please follow the format listed below for the 1st paragraph. See format and requrements for the other two paragraphs above. You are writng a synopsis. The assignment calls for a film review with 3 paragraphs. Work on just the 1st one right now. You can write the 2nd one in class.
Paragragh 1 (draft completed by Monday 4/25 5:00 p.m.):
super rough draft of movie because I haven’t finished the movie yet
我的審查是關於導演馮小剛的電影。這部電影拍給很大的受眾隨著票房收入超過5000萬。 也是獲獎的中國喜劇電影電視劇所以很受歡迎。著眼於手機的作用在中國的現代,技術的快速發展影響人們的生活以及他們如何溝通。
Sun Laoshi noted on 4/28: Good. You just need to add your recommendation,i.e. the second point mentioned in the review format:
Gran Torino是2008年美国戏剧的电影,导演,制作,并主演 Clint Eastwood。这个电影是认为一个商业片,当然有成功,全世界赚钱超过260百万。虽然这个电影是商业片,但是有很多艺术价值。有一些的主体,其中,家庭疏远了和观念冲突,也种族(delete主义use 的问题),和(not缓颊use调解的过程)。所有的这些主体对(add现代美国)社会(add的种种现象都很)贴题(not和use也)重要。
这个电影接评论家一致好评。有很都愿意这个电影成功了。首先,Clint Eastwood是导演/演员。他很有名,他已经有很多票房成功。其次,很多Clint Eastwood的电影有贴题的故事。比较多深度和人物进步了。再次,这个电影有比较大的预算,三十三百万。
review websites
Draft 3:
《神偷奶爸》是一個優質的動畫電影,(add故事(delete是特質的instead 很特別是)因為電影的主角其實(add是)反派(add的角色)。主角叫Gru,在電影裡,觀眾看他努力成為最臭名昭著的(not反派use歹徒or壞人),但是(add有一個)比較年輕的(not反派use歹徒or壞人)已經偷(add了)埃及的金字塔,…..。而且,為了取得(add最壞歹徒的)(add頭銜)(change勝利別的反派…),Gru認領(add了)三個女孩,….。這個電影又可愛又幽默,也有很好的訊息,表示主jue的自己發展,他(addfan3er2)成為(add了)真(正的)好人。不管幾歲de5觀眾一定dou1會喜歡這片電影。
《神偷奶爸》有幾個好處。首先,對制作質量來看,這片電影是優質的作品。動畫都很漂亮,顏色都醒目,動畫制作者重視每個細節。其次,在提供聲音的演員裡,有很有名的。比如Julie Andrews, Steve Carrell, Jason Segal, 和Russell Brand。Julie Andrews (朱莉。安德魯絲) 非常知名,她唱歌在《音樂之聲》和《歡樂滿人間》。另外三個演員都是知名的喜劇演員。再次的好處是《神偷奶爸》的故事,有很好的訊息,一點像聖誕怪傑的故事因為Gru的小女孩造成他的感情增長,讓他的個性改善和進步。
Film review:
Gran Torino是2008年美国戏剧的电影,导演,制作,并主都是 Clint Eastwood。这个电影是被认为一个商业片,当然有成功,全世界赚钱超过260百万。虽然这个电影是商业片,但是有很多艺术价值。有一些重要的主体,其中包括, 家庭疏远了.也提到种族的問題也调解的过程。所有的这些主体对现代美国社会的种种现象都很贴题也重要。
这个电影受到评论家一致好评。有很都愿意这个电影成功了。首先,Clint Eastwood是导演/演员。他很有名,他已经有很多票房成功。由于很多人要看他的电影。其次,很多Clint Eastwood的电影有贴题的故事。比较多深度和人物进步了。再次,这个电影有比较大的预算,三千三百万。像clint eastwood的名氣,很大的預算吸引大众.
1. You still need to add your 3rd paragrap- concluding remarks and add additional points if any.
2. Also add a link to an English review at the end of your revised essay.
3. Post under Week #16 Commments as soon as you are done. I will need to look at it one more time before you submit your final copy for recording.
陈凯歌的《和你在一起》是在中国电影史上最著名的电影之一。这部电影表达现代社会对父子关系(delete什么use的)(not印象should be =ying3xiang3影响)。有些部分使用隐藏摄像机拍摄所以陈凯歌能够捕捉到北京地道的本质。(add虽然)(delete那个add故事)情节有点儿矫情(not和use也)(add可以)预测的,但是(delete那么add演员)演技非常好还有摄影是特别感人(add,)(add让电影)(delete也)很有震撼(add力)。
(add电影)(add提到)一个(delete主要的)主题是新(not老use旧)(add两代)之间的冲突。这种对比(delete是)出现在不同的场景。(add:first(=首先) audience can see such contrast in Xiaochun’s two music teachers。)姜教授住在一个传统和拥挤的小胡同,(not还有use而)余教授住在一个无菌的现代建筑。(add其次,)当余教授建议小春离开他的父亲跟他同住,他本质上是要求他离开(add传统) 的旧生活。(add a third point here, using 再次,) (add another point about contract between what Xiao Chun wants and what his father wants for him….)
(The following points could go into your last paragraph.)(delete第二)这部电影(也有交待)不清楚的方面(add就)是小春和丽丽之间的关系。(delete他们之间应该有性紧张,是因为)看起来(add甘进入青春期的)小春特别喜欢丽丽,但是电影没有(delete火花而且无视)(add进一步探索)这种关系(方面)。
(delete第三)这部电影最好的镜头是(delete那么)音乐场景。(Add演)小春(add的)唐韵不是一个非常(instead of 好use有经验)的(add专业)演员,但他是一个音乐神童,所以当(delete在)他(delete的自然元素)拉小提琴(delete的)时,他演得(change不错to 很自然),(add也拉得非常好)。
春晖: 我想你应该写《澳大利亚》或者别的中国电影,因为我们已经写过对《和你在一起》的分析了!
电影: 《和你在一起》 (但是我还想可能来《澳大利亚》”Australia”,所以我要写另外的第一段,和您告诉我哪个是最好的)
Paragraph 1 (draft 1):
陈凯歌拍的《和你在一起》是现代社会音乐酷爱的电影。那部片的故事是有一个男孩子叫刘小春来拉提琴有酷爱,他的爸爸说小春就是拉提琴神童。他们从农村到北京去,找到一个音乐老师教小春怎么被称为最有名的音乐家。但是,刘小春就不知道他应该做什么东西,所以这部片的故事对小春和他爸爸在城市里困难来说。这部大陆片最大的主题是父子关系,所以最有意思的部分是刘小春跟他爸爸的沟通(社交?interaction)那么,对张艺谋的电影比较一样的意义,有很好的角色演员和镜头(刘小春的演员是一个真正的拉提琴神童)。在外国,《和你在一起》 拍的很成功,在2002年多伦多电影节发布了和在弗洛里打的电影节得奖了最好的外国电影将。
30 years ago, when Yan Shouyi was young and still in the mountain with a heavy local accent, he made a long distance call for the first time. 30 years later he has become a famous television program host who must rely on his lips to make a living. He hosts a program called “Tell It Like It Is.” One day, when Yan Shouyi went to the station to film the show, he carelessly left his cell phone at home. This little mistake makes his wife, Yu Wenjuan, find out that he is secretly with another woman.
In order to deceive his wife, Yan Shouyi pretends to be at the television station in meeting with Mr. Fei Mo, a fellow schemer. In fact, he is really with his lover, having a tryst with some publishing house editor Wu Yue. All of this makes Yu Wenjuan see through his lies. With undeniable evidence of being with Wu Yue, nothing needs to be explained. Yan Shouyi and Yu Wenjuan get a divorce.
Shenxue is a teacher of an acting class at a drama school. In a short training course for TV or radio hosts, she was Yan Shouyi’s and other popular hosts’ teacher. After the end of the short course half a year later, a subtle change happens between Shenxue and Yan Shouyi. Through comparison, Yan Shouyi still has feelings for Shenxue, so much so that he plans to marry her.
After getting a divorce, Yu Wenjuan has Yan Shouyi’s baby. Yan Shouyi, in order to conveniently get in touch with her, gives Wenjuan a women’s cell phone. After Shenxue finds out, she has a big fight with Yan Shouyi and a split appears between the two. Not long after, Yan Shouyi, Shenxue, and Wu Yue meet in a western restaurant together, which makes Shenxue suspect that old affections have reappeared between the two. Since then, Yan Shouyi has a serious fear of cell phones and talking everyday.
1. 嚴守 (yan2shou3) to strictly maintain
2. 濃重 (nong2zhong4) dense
3. 蒙蔽 (meng2bi4) deceive; to hoodwink
4. 謊稱 (huang3cheng1) to claim; to pretend
5. 策劃人 (ce4hua4ren2) plotter; schemer
6. 實際上 (shi2ji4shang4) in fact; in reality; as a matter of fact
7. 出版社 (chu1ban3she4) publishing house
8. 編輯 (bian1ji2) editor
9. 幽會 (you1hui4) lover’s rendezvous; tryst
10. 證據 (zheng4ju4) evidence; proof; testimony
11. 確鑿 (que4zao2) definite; conclusive; undeniable; authentic
12. 不言自明 (bu4yan2zi4ming2) self-evident; needing no explanation
13. 微妙 (wei1miao4) subtle
14. 裂痕 (lie4hen2) crack; gap; split
15. 相遇 (xiang1yu4) to meet; to encounter; to come across
16. 懷疑 (huai2yi2) to doubt; to suspect
17. 復發 (fu4fa1) to recur; to reappear; to relapse
义明: 看第一段改正。
Please remember to follow the suggested format of three paragraph for this film review. You still need to add the 2nd and final paragraph. Please send me the review ASAP, not later than Monday!!
这(add篇)评论分析Tim Burton(move 1990年here) 拍摄的(add美國)电影叫《剪刀手爱德华》。这部电影是(delete拍摄,来到到) (change time to 1990年12月14日)(add在美国一般)电影院(add上映的)。(add电影说的)(delete这)是爱德华的故事,他的角色(add是)由Johnny Depp(add演的)。爱德华不是个真正的男人,他是一个创造(add出来)的(add机器)发明。(you need to condense this part; it’s too detailed. The review does not need to provide a synopsis. 一天 Peg,在雅芳工作的一个女孩,去爱德华的城堡卖东西,看到他就收服他会去她住的郊区,一个很漂亮很快乐地方。先爱德华非常害怕离Peg很近住的人,他们都吸引到他,因为他是个陌生人。爱德华很快就成为名人的发型。后来他爱上了一个女孩的爱情,见面了女孩这后开始问题。)这部片子拍得很成功,电影导演(add得也)非常好。(Put this point in later part of the review:拍摄电影的时候,Johnny Depp 还没有名了,这是他的第一部很有名的让他成名的艺术电影。)最重要的题目是迎接陌生人,(我一定建议这部电影因为它会容易地)让(instead of 你use观众)想想陌生人刚刚进入新社会的感觉。
更林 said,
on April 29th, 2011 at 2:44 pm edit
Gran Torino是2008年美国(add拍的)(not戏剧use文艺片)(delete的电影)。导演,制作(add人)(not并)(use和)主(add角)都是 Clint Eastwood。这个电影全世界(not赚钱but卖座)超过(not260百万=2.6亿=)(add美元),被认为是一个成功(add的)商业片(delete,当然有,)。虽然这个电影是商业片,但是有很多艺术价值。有一些重要的主(not体use题),其中包括家庭疏远了.也提到种族的問題也调解的过程。所有的这些主体对现代美国社会的种种现象都很贴题也重要。
这个电影受到评论家一致好评。有很都(not愿意原因yuan2yin1)这个电影成功了。首先,Clint Eastwood是导演/演员。他很有名,他已经有很多票房成功。由于很多人要看他的电影。其次,很多Clint Eastwood的电影有贴题的故事。比较多深度和人物进步了。再次,这个电影有比较大的预算,三千三百万。像clint eastwood的名氣,很大的預算吸引大众.
耕林, 請看改正。
Be sure to:
1. Find a good review in English and add a review link at the end of your revised essay;
2. Go over new vocabulary carefully for your recording;
3. Find Chinese transalation for 1) Gran Torino and 2) Clint Eastwood.
4. Post your revised essay and link under Week #16 Commments.
5. Record your recording
Gran Torino(add Chinese translation of the film here)是2008年美国拍的文艺片。导演,制作人和主角都是 Clint Eastwood。这个电影全世界卖座超过2.6亿美元,被认为是一个成功的商业片。虽然这个电影是商业片,但是有很(not多use高的)艺术价值。有一些重要的主题,其中包括家庭(add的)疏远(delete了),也提到种族的問題(not也use和)调解的过程。所有的这些主题对现代美国社会的种种现象都很贴题也(add很)重要。
这个电影受到评论家一致好评。有很多原因(add让)这个电影成功了。首先,Clint Eastwood (add his name in Chinese translation here)是导演(not/ use和)演员。他很有名,(delete他已经有很多)(use也是票房成功(add的保证)(change。由于to ,因此)很多人要看他的电影。其次,很多Clint Eastwood的电影有贴题的故事,(add内容)比较(not多use有)深度,(delete和)人物(add也)进步了。再次,这个电影有比较大的预算,三千三百万(add美金)。(delete像)Clint Eastwood的名氣(add和)很大的預算(add都是)(add制作一部)吸引大众(add的商业片)(add的重要因素)。
这个电影因为故事的(add社会主题和)焦点是非常重要(add也有意义的),再加上(add导演和演员的)(delete有很多)声望,(add所以)赢了一些电影奖。虽然这个电影很有意思也好看,但是对小孩子不合适。(What do you mean here?是因为有一点恶口 – you can delete this line or revise)。(delete – Try not to use我会建议) (add成人观众)(add会欣赏)这个电影(add的)。
春晖, see corrections. Try not go into details about the story yet,, save it for teh second part. Give a more genral, broad overview of the film in the first paragraph. Sun Laoshi
《澳大利亚》(add是澳大利亚导演)Baz Luhrmann拍的电影,2008年11月26日在美国和澳大利亚(add同时)(not发布use发行)(not了use的)。这部电影的故事就是(delete对)(use以)澳大利亚第二次世界大战(add的)历史(delete说add为背景)。《澳大利亚》(not受到use赢得)了三个(delete“人造卫星”得)(add大)奖:最(not好use佳)(delete的)摄影,最(delete好的use佳)视觉效果,也(delete受到add是)最(not好的)(use佳)(instead of 生产use制片)。这部电影的故事(add随着)一个英国小姐Sarah(move来here)(add到澳大利亚)(delete的人说)(delete她叫Lady Ashley)。 [ I think you shoudl shorten the following…她的丈夫在(delete澳大利亚use那儿)工作养牛(add养)羊(what does this mean?为了要给西越国)。但是,(delete Lady )Sarah来的时候她丈夫(not杀use死)了,所以那时候她得做工作或者得卖她的农庄。然后,她来认识很多有意思的人,对澳大利亚和她的农庄有什么样的问题。……..] 这部电影的故事(delete为了对)(add让)观众(add重新)(delete得)面对(delete在)第二次世界大战(delete的角色)(delete。这部电影的最)(add很感(add人) (delete动), (add也)(move很浪漫here),(delete的部分是Lady Sarah跟Drover和Nullah的关系,是因为的关系这部电影可能大多) 是(add一部成功卖座的)商业(delete的)电影。
玉蓮, 请看改正。
Please go over the corrections. Post your final copy under Week #16 Comments. ADD a link to a review in English of this film. You can also email me the revision so I can wuickly look over before you record.
《颶風營救》(add English title)是一個(not懸念use懸疑)的(not行動use動作)電影,主演是(add名演員) (find his name in Chinese translation here) (Liam Neeson)。《颶風營救》是(delete一個) 2009 (add年)的一部法美(add合作拍攝的)電影,(delete這個電影) 是關於一個退休的(not政府代理use政府官員)(delete男人和他的女兒)。(delete有一天,)他的女兒被綁架,(delete。這個男人以前是,所以他知道他要做什麼。)他決心找(not到use回)她。因為(delete這個)故事(delete是一點兒) 的(instead of 真正use真實性),這部電影(delete是)不適合年幼的孩子(delete。這是很好的電影)(add觀看)。(try not use phrase about yourself. Delete我很喜歡這部電影。)(delete如果你)喜歡看(not懸念use懸疑)(add片) (add或者)(not行動use動作)(add片)(delete電影的行動電影)(add的觀眾),(delete你)一定會喜歡看《颶風營救》(add的)。
《颶風營救》有幾個(not好處use強點)。首先,這部電影(add的情節)令人興奮的。觀眾被(delete保存在懸念)(add懸疑的故事)(add吸引),而不(delete是)(add不會覺得)無聊(add或節奏太慢)。其次,(add演員)演技(add都)(delete做得)很好。雖然(delete這部電影)只有一位著名演員 (Liam Neeson) , 其他的演員(add也都)(not做use演)得很好。最後,這部電影的故事很有意思。雖然(delete這個故事add有些地方)不切實際,(add但是提出的)道德(add標準)是明確的,(add觀眾可以認同)。(delete這道德use也就是)說不管(add發生)什麼事,(instead of 爸媽use父母)(add一定)會救(instead of 你use自己的孩子)。
這部電影是(add一部)非常成功的(add商業片),很受歡迎,(add票房)也(delete並提出了很多錢)(add很賣座)。(delete這部電影非常)成功的(add原因)(add主要是)因為(not是非常情緒化use很讓觀眾感動)。雖然這部電影很有意思也好看,對小孩子不合適。(do not use”I” delete我會建議)(add但是成人觀眾一定會欣賞)這個電影(add的)。