About 102 課程介紹

一年中文 春季班時間表
Spring 2020  Course Syllabus (click
here to see Course Schedule)

老師 Instructor
Prof. Lo Sun Perry 孫珞老師 |  Wyatt #246
Phone: (253) 879-3629
Email: perry@pugetsound.edu
See Office Hours posted inline course website

Ms. Xiaohui Ou 欧小慧老師 |  Wyatt #246 & Warner Gym 202A
Email: xou@pugetsound.edu
Phone: (253) 879-2992

輔導 Tutor Christy Chen 陈雅玲 | Center for Writing and Learning
To make an appointment, call 253.879.2960, fill out the tutoring appointment request form, or come into Howarth 109, and a student staff member will help you make a reservation. Tutoring is a free service for all enrolled students.

課本 Texts Ni Wo Ta: Developing Chinese Fluency: An Introductory Course Traditional, Volume 1, 1st, Phyllis Zhang George Washington University, ISBN-10: 1285456807 | ISBN-13: 9781285456805

課程內容和目標 Course Description and Objectives Chinese 102 is the second half of a yearlong beginning level course in Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin). This course is designed for students who have completed one semester of beginning Chinese (Chinese 101) or equivalent experience in the target language. In some cases, students who have had some courses, study abroad experience, or heritage background may enter the class with the teacher’s permission. This course aims to prepare students to communicate in the most essential daily life situations, such as greetings, self-introduction, and taking school life and schedules. Basic language structures and vocabulary used in carrying out those tasks will be introduced and practiced. We will introduce reading and writing, and practice the traditional characters from the very beginning of the course; however, more emphasis will be given to the training of standard pronunciation, listening and reading comprehension as well as grammar and vocabulary usage. Computer-assisted technology and online course materials are an integral part of the instruction in this class.

Upon successful completion of Chinese 102, students will be able to:

  • Speak with accurate Chinese pronunciation, and give special attention to the four tones.
  • Understand the spoken words in context at normal speed.
  • Read and comprehend simple Chinese sentences and paragraphs, and know how to utilize online annotators, dictionaries and other electronic devices to read characters, street signs and other digital texts.
  • Write Chinese characters in short paragraph length.
  • Understand basic grammatical concepts.
  • Develop an interest in various aspects of Chinese art, music and customs.

For a detailed description of the four skills to be attained, please refer to the ACTFL Novice High Level Page.

課程要求 Course Requirement Regular and punctual attendances as well as active participation in all classes are expected of all students. Chinese is especially challenging for beginners whose native language is English and other European languages. Students in the class need to be ready to make a commitment of spending at least 8 hours per week studying outside of class, including previewing, preparing, and reviewing assignments, and in appointments with the tutor, if needed. Group projects and other assigned teamwork will require additional time for collaboration. You will be eased into the course as the fall semester proceeds and will experience a heightened pace in Chinese 102 in the spring. Strong motivation and daily preparation will ensure a successful learning experience in this class.

上課出席缺席規定  Attendance Policies (MWF three days of class plus one discussion session per week)  Your preparation and participation are a major part of your class performance. Complete the assignments according to the designate schedules and turn in for grading if asked. You should always hand in homework on time. The instructor will accept late homework assignments but can only assign late grades as penalties.

  • You are expected to be in class on time every day. Being more than ten minutes late (without a valid excuse) counts as half an absence; 20 minutes an absence.
  • You are allowed two unexcused absences per semester. Each additional absence beyond this (three or more) may adversely affect your final grade. Always ask for permission in advance for classes you will have to miss and make appropriate arrangements for missed work. In case of illness, only those who provide documentation will be excused.
  • Three unexcused absences will prevent you from receiving an A, five will prevent you from receiving a B, and eight will prevent you from receiving a passing grade C- for this class.
  • If you know that you will miss a class, email or voice mail your instructor of the day as soon as possible, preferably before class to facilitate any make-up arrangement. You or a friend can stop by the office to pick up handouts that you missed.
  • It is your responsibility to obtain class notes and prepare any work assigned or due during the period of your absence. You should always contact a classmate FIRST to obtain class notes and any other information you need to make up for missed work.

上課紀律和學生參與 Class Rules and Student Participation The instructor will conduct most tasks in CHINESE, however, English will be used more frequently in the beginning of the course. As the semester progresses, students are encouraged to communicate in the target language. Instructor will use a variety of strategies to facilitate comprehension and enhance communication, including

  • use body language, gestures, and visual support;
  • negotiate meaning with students and encourage negotiation among students;
  • elicit talk that increases in fluency, accuracy and complexity over time;
  • teach students strategies for requesting clarification and assistance when faced with comprehension difficulties; and
  • offer feedback to assist and improve students’ ability to interact orally in the target language.

Students should be ready to actively participate in oral drills, partner dialogues and other activates in every class and discussion session. Students’ efforts and daily participation will be evaluated as part their class performance grade.

Please keep in mind the following classroom rules:

  • Plan to arrive to class on time and to stay for the entire class period (or until dismissed). Avoid late arrivals and early exits, as they will count as absences unless valid excuses are provided.
  • Do not eat or chew gums during class as it will be difficult for you to speak up with clarity and promptness.
  • Cell phones should always be set on vibrate.
  • You are allowed to use electronic devices (laptops, iPads or smartphones) in class for course-related work; however, do not check email, Facebook, Twitter, type other papers or browse unrelated web sites.
  • Always ask for permission if you need to leave the room while class is in session

學術誠信規範 Academic Integrity In addition to the above classroom rules, students are expected to do original work for all course assignments, including exams. Students are responsible for their own conduct and all cases of dishonesty (e.g., copying homework, looking over and copy from others’ tests, and any other form of cheating), will be reported to the proper university officials. Students are expected to adhere to University policies regarding Academic Integrity.

中國文化 Cultural Notes A broad spectrum of life in modern Chinese societies will be introduced as we proceed with each lesson in the book. Cultural notes and multimedia materials regarding Chinese traditions and customs will also be incorporated. Check out Chinese Cultural Notes for links to various web resources. Co-curricular events and field trips related to Chinese culture and often involving the local Chinese communities are held throughout the semester. LIKE Chinese Program Facebook and keep updated on co-curricular activities and other program-related funding and employment opportunities.

補考 Make-up Policy Make-up tests must be arranged with the instructor in advance of the scheduled test time. All make-ups must be taken before graded tests are returned to the class except in the case of officially documented medical emergencies or University business. In case of illness or unplanned incidences, please contact your instructor for make-up work as soon as possible. Make-up tests are granted only at the discretion of the instructor. There will be no make-up or rescheduling given on final examination.

學生成績 Evaluation and Grading

Grade points are roughly based on the following:

Participation and Preparation (15%)
Homework Assignments (25%)
Weekly Lesson Tests (35%)
Final Project (10%)
Final Examination (15%)

Grading scale is as follows:
94-100% = A
90-93% = A-
87-89% = B+
84-86% = B
80-83% = B-
77-79% = C+
74-76% = C
70-73% = C-
67-69% = D+
64-66% = D
60-63% = D-
Below 60%= F

特殊情況學生輔助 Accommodations 
If you have a physical, psychological, medical or learning disability that may impact your course work, please contact Peggy Perno, Director of the Office of Accessibility and Accommodations, 105 Howarth, 253.879.3395. She will determine with you what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential.

校園緊急狀況 Emergency Please review university emergency preparedness, response procedures and a training video posted atwww.pugetsound.edu/emergency/. There is a link on the university home page. Familiarize yourself with hall exit doors and the designated gathering area for your class and laboratory buildings. If building evacuation becomes necessary (e.g. earthquake), meet your instructor at the designated gathering area so she/he can account for your presence. Then wait for further instructions. Do not return to the building or classroom until advised by a university emergency response representative. If confronted by an act of violence, be prepared to make quick decisions to protect your safety. Flee the area by running away from the source of danger if you can safely do so. If this is not possible, shelter in place by securing classroom or lab doors and windows, closing blinds, and turning off room lights. Lie on the floor out of sight and away from windows and doors. Place cell phones or pagers on vibrate so that you can receive messages quietly. Wait for further instructions.

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