Chinese 303 | 三年中文: 大中華地區的商業和傳播媒體
課程題目與目標 Lesson Topic & Goals:
1. 课程介绍 | Old Course Website for 303:
2. 分组报告: 廣告介紹並應徵工作推銷一個產品 (推銷高手: 培養學生的敘述能力及爭辯能力)
Group Assignment for Week #1 (please sit together this week with your teammates):
1. Hunter Bennett | Ada Yu
2. Phillip Brenfleck | Greg Gorence | Shelby Lee
3. Maxwell Heston | Yvonne Louie | Riccardo Frisardi
4. Travis Stull | Gideon Sylvan | Bo Turek
Monday 8/29:__________________________________________________
1. 介紹chinese4u 中文播课和這門三年級課程 | 同學自我介紹
2. 分組活動
Task A – 分組報告評論下面廣告:
强生婴儿邓亚萍篇 – 【为 “妈妈的爱” 喝彩】
刘翔可口可乐中国广告 – 【带我回家 欢欢喜喜过春节】
信里有毒 – Yahoo 【防病毒 放垃圾 免费电邮】
YAHOO奇摩_禮物人生 -【他不壞 他是我爸爸】(本片/結局A/結局B)
1) 廣告介紹的產品是(广告介绍的产品是):
2) 廣告裡的人物(广告里的人物):
3) 廣告裡的故事(广告里的故事):
4) 你們覺得廣告會吸引人嗎?為什麼?(你们觉得广告会吸引人吗?为什么?)
HOMEWORK to be completed by class on Wednesday (8/31):
Group Task B:
1)Part 1: Readin Assignment – read the following job ad; be sure to use an online tool to transcribe the characters into simplified if needed; bring your study notes (vocabulary list); can read the reading assignment fluently (with or w/o notes).
台灣某公司 廣告設計工作
2) Part 2 (Wed. in-class assignment): Apply the job by working with you gorup mates and come up with a “coomercial” (2- min. in-class ‘LIVE’ presentation to classmates on Friday) to sell a centain product. In addition, you need to come up with a one-liner promotional slogan (see the above four slogans in 【…】).
Wednesday 8/31:__________________________________________________
1) 討論閱讀功課 | 檢討生詞 (see list below under the Comments section)
2) 討論分組活動
HOMEWORK to be completed by class on Friday (9/2):
1) 分組活動 Meet with your group mates to complete Task B Part 2: 台灣某公司廣告設計工作 Post your one-liner slogan in characters (as a groug – have a group member post it) before Friday’s class. Present your 2-min “commercial” in class that involves everyone in the group.
2) 生詞考試 To ensure that everyone in class has propoerly reviewed the reading assignement of the week, a weekly quiz will be given either on Friday or on Monday. For Week #1 reading comprehension/writing quiz: a) reading comprehension – know all the words listed on this weekly blog page (see key words listed under the Comments below, including words/phrases from the course schedule itself) and can translate them in Englis); b) can make meaning sentences (typed or handwrite – student’s choice) by using the key words. Students will be be asked to use certain key words and can choose certain key words to complete this part of the test.
Friday 9/2:__________________________________________________
1) 生詞小考 (15 min.)
2) 分組活動表演
HOMEWORK to be completed by class on Wednesday (9/7 of Week #2):
Prepare for Topic #1 大中華地區|歷史和經濟發展
Intro Paragraph: 大中華地區或大中華區是一個地域名詞,現在主要用于經濟、商業等概念中,涵蓋以華人為多數住民之中華民國(台灣地區)和中華人民共和國(大陸地區及港澳地區),有时也包括新加坡、马来西亚。此概念常用在海峽兩岸的經濟或商業領域中,不涉及政治。(维基百科大中华)
1. 閱讀功課: (can read the selectnext with notes; know key words; can use your own words to retell main points; use study questions provided)
a. Read the Main Text: Point 1) Word | PDF (selection starts from: 中国大陆经济改革第一阶段是以引进市场机制……的激烈争论,阻碍经济的改革与发展。)
b. Prepare for Pre-reading Quiz 1.1 – be able to read and comprehend selected key words and phrases form the text.
Week #1 – 6% of total class grade, roughly based on the following:
1. attendance, preparation and participation 2%
2. vocabulary quiz 2%
3. group presentation 2%
- The Economist is an authoritative weekly newspaper focusing on international politics and business news and opinion.
- The Christian Science Monitor (CSM) is an international newspaper published daily online and in print.
- The Wall Street Journal is an international newspaper published daily online and in print.
- BBC News. | BBC 中文网– 主页: 包括电台广播的节目表,新闻报道和网上广播。
- The Language Mixxer is a free educational website for language exchange via Skype. Authoritative weekly newspaper focusing on international politics and business news and opinion.
- Download fonts for PC Windows users.
- To view traditional and simplified characters: NJStar CJK Viewer Version 1.96 Free Download.
- Mac Users! See the Chinese Mac FAQ page.documents.
1. 大中華地區
2. 商業
3. 傳播媒體
4. 課程
5. 題目
6. 與
7. 目標
8. 分组
9. 报告
10 評論
11. 廣告
13. 應徵
12. 推銷
14. 產品
15. 高手
16. 培養…能力
17. 敘述
18. 爭辯
19. 人物
20. 故事
21. 吸引人
22. 某公司
23. 設計
24. 文宣
25. 創作
26. 表現
27. 消費者
28. 認同
30. 達成
31. 目的
32. 內容
33. 客戶
34. 及
35. 同事
36. 形式
37. 風格
38. 確定
39. 主要
40. 銷售
41. 重點
42. 檢討
43. 表演
(add现实没烦恼,) 住在2D里!
Bo, Travis, Gideon
1. chinas mainland economic reform plan. the mainland or china the economic development, the first point is to develop the city’s before changeing the economic performance.
3. √ a. the shenzhen special economic zone was established to test the effects of development
? allow families to open the doors to more business.