2021 Final Self Intro

Final Self-intro, with slide/visual/voice presentation:

  1. Basic personal info (name; home state; family) (3 sentences)
  2. Description of one family member (3 sentences)
  3. About school/schedule (4 sentences)
  4. About studying Chinese and academic interest (3 sentences)
  5. About other interests and hobbies (4 sentences)
  6. Incorporate  2 questions & answers (3 sentences)
Final Self-Intro Project Timeline and Tasks
WEEK 12-14
Before Thanksgiving Break – start working on 1st draft with all 6 parts (about 20 sentences)
•Go over sample 1 or sample 2 essay, and create a vocabulary list that you can use in your own essay
•Create a Google Doc, 101SelfIntro_名字, and share your progress with perry@pugetsound.edu and ichen@pugetsound.edu
•Compose your writing in characters, and add a vocabulary list as you continue to work on it
After Thanksgiving Break – complete your 1st draft and have Chen Laoshi approve it
•Bring your laptop and charge cord to class; class time as well as speaking practice on Tuesdays will be allocated for final essay writing
•Complete final draft no later than Friday in Week 14; Chen Laoshi will approve your writing
•Post your approved final draft with a thoroughly-edited vocabulary list under Comments on this edublog page
•Start working on your Voicethread slide presentation
•Slide presentation should include:
1) ONE title/cover slide with your full Chinese name in characters
2) At least SIX additional slides (could be more) with photos, and other graphics to help you present
3) Annotated text in characters and Pinyin could be added (optional) to the slides
• Work on reading
•Finalize slides based on final revised writing
•Add voice recording
•Share your completed Voicethread project in class group

15 thoughts on “2021 Final Self Intro

  1. 你好!我叫包雨嵐。 我是克羅拉多州人。我家有四個人,我爸爸,我媽媽,我弟弟和我。我是普及灣大學的學生。我弟弟也是大學生。 他不在我的大學,他在Santa Clara 大學學習商業。他十八歲。雖然他比我小,但是比我高很多。

    我是大一新生。我住在學校,我有一個室友,叫 Aurora。這是我的宿舍,叫 Harrington。我有四個課,所以我有很多功課。



    Vocabulary List:
    普及灣 – pǔjí wān:Puget Sound
    在 – zài:At/in
    學習 – xuéxí: To study
    商業 – shāngyè: Business
    雖然 – suīrán: Although
    比 – bǐ: Compare (A 比 B … = A is more… than B)
    但是(但) – dànshì: But
    高 – gāo: Taller/ Higher
    很多 – hěnduō: A lot/ Very much
    大一新生 – dà yī xīnshēng: A first-year freshman in college
    住在 – zhù zài: Live
    宿舍 – sùshè: Dorm
    室友 – shìyǒu: Roommate
    功課 – gōngkè:Homework
    所以 – suǒyǐ: So
    專業 – zhuānyè: Major
    知道 – zhīdào: Know
    會 – huì: Will
    選擇 – xuǎnzé: Choose
    喜歡- xǐhuān: Enjoy/ Like
    科學 – kēxué: Science
    歷史 – lìshǐ: History
    英文 – yīngwén: English
    音樂 – yīnyuè: Music
    中學 – zhōngxué: Middle school
    學過 – xuéguò: Have learned
    忘記了 – wàngjìle: Forgot
    現在 – xiànzài: Now
    說 – shuō: Speak
    寫 – xiě: Write
    一點 – yīdiǎn: A little
    唱歌 – chànggē: Sing
    畫畫 – huà huà: Drawing
    爬山 – páshān: Hiking/Climbing mountains
    一起 – yīqǐ: Together
    説笑 – shuō xiào : Chat/ Talk and laugh
    玩 – wán: Play
    遊戲 – yóuxì: Games

    English Translation:

    Hi! My name is Bao Yulan. I am from Colorado. There are four people in my family: my father, my mother, my brother and me.

    I am a student of Puget Sound University. My brother is also a college student. He is not in my university, he studies business at Santa Clara University. He is eighteen years old. Although he is younger than me, he is much taller than me.

    I am a freshman. I live in school and I have a roommate named Aurora. This is my dorm, called Harrington. I have four classes, so I have a lot of homework.

    What is your major? I don’t know what I will choose. I like learning science, history, English, music and Chinese. I learned Chinese in middle school, but I forgot a lot. Now I speak and write a little Chinese.

    What do Ilike? I like singing and drawing. I also like hiking. I love my friends. I like to joke and play games with them.

  2. 你們好!我姓邵,我叫邵忠生。我的朋友叫我 Luca。我來自伊利諾伊州芝加哥市。我家有五個人: 我的媽媽,爸爸,雙胞胎姐姐,妹妹和我。我的媽媽叫Gerri。我的爸爸叫Leonard。我的媽媽以前是一名平面設計師,但現在不再工作了。我也練習義大利語。


    我有四門課,所以我有很多功課。我喜歡我的課,所以我不介意有很多功課。 我是美國人,我的母語是英文。我最喜歡的課程是中文和化學。現在我學中文。我可以說一點中文,可是我應該多練習,我的中文不好。


    Vocabulary List:
    來自 lá izì: to come from
    伊利諾伊州: yī lì nuò yī zhōu: Illinois
    芝加哥: zhī jiā gē: Chicago
    市: shì: city
    以前 : y ǐqián: before
    平面設計師: píng miàn shè jì shī: graphic designer
    但是:dàn shì: but
    現在 : xiàn zài: now
    工作 : gōng zuò: job
    練習: lià xí: to practice
    義大利語: yì dà lì yǔ: Italian language
    普及灣: pǔ jí wān: Bay/Sound
    華盛頓州: huá shèng dùn zhōu: Washington
    塔科馬市: tǎ kē mǎ shì: Tacoma city
    住在: zhù zài: to live in
    校園裡: xiào yuán lǐ: on campus
    室友: shì yǒu: roomate
    宿舍:sù shí: dorms
    四門課: sì mén kè: 4 courses
    很多: hěn duō: a lot
    功課: gōng kè: classwork/homework
    不介意: bù jiè yì: don’t mind
    母語: mǔ yǔ: mother tongue
    最:zuì: most
    喜歡: xǐhuān: to like
    課程: kè chéng: course
    中文: zhōng wén: Chinese language
    化學: huà xué: Chemistry
    可以: kě yǐ: can, may
    應該: yīng gāi: should
    多練習:duō liàn xí: practice more
    喜歡 : xǐhuān: to like
    義大利: yì dà lì: Italy/ Italian
    菜: cài: dish(food)
    中國: zhōng guó: China
    做菜: zuò cài: to cook
    做: zuò: to make; to cook; to be (someone such as a doctor)
    覺得: juédé: to think
    很會: hěn huì: can; know how to
    戶外: hù wài: outdoors
    活動:huó dòng: activity
    花式滑水: huā shì huá shuǐ: wakeboarding
    對…很有興趣: duì … hěn yǒu xìng qù: to be interested in…
    生物學: shēng wù xué: Biology
    藥: yào: medicine
    畢業:bì yè:graduate
    以後: yǐ hòu: after
    想: xiǎng: would like to
    醫生: yī shēng: doctor
    以後: yǐ hòu: in the future (as a time expression)

    Hello! My last name is Shao, my full name is Shao Zhongsheng. My friends call me Luca. I’m from Chicag, IL。There are five people in my family: my mother, father, older(twin) sister, younger sister and me. My mother’s name is Gerri. My father’s name is Leonard. My mother used to work as a graphic designer, but does not anymore. I also practice Italian.

    I am a first-year college student. My university is called University of Puget Sound, in Tacoma, WA. I live in the dorms on campus and have a roommate. His name is Sebastion. This is my dorm called Harrington hall.

    I have four subjects, so I have a lot of homework. I like my classes, and don’t mind lots of homework. My favorite classes are Chemistry and Chinese. I am American and my native language is English. Now I am learning Chinese。I speak a little Chinese, but I should practice more, as my Chinese is not good.

    I enjoy cooking Italian and Chinese food. I think I can cook well. I love the outdoors, like wakeboarding. I am very interested in science and medicine. I want to be a doctor when I graduate. What about you? Do you like cooking? What do you want to be when you graduate?

  3. 你好!我是 Jeremiah,叫王强。我來自密蘇里州聖路易斯市 。我家有十三個人:媽媽,兩個爸爸,兩個妹妹,一個姐姐,一個弟弟,五個哥哥和我。

    我的繼父是韓國人 。他是我媽媽的先生。他們結婚七年了。我的媽媽和親生爸爸都是美國人。我的親生爸爸住在聖路易斯市。我和我的親生爸爸關係不好,可是我和我的媽媽和繼父關係很好。我是第三個上大學的孩子。我喜歡滑板,恐怖電影,健身,畫畫,動畫和做飯。我也做動畫。我喜歡蛇。我只做健康的食物。


    我有四個課,可是我不喜歡其中一個。那是政治課 ,我不喜歡這個課,因為沒意思。



    Vocab List
    來自 láizì: To come from
    密蘇里州 Mìsūlǐ zhōu: Missouri
    聖路易斯 Shènglùyìsī: Saint Louis
    繼父 jìfù: Stepfather
    韓國 Hánguó: South Korea
    結婚 jiéhūn: Married
    親生 qīnshēn: Biological/ one’s own
    關係 guānxi: Relationship
    第三 dì sān: The third
    上大學 shàng dàxué: To attend college student
    滑板 huábǎ: Skateboarding
    恐怖電影 kǒngbùdiànyǐng: Horror movies
    健身 jiànshēn: Workout
    畫畫 huàhu: Drawing
    做 zuò: To do; to make
    動畫 dònghuà: Anime
    做飯 zuòfàn: To cook (meal/food)
    蛇 shé:Snake
    只 zhǐ:Only
    健康 jiànkāng :Healthy
    食物 shíwù:Food
    想 xiǎng: Would like to; Want to
    最喜歡 zuì xǐhuan: Favorite
    對 duì: Toward
    有興趣 yǒuxìngqù: To be interested
    對…有興趣 duì…yǒuxìngqù: To be interested in…
    日語 Rìyǔ: Japanese Language(=日文)
    科學 kēxué: Science
    生物學 shēngwùxué: Biology
    當 dāng: to be (someone)
    營養師 yíngyǎngshī: Nutritionist
    課 kè: Courses
    其中一個 qízhōng yīge: One of them
    政治課 zhèngzhì kè: Politics Class
    因为 yīnwèi: Because
    沒意思 méiyìsi: Boring
    想要 xiǎngyào: Want to
    一起 yīqǐ: Together
    環遊 huányóu: Travel around
    世界 shìjiè: The world
    出去 chūqù: Go out
    玩 wán: To have fun
    閲讀 YuèDú: To read
    亞洲 Yàzhōu: Asia
    文化 wénhuà: Culture
    會 huì: Know how to (do something)
    說 shuō: Speak

    Hello, my name is Jeremiah, also Wang Qiang. I am from Saint Louis, Missouri. I have thirteen people in my family: mom, two dads, two younger sisters, one older sister, one younger brother, five older brothers, and me.

    My stepdad is South Korean. He is my mom’s husband. They’ve been married for seven years. My mom and biological dad are American. My biological dad lives in Saint Louis. My biological dad and I don’t have a good relationship, but me and my mom and stepdad have a very good relationship. I am the third child in college. I like skateboarding, horror movies, working out, drawing, anime, and cooking. I also make anime edits. I like snakes. I only cook healthy food.

    I’ve been learning Chinese for three years, but I also want to learn Japanese. Chinese and Japanese are my favorite. I am very interested in science and biology. I want to be a nutritionist.

    I have four classes, but I don’t like one of them. That is politics class, I don’t like this class because it’s boring.

    I want to travel the world together with my girlfriend. I like to hangout with my family and have fun. I also like reading.

    Why do I study Chinese? Because I like Asian Culture. What language can you speak?

  4. 你好,我叫康志言。我來自美國夏威夷州。我家有六個人: 爺爺、奶奶、媽媽、哥哥、姐姐和我。

    我爺爺叫Richard, 七十四歲。他住在檀香山。他在郵局工作。他在那裡工作了五十多年。

    我是普及灣大學的學生,在華盛頓州 Tacoma市。我有四個課,我喜歡我的課。我想學習國際政治經濟學。



    來自: Láizì: From
    夏威夷: Xiàwēiyí: Hawaii
    州: Zhōu: State
    爺爺: Yéyé: Grandfather
    奶奶: Nǎinai: Grandmother
    住在: Zhù zài: Live
    檀香山: Tánxiāngshān: Honolulu
    在: Zài: At
    郵局:Yóujú: Post Office
    工作了: Gōngzuòle: Worked
    多: Duō: More than
    五十多年: More than fifty years
    普及灣: Pǔjí wān: Puget Sound
    華盛頓: Huáshèngdùn: Washington
    市: Shì: City
    課: Kè: Class
    喜歡: Xǐhuān: Like
    想: Xiǎng: Would like to
    學習: Xuéxí: Study, Learn
    國際政治經濟學: Guójì zhèngzhì jīngjì xué: International Political Economy
    在: Zài+ V doing (something)
    在學: Zài xué: Studying
    中文: Zhōngwén: Chinese Language
    其他: Qítā: Other
    語言: Yǔyán: Language
    比方説: Bǐfāng shuō: For example
    日文: Rìwén: Japanese Language
    夏威夷文: Xiàwēiyí wén: Hawaiian Language
    菲律賓文: Fēilǜbīn wén: Filipino Language
    葡萄牙文: Pútáoyá wén: Portuguese Language
    西班牙文: Xībānyá wén Spanish Language
    愛爾蘭文: Ài’ěrlán wén: Irish Language
    法文: Fǎwén: French Language
    德文: Déwén: German language
    意大利文: Yìdàlì wén Italian Language
    高興: Gāoxìng: Happy
    打: Dǎ: To play
    高爾夫球: Gāo’ěrfū qiú: Golf
    網球: Wǎngqiú: Tennis
    喝: Hē: Drink
    茶: Chá: Tea
    咖啡: Kāfēi: Coffee
    還: Hái: Also
    出去玩: Chūqù wán: Go out (for fun); Hang out
    充滿挑戰: Chōngmǎn tiǎozhàn: Challenging
    生活: Shēnghuó: Life
    有意義: Yǒuyìyì: Significant; Meaningful
    最: Zuì: Most

    Hello, my name is Kang Zhiyan. I am from Hawaii, USA. There are six people in my family: grandpa, grandma, mother, brother, sister and me.

    My grandfather’s name is Richard, he is seventy-four years old. He lives in Honolulu. He works at the post office. He has worked there for more than fifty years.

    I am a student at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington. I have four classes and I like my class. I want to study international political economy.

    I am learning Chinese. I also like to learn other languages, for example: Japanese, Hawaiian, Filipino, Portuguese, Spanish, Irish, French, German and Italian. My grandfather is very happy that I am learning Chinese.

    I like playing golf and tennis. I also like to drink tea and coffee, and also like to hang out with friends. I like college life. College life is full of challenges, but it is very meaningful. Do you like university? What class do you like best?

  5. 你好!我叫Albert, 中文名字是用旭。我來自加州Pacifica市。我家有四個人:爸爸,媽媽,哥哥和我。


    現在,我是大學一年級的學生。 我的普及灣大學在華盛頓州塔科馬市。我住在大學的宿舍, 我的宿舍樓叫Schiff。我有一個室友叫Fletcher。

    我喜歡大學。我現在有四個課:中文,政治學,傳播學和一年級的英文寫作課。我喜歡我的課,可是有很多功課。我喜歡傳播學或政治學,可是我還不知道我的專業 。

    我喜歡玩籃球。我來自灣區,所以我太喜歡我們的籃球隊, 叫Golden State Warriors。我最喜歡玩電子遊戲。我有很多寶可夢的遊戲,所以那是我最喜歡的遊戲。


    來自 – láizì – to come from
    加州 – Jiāzhōu – California
    市 – shì – city
    韓國 – Hánguó – Korea
    洛杉磯 – Luòshānjī – Los Angeles
    舊金山 – Jiùjīnshān – San Francisco
    普及灣 – Pǔjí wān – Puget Sound
    華盛頓 – huáshèngdùn – Washington
    塔科馬 – tǎ kē mǎ – Tacoma
    宿舍 – sùshè – dormitory
    樓 – lóu – building
    室友 – shìyǒu -roommate
    政治學 – zhèngzhì xué – politics and government (political science)
    傳播學 – chuánbò xué – communications
    一年級的英文寫作課 – yī niánjí de yīngwén xiězuò kè – first year English writing class (SSI)
    功課 – gōngkè – homework
    還 – hái – return
    知道 – zhīdào – knowledge
    專業 – zhuānyè – major/profession
    籃球 – lánqiú – basketball
    隊 – duì – team
    電子遊戲 – diànzǐ yóuxì – electronic game
    最喜歡的 – zuì xǐhuān de – like the most/favorite
    寶可夢 – bǎo kě mèng – Pokemon
    有興趣 – yǒu xìngqù – to be interested
    語言 – yǔyán – language
    講話 – jiǎnghuà – to address/speak
    想要 – xiǎng yào – want to
    跟 – gēn – and
    出國 – chūguó – go abroad
    留學 – liúxué – study abroad
    想 – xiǎng – think
    哪裡 – nǎlǐ – where
    去 – qù – to go
    日本 – Rìběn – Japan

    English Translation:

    Hello! My name is Albert, and my Chinese name is YongXu. I am from Pacifica, California. There are four people in my family: my mom, dad, older brother, and myself.

    This is my mother, her name is Grace. She is Korean American and from Los Angeles. She is a college professor. She works at San Francisco State University.

    Currently, I am a freshman in college. I go to the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington. I live on-campus. My dorm is called Schiff. I have a roommate whose name is Fletcher.

    I like college. I now have four courses: Chinese, Political Science, Communication Studies, and 1st year seminar (SSI). I like my classes, but I have a lot of homework. I like communications or political science, but I still don’t know my major.

    I like playing basketball. I come from the Bay Area, so I like our basketball team, the Golden State Warriors. I also like playing video games. I have a lot of Pokemon games, so that’s my favorite game.

    What languages are you interested in learning? I want to learn Korean because I want to talk to my family. Do you want to study abroad? Yes. Where do you want to go? I want to go to Japan, how about you?

  6. 你好!我是Harris,我叫王沐森。我加州 Los Altos 市來的。我家有四個人:爸爸,媽媽,弟弟和我。我們也有一隻狗。





    …來的 lái de; come from…
    加州 jiāzhōu; California
    市 shì; city
    隻 zhī; measure word for dog
    很有趣 hěn yǒuqù; funny
    幽默感 yōumò gǎn; sense of humor
    以前 yǐqián; before
    以詩人的名字命名 yǐ shīrén de míngzì mìngmíng; is named after a poet
    寫 xiě; to write
    詩 shī;poetry, poems
    一年級 yī niánjí; first year (student)
    普及灣 pǔjí wān; Puget Sound
    華盛頓州 huáshèngdùn zhōu; Washington state
    宿舍 sùshè; dormitory
    室友 shìyǒu; roommate
    課 kè; class; course
    宗教研究 zōngjiào yánjiū; Religious studies
    性別與酷兒研究 xìngbié yǔ kù er yánjiū; Gender and Queer Studies
    科技倫理課 kējì lúnlǐ kè; Science and Technology Ethics Course
    太多…了tài duō…le; too much…
    功課 gōngkè; homework
    所有 suǒyǒu; all
    做 zuò; to do; to make; to cook
    喜歡的 xǐhuān de; (what I ) like
    還 hái; yet
    專業 zhuānyè; major
    愛好 àihào; hobby
    跟 gēn; with
    玩 wán; to hang out, to play
    閱讀: yuèdú; to read
    看電影 kàn diànyǐng; to watch movies
    拼圖 pīntú; jigsaw puzzle, to do a jigsaw puzzle
    桌上游戲 zhuō shàng yóuxì; board game

    English Translation:
    Hello! I am Harris, I am called Wang Musen. I come from Los Altos, California. My family has four members: father, mother, younger brother, and me. We also have one dog.

    My father is called David. He is very funny; I have his sense of humor. He didn’t have a dog growing up, so he did not like dogs, but now he loves our dog. Our dog is named after a poet: he is called Archibald. He does not write poetry, because he is a dog.

    I am a first-year college student. My university is called the University of Puget Sound, in Tacoma, Washington. This is my dormitory, called Harrington. Do I have a roommate? Yes, I have one roommate: he is called Simon.

    I have four classes: Chinese, Religious Studies, Gender and Queer Studies, and a Science and Technology Ethics Course. I have too much homework. I enjoy all of my classes, but I really like Chinese and Religious Studies. I do not have a major yet.

    What are my hobbies? I like to play with my younger brother, read, and watch movies. I also like doing puzzles and playing board games with my family.

  7. 你們好!我姓杜,我叫杜丹圍。我的朋友叫我 Duncan。 我來自新罕布什爾州。 我家有四個人:我的媽媽,爸爸,弟弟和我 。我的媽媽叫 Ayn,我覺得她很聰明, 因為她是大學老師。她也喜歡植物,我家有一個小花園。她也住在新罕布什爾州。

    我是大學一年級的學生。我的大學叫普及灣大學,在 Tacoma 市。我住在學校的宿舍。我的宿舍很舒適,可是有一點兒小。

    因為我是美國人,所以我的母語是英文。我學經濟,我覺得很有意思。我還不知道我的專業。我想要學經濟專業。 我有四個課。我都喜歡。


    Vocab List:
    新罕布什爾州 – xīnhǎnbùshíěrzhōu – New Hampshire State
    聰明 – cōngming – smart
    植物 – zhíwù – to plant
    住在 – zhùzài – live in/at
    花園 – huāyuán – garden
    普及灣 – pǔjí wān – University of Puget Sound
    宿舍 – sùshè – dorm
    舒適 – shūshì – cozy
    母語 – maǔyǔ – native language
    經濟 – jīngjì – economics
    專業 – zhuānyè – major
    聽音樂 – tīng yīnyuè – listen to music
    打 – dǎ – beat
    籃球 – lánqiú – basketball

    Hello! My surname is Du, I am called Du Danwei. My friends call me Duncan. I am from New Hampshire. There are four people in my family: my mother, my father, younger brother and me. My mother’s name is Ayn. I think she is very smart because she is a university teacher. She also likes plants. I have a small garden in my house.
    She also lives in New Hampshire.

    I am a freshman in university. My university is called The University of Puget Sound, in Tacoma. I live in the school dormitory. My dormitory is very cozy, but a little small.

    My native language is English because I am an American. I study economics, I find it very interesting. I still don’t know my major. I want to major in economics. I have four courses. I like all of them.

    I also like listening to music. Do you like to listen to music? I also play basketball. Do you play basketball?


  8. 你好!我姓關,我叫關琪高。 我是科羅拉多州來的。我家有五個人:我的媽媽,爸爸,姐姐,妹妹和我。 我的姐姐叫PAOLA。 她也是大學生。她住在科羅拉多州。

    我是大學一年級的學生。 我的大學叫普及灣大學, 在TACOMA市。我住在宿舍,叫 TODD PHIBBS。我有一個室友。

    因為我喜歡科學, 所以我學化學,可是還沒有專業。我也喜歡中文。我家是香港人,可是我和我爸爸不說中文。我想要學中文,因為我想和我的祖母說話。你為什麼學中文?

    我喜歡龍與地下城, 這是一個桌游。 我和朋友一起玩這個遊戲。很好玩。你喜歡做什麼?

    是科羅拉多州來的 shì Kēluólāduōzhōu lái de; from Colorado
    住在 Zhù zài; lives in
    年級 niánjí; grade/year (in school)
    普及灣 pǔjí wān; Puget Sound
    市 shì; city
    宿舍 sùshè; dorm
    室友 shìyǒu; roommate
    科學 kēxué; science
    所以 suǒyǐ; therefore
    化學 huàxué; chemistry
    還 hái; still
    專業 zhuānyè; major
    想要 xiǎngyào; want to
    想 xiǎng; want
    祖母 zǔmǔ; father’s mother
    說話 shuōhuà; speak with
    香港人 Xiānggǎngrén; Hong Kong person/ from Hong Kong
    龍與地下城 lóng yǔ dìxiàchéng; Dungeons and Dragons
    桌游 zhuōyóu; board game
    一起 yīqǐ; together
    玩 wán; to play
    遊戲 yóuxì; game
    好玩 hǎowán; fun

    English Translation:
    Hi! My surname is Guan, my name is Qigao. I am from Colorado. My family has 5 people: my mom, dad, older sister, younger sister, and me. My older sister is named Paola. She is also a university student. She lives in Colorado.

    I am a first year student at university. My university is named University of Puget Sound, located in the city of Tacoma. I live in the dorm hall called Todd Phibbs. I have a roommate.

    Because I like science, I am studying chemistry, but I don’t yet have a major. I also like Chinese. My family is from Hong Kong, but my father and I don’t speak Chinese. I want to learn Chinese because I want to speak with my Grandma. Why do you study Chinese?

    I like Dungeons and Dragons, which is a board game. My friends and I play this game together. It is very fun. What do you like to do?

  9. 你好!我叫何嵩名。我的朋友叫我Grayson。我來自科羅拉多州。我家有五個人:爸爸,媽媽,姐姐,孿生姐姐和我。我的媽媽很漂亮。她叫Julia。她的工作是記帳員。



    來自: Láizì: from
    科羅拉多:Kēluólāduō zhōu: Colorado
    孿生姐姐: Luánshēng jiějiě: Twin sister (older)
    記帳員: Jìzhàng yuán: Bookkeeper
    工作:Gōngzuò: work
    普及灣: Pǔjí wān:Puget Sound
    課表:Kèbiǎo: Class schedule
    課:Kè: Class
    政治:Zhèngzhì: Politics
    對…有興趣: Duì … yǒu xìngqù: To be interested in
    台灣: Táiwān: Taiwan (country)
    音樂: Yīnyuè: Music
    樂團: Yuètuán: Band
    落日飛車:Luòrì fēichē:Sunset Rollercoaster (band)
    以後: Yǐhòu: after/in the future
    想要: Xiǎng yào: Want to
    興趣: Xìngqù: Interest
    騎: Qí: Ride (bike, motorcycle, horse)
    登山車: dēngshān chē: Mountain biking
    滑雪 : Huáxuě : Skiing
    時尚: Shíshàng: Fashion
    丹佛:Dānfú: Denver
    彈 tán: to play (music)
    聽: Tīng: to listen
    為了: Wèile: for
    最近: Zuìjìn: Recently
    做菜: Zuò cài: Cooking
    麵食: Miànshí: Pasta; Noodles
    做: Zuò: To make (food); to do

    English Translation:

    Hi! My name is He Songming. My friends call me Grayson. I am from Colorado. There are five people in my family: dad, mom, sister, twin sister and me. My mom is very beautiful. Her name is Julia. She is a bookkeeper.

    I am a college student, and my University is called University of Puget Sound. My class schedule is very good. My classes start at nine o’clock. I am studying politics. I am also learning Chinese. My Chinese is not good, but my English is good. I’m learning Chinese because I like Taiwanese music. My favorite band is called Sunset Rollercoaster. I also want to visit Taiwan in the future.

    My interests are mountain biking, skiing, fashion and music. In Denver, skiing and mountain biking are quite good. I don’t play music but I like listening to music a lot. I am interested in fashion, but it isn’t popular in Denver. Recently, I have been cooking. I like to make pasta. What kind of dishes do you like? I like skiing, what about you?

  10. 你們好!我姓彭,我叫彭青華。我來自愛荷華州 Des Moines市。我家有四個人:爸爸、媽媽、弟弟和我。我很愛我的家人!

    我的爸爸叫 Nicolas,他是大學的歷史老師。他是美國人,來自阿肯色州。他喜歡桌游和畫畫。

    我是大學一年級的學生。我的大學叫普及灣大學,在 Tacoma市。我住在學校,我有一個室友。這是我的宿舍,在 Seward。


    我喜歡桌游和玩游戲。所以我常常玩。我也喜歡看 Youtube 和聽音樂。有時候我彈鋼琴音樂。


    來自 láizì : to come from
    愛荷華州 Ài hé huá zhōu : Iowa State
    市 shì : city
    歷史 lìshǐ : history
    阿肯色州 Ākěnsè zhōu : Arkansas State
    桌游 zhuō yóu : board game
    畫畫 huà huà : to draw
    一年級 yī niánjí : First year
    普及灣大學 Pǔjí wān dàxué : University of Puget Sound
    住在 zhù zài : to live in/at
    學校 xuéxiào : school
    室友 shìyǒu : roommate
    宿舍 sùshè : dorm
    只 zhǐ : only
    說 shuō : speak
    以前 yǐqián : before
    西班牙文 Xībānyá wén : Spanish
    説得不好 shuō de bù hǎo : to speak poorly
    對….有興趣 duì… yǒu xìngqù : interested in
    電腦科學 diànnǎo kēxué : computer science
    科學歷史 kēxué lìshǐ : history of science
    課 kè : class
    很多 hěnduō : very much
    功課 gōngkè : homework
    一點 yīdiǎn : a little
    玩 wán : to play
    游戲 yóuxì : games
    所以 suǒyǐ : so
    常常 chángcháng : frequently
    看 kàn : to watch
    聽 tīng : to listen
    音樂 yīnyuè : music
    有時候 yǒu shíhòu : sometimes
    彈鋼琴 tàn gāngqín : to play piano
    會 huì : will (future tense)
    繼續 jìxù : to continue

    English Translation:
    Hello everyone! My surname is Peng, I’m called Peng Qinghua. I’m from Des Moines, Iowa. My family has four people: my dad, my mom, my younger brother, and me. I really love my family!

    My dad’s called Nicolas, he is a college professor of history. He is American from Arkansas. He likes board games and drawing.

    I’m a first year university student. My university is called the University of Puget Sound, in Tacoma. I live at school, I have one roommate. This is my dorm room in Seward.

    I only speak English, but I previously learned Spanish. I speak Spanish poorly. I’m interested in computer science and the history of science. I have four classes, but I don’t have very much homework. Before I couldn’t speak Chinese, but now I can speak a little Chinese. I really like Chinese language class.

    I like board games and playing video games. So I frequently play them. I also like watching Youtube and listening to music. Sometimes I play piano music.

    Will I continue learning Chinese? Yes, I will, because I enjoy Chinese language class.
    What about you? Do you like Chinese language class?

  11. 你好! 我是 Ella!我叫管艾蘭。

    我來自科羅拉多州。 我的家鄉在 Boulder市。我家有三個人, 我爸爸,我媽媽和我。 我們也有一隻狗。我的狗叫Coconut,她很小。她七歲。

    我是大學一年級的學生。我住在學校,我的宿舍叫 Harrington。我没有室友。我有四個課:中文,化學,歷史和生物學。我喜歡學中文,但我的中文不好。

    我學分子和細胞學,我也研究生物物理學。研究是我的工作,我在大學工作。我很喜歡科學, 我也想學習數學和神經科學。你有工作嗎?

    我也喜歡藝術。我喜歡用水彩和做陶瓷。我喜歡為我的朋友做藝術。你最喜歡的藝術家是誰?我的是 Giovanni Piranesi。

    來自 láizì – come from
    科羅拉多 kēluólāduō – Colorado
    州 zhōu – state
    家鄉 jiāxiāng – hometown
    在 zài – to be in/at
    市 shì – city
    隻 zhī – counting word for animals
    年級 niánjí – year in school
    住 zhù – to live
    學校 xuéxiào – school
    宿舍 sùshè – dormitory
    室友 shìyǒu – roommate
    課 kè – courses
    化學 huàxué – chemistry
    歷史 lìshǐ – history
    生物學 – shēngwùxué – biology
    但(=但是)dàn – but
    分子 fènzǐ – molecule
    細胞 xìbao – cell biology
    研究 yánjiū – to research; research
    生物 shēngwù – organism; biology
    物理學 wùlǐxué – physics
    工作 gōngzuò – job/work
    科學 kēxué – science
    想 xiǎng – would like to
    學習 xuéxí – to study
    數學 shùxué – math
    神经科學 shénjīngkēxué – neuroscience
    藝術 yìshù – art
    用 yòng – use
    水彩 shuǐcǎi – watercolors
    做 zuò – to make
    陶瓷 táocí – ceramics
    做 zuò – to do/to make
    最喜歡 zuìxǐhuan – favourite
    藝術家 yìshù jiā – artist

    Hi! My name is Ella! My Chinese name is Guan Ailan. I am from Colorado. My hometown is called Boulder. My family has three people, my dad, my mom, and me. We also have a dog. Her name is Coconut, and she is very small. She is seven years old.

    I am a freshman in college. I live on campus, and my dorm is called Harrington. I don’t have a roommate. I take four classes. Chinese, chemistry, history, and biology. I like studying Chinese, but my Chinese is not good.

    I am a molecular and cellular biology student and I research biophysics. Research is my job, and I work for the university. I like science a lot, and I also want to study math and neuroscience. Do you have a job?

    I am also an artist. I like using watercolors. I also like ceramics. Who is your favourite artist? Mine is Giovanni Piranesi.

  12. 你好!我的中文名字叫黃燁愛和我的英文名字叫Kirby。我來自加州,舊金山市。我家有六個人,我爸爸Craig,我媽媽Tina,我大哥Jeremy,我大姐Kiana和我哥哥Jacob。我大姐是舊金山的小學老師。她從San Jose大學的社工系畢業。她生日是一九九七年五月十六號。

    我是大學三年級的學生,我的大學是普及灣大學。我學社會學和人類學,我也學教育學。我有五個課,這學期我在McCarver小學當志工,我是三年級學生的小老師。我也在Residence Life工作。今年是我在那裡工作的第二年。


    我喜歡和我的朋友唱歌,跳舞。我也喜歡跟隊友玩排球和壘球。我愛看迪士尼的電影和Avatar: The Last Airbender的電視節目。週末我喜歡畫畫和聽音樂。你最喜歡的菜是什麼?你吃中國菜嗎?我最喜歡的菜是中國菜,我很喜歡吃中國麵條。

    Vocabulary List:
    加州: jiāzhōu—California
    舊金山市: Jiùjīnshān shì—San Francisco City
    小學:Xiǎoxué—elementary school
    社工:Shègōng—Social Work
    畢業:bìyè—to graduate
    普及灣:Pǔjí wān—Puget Sound
    社會學:shèhuì xué—sociology
    人類學:rénlèi xué—anthropology.
    教育學:Jiàoyù xué—Education
    當:Dāng—to be; to serve as
    志工:Zhì gōng—volunteer
    第二:dì èr— the second
    學習:Xuéxí—to learn
    台山話:Táishān huà—Taison dialect
    說:Shuō—to speak
    廣東:Guǎngdōng—Canton or Guangdong province
    廣東話:Guǎngdōng huà—Cantonese dialect
    但是: Dànshì—but
    所以: Suǒyǐ—therefore
    想:Xiǎng—to wish
    認識:Rènshí—to know
    唱歌:Chànggē—to sing
    跳舞:tiàowǔ—to dance
    跟隊友:Gēn duìyǒu—with teammates
    玩:wán—to play
    看:Kàn—to watch
    電視節目:Diànshì jiémù—television program
    畫畫:Huà huà—draw
    最喜歡的:Zuì xǐhuān de—favorite (phrase/word)

    English Translation:
    Hello! My Chinese name is Huang Ye Ai and my English name is Kirby. I am from San Francisco, California. My family has six people, my dad, Craig, my mom, Tina, my eldest brother, Jeremy, my eldest sister, Kiana, and my older brother, Jacob. My eldest sister is an elementary school teacher in San Francisco. She graduated with a Social Work degree from San Jose State University. Her birthday is May 16, 1997.

    I am a third year college student at University of Puget Sound. I study Sociology & Anthropology, and I also study Education Studies. I have five classes, this semester I am at McCarver Elementary School as a volunteer, I work with 3rd grade students as a teacher assistant. I also work at Residence Life. This year is my second year working there.

    This year is the first year I am learning Chinese. My grandpa and grandma speak Taison, that is a Cantonese dialect. They are Cantonese but do not speak Mandarin. University of Puget Sound does not have Cantonese language class, so I am learning Mandarin, because I want to learn their culture.

    I like to sing and dance with my friends. I also like to play volleyball and softball with my team mates. I love to watch Disney movies and Avatar: The Last Airbender the television program. On the weekend I like to draw and listen to music. What is your favorite food? Do you eat Chinese food? My favorite food is Chinese food, I especially like to eat Chinese noodles.

  13. 大家好!我的中文名字是黃愛玲。我是從加州來的。我家有三個人: 爸爸,媽媽和我。我是獨生女,所以我有點孤單。我是大學生;我的專業是社會學和人類學。我也學化學, 生物學和數學。因為我這個學期學中文,所以我很忙。你學習什麼?
    我喜歡外婆,因為她人很好!她也喜歡做菜。我家人們都跟她學做菜。新年是一個大日子!我們會請五十個人吃飯!我們兩個星期前開始做菜。我們做壽麵,整條魚,整隻白切雞,髪菜蠔豉,春卷,也買橘子, 等等 。我們用朋友的餐廳做菜。

    從加州來的 = jiāzhōuláide= to come from California
    獨生 = Dú shēng = only child
    有點 = yǒudiǎn = a bit
    孤單=Gūdān = lonely/solitary
    專業 = Zhuānyè = major
    社會學 = Shèhuì xué = sociology
    人類學= Rénlèi xué = anthropology
    化學 = Huàxué = chemistry
    生物學 = Shēngwù xué = biology
    數學 = Shùxué = maths
    學期 = xuéqī = term
    學習 = xuéxí = to study
    巧克力 = Qiǎokèlì = chocolate
    獸醫 = Shòuyī = veterinarian
    做菜 = zuòcài = to cook
    吃飯 = chīfàn = to eat
    墨西哥菜 = Mòxīgē cài= mexican food
    歐洲菜 = Ōuzhōu cài = european food
    廣東菜 =Guǎngdōng = Cantonese food
    常 = Cháng = often
    説 = Shuō = to say
    一樣 = Yīyàng = same
    外婆 = wàipó = grandmother
    真的 = Zhēn de = really
    跟= Gēn = with
    新年 =Xīnnián = new year
    大日子 = dàrìzi = Big day
    會請 = huìqǐng= to invite
    前= qián = before
    開始 = Kāishǐ = Start
    壽麵 = Shòu miàn = longevity noodles
    整條 = zhěng tiáo = whole/entire
    整隻白切雞 = Zhěng zhī bái qiē jī = whole white cut chicken(steamed chicken)
    髪菜蠔豉 = Fà cài háo Shì = fat choi ho si
    春卷 = Chūnjuǎn = fried rolls
    買 = Mǎi = to purchase
    橘子 = Júzi = oranges
    等等 = Děng děng = etc.
    用 = Yòng = to use
    餐廳 = Cāntīng = restaurant
    德國 = Déguó = Germany
    馬扎爾 = Mǎzhá ěr = hungarian
    母語 =Mǔyǔ = native language
    哪裡 = Nǎlǐ = Where

    English translation:
    Hello everyone! My name is Alexis. My Chinese name is Huang Ailing. I am from California. There are three people in my family: Father, Mother, and me. I am an only child. So it was a bit lonely. I am a university student; I am majoring in Sociology and Anthropology. I am also studying Biology, Chemistry, and Maths. Because this term I am also studying Chinese, I am very busy. What do you study?
    My mother’s name is Huang Xinai. She likes chocolate. She is a dog and cat veterinarian. My mother and I both like to cook and eat. We cook Mexican food, European food, and American food. My mother also loves Cantonese food and Chinese food, but she doesn’t often cook Chinese food, because she says it doesn’t taste the same as her mother’s food. She really likes my grandmother’s food. It truly is really good.
    I love my grandmother because she is a great person. She also likes to cook. She taught everyone in the family how to cook. New years is the biggest day of the year. We invited 50 people to eat. We start cooking a week in advance. We cook longevity noodles, a whole fish, a whole cut stemmed chicken, fat choi ho si, fried rolls, buy oranges, etc. We use our friend’s restaurant to cook.
    My mother’s family is Cantonese, my father’s family is Hungarian and German. Because I am American, my native language is English. Where are your mother and father from?

  14. 你好,我的名字是 Zach Weissman, 我的中文名字是尉人杰。 我來自Colorado州 Denver市。Denver 是很好的城市。 很漂亮,也是好地方,我愛Denver。

    我的家很小, 有四個人, 都來自 Colorado。 我的大哥有紅頭髮。 他是好學生。他住在 Chicago,上大學。

    我的大學叫普及灣大學,很漂亮,可是課很難。我喜歡,可是有時候我不喜歡。我的大學很小。我喜歡學習中文。 我的爸爸知道一點中文。我想和他學習,一起說中文。

    我喜歡打籃球。我也喜歡滑雪。為什麼我喜歡? 滑雪是Colorado生活一部分。我們有一個籃球隊, 叫【掘金 Nuggets】。他們怎麽樣? 現在他們不好。

    Vocabulary List:
    來自 – láizì – from
    州 – zhōu – state
    市 – shì – city
    很 – hěn – very
    漂亮 – piàoliang – beautiful
    地方 – dìfāng – place
    愛 – ài – love
    很好的 – hěn hǎo de – very good
    紅 – hóng – red
    頭髮 – tóufǎ – (human) hair
    住在 – zhù zài – lives in/at (a place)
    上大學 – shàng dàxué – attend college
    叫 – jiào – call
    普及灣 – pǔjíwān – Puget Sound
    可是 – kěshì – but
    很難 – hěn nán – difficult
    課 – kè – class
    喜歡 – xǐhuān – like
    有時候 – yǒushíhòu – sometime; sometimes
    學習 – xuéxí – learn
    知道 – zhīdào – to know (facts)
    一點 – yīdiǎn – a little (amount)
    想 – xiǎng – want; would like to
    一起 – yīqǐ – together
    說 – shuō – to speak
    打 – dǎ – play (ball games, such as basketball, football and baseball)
    籃球 – lánqiú – basketball
    滑雪 – huáxuě – skiing
    為什麼 – wèishéme – why
    生活 – shēnghuó – life
    一部分 – yībùfèn – part of
    籃球隊 – lánqiú duì basketball team
    掘金 – jué jīn – Nuggets (referring to Denver basketball team)
    怎麽樣?zěnmeyàng – how about

    Hi, my name is Zach Weissman, and my chinese name is 人杰. I’m from Denver Colorado. Denver is a very good city. It is a very beautiful place, and I love it.

    My family is small, there are four people, all from Colorado. My older brother has red hair. He is a good student. He lives and goes to school in Chicago.

    My university is called the University of Puget Sound. It is very beautiful, but the classes are difficult. I like it, but sometimes I don’t like it. My school is very small. I like learning Chinese. My dad knows a little Chinese. I want to study with him and speak Chinese together.

    I like playing basketball and I also like skiing. Why do I like it? Skiing is a part of Colorado life. We have a basketball team called the Nuggets. How about them Nuggets? Right now, not too good.

  15. Posted for 柯方文 Kē Fāngwén

    你好! 我叫Finn, 我的中文名字是柯方文。我來自俄勒岡尤金市。我家有四個人:爸爸,媽媽,哥哥和我。

    我哥哥叫Ronan, 二十一歲。他住在科瓦利斯。他是大學生。他在俄勒岡州立大學學習環境科學 。

    我是普及灣大學的大一新生。 這個大學在華盛頓州塔科馬市。 我在圖書館工作。 我住在學校,我的宿舍叫Schiff。

    大學很有趣 。我有四個課 :中文,政治學,英文修辭, 和我的 SSI。我喜歡我在大學的課 。我想主修歷史。

    我喜歡做菜、閱讀,我喜歡和朋友一起出去玩。 我喜歡吃爆米花和看韓國電影。 “A Taxi Driver”, “Train to Busan”, 和 “Luck Key” 是我最喜歡的。 我也喜歡爬樹。 你想念你的家鄉嗎? 是的,我想念朋友“Toviah”。

    來自 láizì : to come from
    俄勒岡, Élègāng, Oregon
    尤金, Yóujīn, Eugene
    市, shì, city
    住在: Zhù zài: (to) Live (somewhere)
    科瓦利斯, Kēwǎlìsī, Corvallis
    俄勒岡州立大學, Élēigāng zhōulì dàxué, Oregon State University
    學習, xué xí, to study
    環境科學, huánjìng kēxué, Environmental science
    普及灣大學, pújí wān dàxué, Puget Sound University
    塔科馬, tǎ kē mǎ, Tacoma
    華盛頓 ,huáshèngdùn ,Washington
    位於, wèiyú, to be located
    圖書館, túshū guǎn, Library
    工作, gōng zuò, to work
    學校, xué xiào, school
    宿舍, sù shè, Dorm
    很有趣,hěn yǒuqù, very interesting
    課, kè, Class
    政治學, zhèng zhì xué, political science
    修辭, xiū cí, Rhetoric
    喜歡, xǐ huan, to like (something)
    歷史, lì shǐ, history
    主修 , zhǔxiū, major
    做菜, zuò cài, cooking
    閲讀 yuè dú: reading
    一起, yīqǐ, together
    出去 chūqù: Go out
    玩 wán: to have fun
    爆米花, bàomǐhuā, popcorn
    看, kàn, to watch
    電影, diànyǐng, movie
    最喜歡的 zuì xǐhuān de, favorite
    爬樹, pá shù, tree climbing
    想念, xiǎng niàn, to miss (emotion)
    家鄉, jiā xiāng, hometown

    Hello! My name is Finn, my Chinese name is Ke Fangwen. I am from Eugene, Oregon. There are four people in my family: father, mother, brother and me.
    My brother, Ronan, is 21 years old. He lives in Corvallis. He is a college student. He studied environmental science at Oregon State University.
    I am a freshman at Puget Sound University. The university is in Tacoma, Washington. I work in the library. I live on campus and in the schiff dormitory.
    University life is amazing. I am in four classes: Chinese, Political Science, American Rhetoric, and also my SSI. I love my classes at university. I want to major in history.
    I like cooking, reading, and hanging out with friends. I like to eat popcorn and watch Korean movies. “A Taxi Driver”, “Train to Busan”, and “Luck Key” are my favorites. I also like climbing trees. Do you miss your hometown? Yes, I miss my best friend Toviah.

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