Chinese 307 | 三年中文: 從電影看中國文化的承傳與創新
Through the Cinematic Lens: Old and New China in Film
Topic #3 農村和城市的對比衝突和都市生活的現實
課程題目與目標 Lesson Topic & Goals:
1. 透过电影的故事来反思中國社會的種種現象和前途;
2. 討論導演拍攝的手法技巧和電影所要傳達的訊息。
討論電影: 一個都不能少Not One Less (China, 1999); Screening Notes
HW to be completed before Monday’s class on 3/7:
1. Voicethread: 练习说明中国二十世纪的重要事件。1) 軍閥時代 2) 抗日戰爭 3) 日本投降 4) 國共內戰 5) 大躍進 6. )文化大革命
(final posting due Wednesday 3/2 before class – please complete ASAP for a makeup grade)。
2. 翻譯功課: Complete translation assignment; post under Week#07 Comments.
3. Review your final Topic#1 essay, and prepare to record comments on Topic #1 Voicethread.
Monday 3/7:_____________________________________________
1. 介绍导演张艺谋和第三个题目的课程目标。
2. 一個都不能少Not One Less (China, 1999); Screening Notes.
HW to be completed before Wednesday’s class on 3/9:
1. Review your final Topic#1 essay, and prepare to record comments on Topic #1 Voicethread (due Friday 3/11).
2. Complete Screening Notes (turn in your English translation, vocabulary list and answers to the question in Chinese).
Wednesday 3/9:___________________________________________
1. 检查功课 – Collect Screening Notes Assignment.
2. 分组讨论阅读: (See Blog essay「一个都不能少」观后感 in Word or at
a. 很多人都说「一个都不能少」这电影十分感人,说小主角敏芝很伟大……种种对此电影主角行为的赞美,我都不赞同。我看到的,只有中国人的市侩,按章办事的迂腐以及对事物的短视以及教育制度失败的悲哀。
b. 戏中的小老师魏敏芝去代课的目的不在于作育英才,贡献国家;她为的只是五十块钱的工资。而推动她坚持学生「一个都不能少」的动力,也只不过是高老师额外打赏的十块钱而已。
c. 在我眼中,小老师魏敏芝根本与电视台的接待员女士毫无分别,她们一样是在「按章办事」,一样是没工作热诚,一样是以自我利益为出发点,魏敏芝多的只是一份冲劲而已。
d. 这故事不但说出贫村小学不幸,更是说出整个中国的不幸,就是教育制度的不完善。我想,导演开拍此电影的目的,可能是想中国人作一个反思,反思整个社会的前途,反思中国人的不良性格。
HW to be completed before Friday’s class on 3/11:
1. Review your final Topic#1 essay, and prepare to record comments on Topic #1 Voicethread (due Friday 3/11).
2. 写作练习: Response to the blogger’s comment (read Word file or at ).
a. 你同意不同意作者的看法 (see Wed. 閱讀 a. 到 d.)
b. 解释你同意(或不同意)的原因;
c. Post your comment (about 100-150 字) – draft (You can edit your draft copy in Friday’s class after class discussion.)
Friday 3/11:________________________________________________
1. 检查功课
2. 讨论: Response to the blogger’s comment (read Word file or at ).
a. 你同意不同意作者的看法;
b. 解释你同意(或不同意)的原因;
c. Edit your draft copy in Friday’s class after class discussion.
HW to be completed before Monday’s class on 3/21:
1. Be sure all past assignments were completed and turned in before the Spring Break – mid-term grades will be posted in Week #10;
2. No new assignment;
3. We will screen 秋菊打官司The story of Qiuju on Monday 3/21.
相關連接 Related Links:
(To be posted)
背景閱讀資料 Background Reading Materials:
(To be Posted)
Gengling and Chunhui
“The Red Sorghum Clan” is representative of Mo Yan’s literary work, and two chapters from the work have been adapted by famous mainland film director Zhang Yimou in his film “Red Sorghum”: “Red Sorghum” and “Sorghum Wine.” The background of the film is mainly comprised of the life of the locals. In his novel, Mo Yan attempts to create a “Red Sorghum” that would be representative of the chaos and death of war. With endless bloody corpses piling up in the sorghum field, the “fiery red” of the sorghum representing blood, and corpses left behind from the countless events of the military campaign and all the blood and tears left behind from this, the sorghum comes to symbolize the vitality of the few tall and strong characters left. (“Red Sorghum” is Mo Yan’s characteristic work)
Groups (for Monday’s and Wednesday’s in-class assignments):
1. Bo, Taylor, Phillip
2. Emily, Colin, Liz
3. Ada, Edmund, Riccardo
(Nitai is in the hospital….糟糕! 希望很快康復!)
Screening Notes #2 (See corrections: Sun Laoshi noted on 3/18)
我觉得村长代表了乡下人比城市人落后的性情。他理财(delete得)(add 很)不负责任(delete的)。他觉得找小孩儿当老师是(not合意use合理)的。我觉得魏敏芝代表了农村人的传统观念。她的决心高,是因为她考虑到高老师的指示。她(?无投诉)(instead use 堅決jian1jue2)地去到城市,是因为在农村,每一个人,每一个块钱都有重要性。
Noted by Sun Laoshi: Genglin, please answer the question on the screening notes.
Shui quan primary school teacher gao laoshi requested a leave of absence to go home and attend to family matters. From the next village over they found a thirteen year old girl to replace gao lao shi. Gao lao shi thinks she is to young, but he has no choice, they are unable to find anyone else. It will suffice to have her give the students lesson material every day. He wants not one less student, originally there were more than 30 but because of family burdens not raising tuition, now there are less than 26. The students all think this teacher is too young. With no formal teacher they start to bully her, the class room in noisy and chaotic. Zhang hui is one of the students, but he has problems at home, his mother is bed ridden, so he had to go to the city to make money. After the teacher hears about this situation, all the class mates raise money together to go to the city and find zhanghui and bring him home. Once she gets to the city she goes through challenging experiences, after good people help her she is able to find zhang hui. This child from a small mountain area becomes the focus of Chinese society.
暂时 zan shi- temporary
请假- request leave of absense
隔壁- ge bi, next door
代替- dai ti – replace
嘱咐- zhu fu – to tell
准确- zhun que- accurate
历经- li jing- experience
凑钱- cou qian – raise money
病卧在床- bed ridden
欺负- qi fu – bully
人数- ren shu – number of people
Vocabulary discussed in class today:
孫老師 3/22 改正:
Many people say the movie “Not One Less” is very touching and compliments on the main character Wei Minzhi. However, I disagree with all these compliments regarding her actions. In the movie, I can only see Chinese peoples’ selfishness by their inflexibility when handling situations, lack of foresight, and their education system is a failure. Minzhi decides to substitute for Mr. Gao not because she wants to teach the students or contribute to the country but to earn herself fifty dollars. Furthermore, she only insists that there cannot be one less student because Mr. Gao had promised to give her an additional ten dollars if no students dropout. To me, Minzhi is no different than the lady guard at the television station. They both follow a certain set of rules, have no passion for their jobs, and their actions are all based on what is beneficial for them. This story not only depicts the misfortune of an education in a poor village, but also China’s adversity from its imperfect education system. I think that the director’s purpose for filming this movie is for Chinese people to reflect on the entire society’s future and their own selfish characters.
我非常同意這個作者的感想是因為(add我認為)人天生就是自私的。拿中國人來說,他們的個性特別守舊,因此他們做的事,想法等等(instead of 都use並)不會隨著時代的變遷和進步(add而)有更好的變化。尤其是這部電影用的演員都沒有經驗也用了他們的真名和背景,所以他的目的不是要拍一部很出人意表的電影而是要傳達一個訊息讓觀眾反思他們自己的行為。
孫老師 3/22 改正:
Wèi Níngzhī 衛寧芝 said, on March 11th, 2011 at 2:03 pm edit
我同意《一個都不少》表現中國貧村教育制度的不完善, 也讓觀眾反思中國整個社會的前途。 但是我不同意這是導演拍攝電影的目的。我覺得導演的目的可能是(add要)表現貧村人民和流動人口(add生活)的現實,而且(not表現use指出=to point out)在意外的情況中國(add現代的社會)也有好心的人。
a. 很多人都说「一个都不能少」这电影十分感人,说小主角敏芝 很伟大……种种对此电影主角行为的赞美,我都不赞同。我看到的,只有中国人的市侩,按章办事的迂腐以及对事物的短视以及教育制度失败的悲哀。
a. Many people say that “Not One Less” is a really touching movie and that the main character, Wei Minzhi, is really great. There are all kinds of praise for the movie’s main character’s behavior, but I don’t agree. The way I see it, she’s only a profiteer like all Chinese people. She’s inflexible in handling matters as well as short-sighted about things. Also, the failings of the education system are sad.
1. 伟大 wei3da4 great
2. 赞美 zan4mei3 praise
3. 市侩 shi4kuai4 profiteer
4. 迂腐 yu1fu3 inflexible
5. 短视 duan3shi4 shortsighted
b. 戏中的小老师魏敏芝去代课的目的不在于作育英才,贡献国家; 她为的只是五十块钱的工资。而推动她坚持学生「一个都不能少」的动力,也只不过是高老师额外打赏的十块钱而已。
b. Wei Minzhi’s aim, when taking over class for Teacher Gao, is not to educate, and show devotion for their country. Her aim is just to get pain 50 yuan. Also, her strength in pushing to have not one less student is only to get the additional 10 yuan Teacher Gao promised her.
6. 贡献 gong4xian4 devote
7. 坚持 jian1chi to insist on; to persist in
8. 额外 e2wai4 additional
9. 赏 shang3 award; reward
c. 在我眼中,小老师魏敏芝根本与电视台的接待员女士毫无分别, 她们一样是在「按章办事」,一样是没工作热诚,一样是以自我利益为出发点,魏敏芝多的只是一份冲劲而已。
c. In my eyes, the substitute Wei Minzhi and the television station receptionist lady completely lack any difference. They are the same in “handling affairs,” the same in having not devotion to their work, the same in having self-interest from the start. Wei Minzhi only has a little more fervor.
10. 根本 gen1ben3 root; fundamentally; thoroughly
11. 接待员 jie1dai2yuan2 desk clerk; receptionist
12. 毫无 hao2wu2 not in the least; completely lack
13. 热诚 re4cheng2 devotion; fervor
14. 自我利益 zi4wo3li4yi4 self-interest
15. 出发点 chu1fa1dian3 starting point; the outset
16. 冲劲 chong4jin4 momentum; vigor
d. 这故事不但说出贫村小学不幸,更是说出整个中国的不幸,就是教育制度的不完善。我想,导演开拍此电影的目的,可能是想中国人作一个反思,反思整个社会的前途,反思中国人的不良性格。
This story not only tells of poor, rural elementary schools’ misfortunes, but also tells of the whole of China’s misfortunes – which are the educational system’s imperfections. I think the director’s goal in shooting this film may be to make the Chinese people reflect: reflect on the future of the whole society, reflect on Chinese people’s bad personalities.
17. 不完善 bu4wan2shan4 imperfection
18. 不良 bu4liang2 bad; harmful; unhealthy
孫老師 3/22 改正:
我不同意作者的看法。我觉得魏老师坚定的脾气是因为(add她有)决心(add,也)是(instead of 农村人use农民)传统(add的)美德。她也想尊老敬老 ,不(add让长辈-村长和高老师)失望。我觉得张艺谋(add拍片)的目的是(add要)表明(instead of农村人use农民)(add也)能(delete有)对社会(instead of 有益的行为use有贡献)。(add这个)电影(add的)故事提醒观众尽管农村跟城市有差异,人性(add:其实)(instead of 好use一样)。
美德- měidé-virtue
尊老敬老- zūnlǎo jìnglǎo-respect for one’s elders
失望-shīwàng-to dissapoint
(revise 有益-yǒuyì-beneficial)– Use You3 Gong4xian4 有贡献
提醒- tíxǐng-to remind
(not任should be 人)性- rénxìng-human nature
孫老師 3/22 改正:
Zhū Díwén 朱迪文 said, on March 11th, 2011 at 2:04 pm edit
a. 很多人都說「一個都不能少」這電影十分感人,說小主角敏芝很偉大……種種對此電影主角行為的贊美,我都不贊同。我看到的,只有中國人的市儈,按章辦事的迂腐以及對事物的短視以及教育制度失敗的悲哀。
Many people have said that “Not One Less”is a very touching movie, and that the young lead character Minzhi is excellent. I don’t agree with the praise that is directed at this movie and character. It seems that the Chinese are profiteers and can’t handle matters with foresight. The failures of the educational system are also sad.
主角 zhǔ jué: main role
贊同 zàn tóng: to approve of
短視 duǎn shì: to lack foresight
教育 jiào yù: to educate
制度 zhì dù: system
b. 戲中的小老師魏敏芝去代課的目的不在於作育英才,貢獻國家;她為的只是五十塊錢的工資。而推動她堅持學生「一個都不能少」的動力,也只不過是高老師額外打賞的十塊錢而已。
In this drama, the substitute teacher Wei Minzhi’s goal is neither to teach them, nor to contribute to society; she only works to earn a fifty dollar wage. Further encouraging her to have “not one less” student is Teacher Gao’s ten dollar bonus, and nothing more.
貢獻 gòng xiàn: to contribute
推動 tuī dòng: to push
堅持 jiān chí: to continue upholding
額外 é waì: extra
c. 在我眼中,小老師魏敏芝根本與電視台的接待員女士毫無分別,她們一樣是在「按章辦事」,一樣是沒工作熱誠,一樣是以自我利益為出發點,魏敏芝多的只是一份衝勁而已。
In my opinion, the substitute teacher Wei Minzhi and the television station receptionist are not in the least bit different. They are the same in that they do things by the book, they are the same in their lack of devotion for their work, and they are the same in that they act in their own self-interest. Wei Minzhi only has more perseverance.
根本 gēn běn: fundamentally
接待員 jiē dài yuán: receptionist
按章辦事 àn zhāng bàn shì: by the book
利益 lì yì: benefit
d. 這故事不但說出貧村小學不幸,更是說出整個中國的不幸,就是教育制度的不完善。我想,導演開拍此電影的目的,可能是想中國人作一個反思,反思整個社會的前途,反思中國人的不良性格。
This story does not only talk about the misfortunes of a poor village’s elementary school, but also talks about all of China’s misfortunes, specifically the flawed education system. I think that the director’s goal was to have Chinese people reflect on all of society’s future and on the poor character of Chinese people.
不完善 bù wán shàn: imperfect
反思 fǎn sì: to reflect / to think back over
不良 bù liáng: bad
孫老師 3/22 改正:
我同意,这个(not记者should be作者)说(add得=adv de)有道理。随着经济发展,贫富差距加大。特别(add在)农村和城市(add有了很大)的比较。这个电影显示(add农村)贫困的问题(cannot use也to join nouns)(use和)(add中国现代)社会的问题。作为一个(not农村人use农民),是(move社会阶层here)(add中)最低的。他们没有好的教育机会。虽然,人们知道教育系有问题,可是他们把私利(add看作)最重要的事。
孫老師 3/22 改正:
我(move不同意here first)(delete跟)那个博客作者(could add的看法)。他说(delete的是电影拍摄对)魏敏芝(add并不)代表(delete她不是)一个好心人 (delete。她说的 )她只要高老师的10块钱。如果他说的(delete是)对,为什么魏敏芝找到了张慧科的时(add候)哭了? 另外呢,我就觉得魏敏芝(add代表)(add的)是农村(add中)(add农民的)特色(delete的人。)(delte,是因为)当魏敏芝跟女(delete的)记者说话的时候他们说的表达中国现代(add社会)的(not事情maybe问题)。我觉得那个博客作者就是个悲观的人,也觉得电影评论家不应该是这样的。
悲观bēiguān – pessimistic; pessimism
评论家pínglùnjiā – critic
农村 – nóngcūn rural area; village
孫老師 3/22 改正:
screening notes
陳郁君Emily Chen
主演:魏敏芝 / 张慧科 / 田正达
Vocabulary List:
暫時 zànshí-temporary
請假 qǐngjià-to request leave of absence
村長 cūnzhǎng-village chief (mayor)
代替 dàitì-substitute
無奈 wúnài-without choice
囑咐 zhǔfù-to tell / to exhort / injunction
準確 zhǔnquè- exact
負擔不起fùdānbuqǐ-cannot afford
樣子 yàngzi-manner
委員 wěiyuán-committee member (student leader)
城里 chénglǐ-in the city
掙錢 zhèngqián-to make money
呼籲 hūyù-to call on
湊錢 còuqián-to raise money
歷經 lìjīng-to go through
大關 dàguān-(reach a) critical point
English Translation:
Shui Quan primary school’s only teacher, teacher Gao, had to no choice but to take a temporary leave of absence because his family had a problem. The village mayor had no choice but to find a 13 year old girl, Wei Min Zhi, from the neighboring village to substitute for teacher Gao’s class. But finding someone was not easy so teacher Gao had no choice but to tell Wei Min Zhi to make the students copy text. Teacher Gao also told Wei Min Zhi to not lose even one of the students. Originally, there were 30 students but because some families cannot afford tuition, only 26 students remained. The students all felt that the new teacher was too young and didn’t have teacher mannerisms so they started to take advantage of her and bully her so that the classroom was a mess. Zhang Hui Ke is the class leader but his family is poor and his mother is bed ridden so he had no choice but to go to the city to work and make money. After Wei Min Zhi found out about his circumstance, she called on the students to come together and pool money to find him and bring Zhang Hui Ke back. After Wei Min Zhi arrived in the city, she went through exhausting trouble. With the kindness of people’s and their assistance, Wei Min Zhi had help to find Zhang Hui Ke and the mountain area’s children received society’s charity.
我覺得最有意思的兩個較色是魏敏芝和寫到了粉筆在她的日記的小女孩。我覺得魏敏芝很(?專用maybe use the word=固執gu4zhi2)可是很笨。她不是最好的老師(add,)因為她沒有好的方法也沒有經驗。可是,她讓她的學生積極參與相互學習和較一起。我也覺得小女孩的日記很成熟(add,)因為她理解粉筆的重要在他們的教室。她是一個好學生因為她理解老師的不浪費的教訓。
1. Provide an English translation and a vocabulary list.
2. 介绍觉得最有意思的两个角色。