Chinese 309 | Phoenix Claws and Lion’s Head: Food and Chinese Culture
三年中文: 中國的飲食文化
課程題目與目標 Lesson Topic & Goals:
題目 #4: 现代饮食文化 – 軟性飲料和傳統茶藝
1. 學習中國茶葉的種類,茶的分類和方式以及泡茶的方法。
2. 比較茶在台灣與中國的異同。
3. 了解現代中國的飲料文化。
Homework for Week #14: (Make your own Voicethread project):
Due Monday (4/16): (three slides)
Slide 1. 你要推销的产品 a product to promote in China
Slide 2. 广告词 write up a one-line (often two 4-character phrases)
Slide 3. 怎么推销 choose a spoken person to promote your product (and how)
Due Wednesday (4/18): (record your explanation on each slide)
星期一課堂題目及活動 (Monday 4/16):_____________________________
Go over Voicethread Project – individually
Reading Assignment: (complete 14.1 by Wednesday’s class)
星期三課堂題目及活動 (Wednesday 4/18):__________________________
Voicethread Project Presentation
Reading Assignment: (complete 14.2 & 14.3 by Friday’s class – know the key words so you are prepared for the Tea Presentation)
星期五課堂題目及活動 (Friday 4/20):_____________________________
Taiwan tea presentation by Ms. Shiuwen Tai, Floating Leaves in Seattle
Shiuwen will offer three sessions for tea tasting from 3-5 pm that Friday. She can only accommodate 10 people at eact session; very limited seating. You need to sign up with Sun Laoshi if you would like to join one of these sessions.
Record a commentary on the following Voicethread – making three points about the tea presentation today. Due next Wednesday (4/25).
14.1 烏龍茶: 在中國,因為茶的種類眾多,製法不同,為了方便分類,依茶的發酵程度及茶湯的顏色而分成綠茶、白茶、黃茶、青茶、紅茶及黑茶六大類。而其中的青茶,就是俗稱的烏龍茶。歐美國家對茶的的分類更為簡單,即依發酵度來分,不發酵的叫綠茶,全發酵的叫紅茶,而介於中間半發酵的皆稱為烏龍茶。所以不論中西各國,對烏龍茶的稱法,皆是指依某種做法製成的半發酵的茶,並不是指特定的茶葉品種。
14. 2 但是在台灣,本地人所稱的烏龍茶,卻不是這個意思。除了它是半發酵的茶之外,還必須是用烏龍的品種(如青心烏龍,大冇烏龍…)所做出來的茶,才叫做烏龍茶。而其他的則用其茶樹的品種來稱呼,如金宣。較有名氣的茶,則會加上地方名字,如大眾所熟悉的凍頂烏龍茶。「凍頂」指的就是南投縣鹿谷鄉所產製的烏龍茶皆稱「凍頂烏龍」。除此之外,某些高山茶區也會將山名加在前面,如:玉山烏龍茶…,或直接說成「高山烏龍茶」。而一般若單寫「高山茶」時,也是指烏龍茶品種的意思。如果是其他品種,則會有不同的稱呼,如:阿里山金宣茶、東眼山鐵觀音…。在台灣所種植的茶類中,大部分都是烏龍的品種。
14. 3 文山包種茶、凍頂茶、白毫烏龍茶(東方美人茶)及高山茶合稱台灣四大特色茶。見泡茶程序 (
Michael Turton’s article, Taiwan’s Napa Valley of Tea
Stephane’s Tea Masters Blog
Video Program: Tea – Taiwan’s Golden Treasure #1, #2, and #3:
Assignment 4 Revision
如果你是美国人的话非作为一个消费者不可,可以说买东西是大多美国人最喜欢的消遣活动。美国是全球领导新潮的国家,给别的国家介绍我们的消费心态是什么。这种心态用名牌,奢侈品,连锁店的形式来表达西方的价值观念,实际上今天全球文化的历史可追溯到西方资本主义的起源。不过依我看来,消费文化只是在追求一个无意义的生活方式。现今西方消费文化的影响在全球是很明显的,尤其在中国。原来中国人很节俭, 关心存钱,现在虽然他们还喜欢省钱,可是大城市很快地接受了消费文化常造成社会问题。1978年邓小平实行改革开放政策,那时起国外公司很迅速地进入中国封锁很久的经济铁门去投资。此后经由资本主义,中国人民接受企业家的心态,就是说以赚钱为生活目标,关心名牌,造成年轻一代特别,购买进口食品,或买仿冒品。一般消费者都很注意包装和名牌代表的形象等等。总的来说,全球人类被消费文化和资本主义的心态迷惑,结果不给有意义的事情优先考虑。当然资本主义及消费文化的高昂代表现代中国人民开始过着比较舒适的生活方式。经济的发展带来好处也带来问题。
14.1 and 14.2 Translation
Oolong Tea: In China, because there are so many different types of categories and methods, for convenient purposes, a tea’s fermenting degree as well as the tea’s color allows us to divide them into groups: green tea, white tea, yellow tea, grass tea, black tea, and other six black tea categories. Among the grass teas, they are usually referred to oolong tea. The Western countries categorize teas even more simply; by depending tea’s fermenting degrees to separate. They just call all fermented teas as black tea while all the other teas in between that are semi-fermented are oolong tea. So no matter a Chinese or Western country, naming oolong tea could be the way of procuring method, fermenting, and not only depending on the specific tea type.
But in Taiwan, native people actually weigh the Oolong tea; but it has a different meaning. Apart from the tea being half-fermented, but you also have to use a specific variety to make the tea Oolong. Other kinds like from tea trees are used to name them like Jin Xuan. They comparatively are known for giving energy and will give them names from their origin like “Dong Ding.” Dong Ding is from Nantou county in central Taiwan in Lugu Township and is named “Dong Ding Oolong Tea.” In addition, some mountain teas will have mountain names added on to the front of the tea. For example, Yushan Oolong Tea or sometimes directly named “tall mountain oolong tea.” Generally, if it is written “tall mountain tea,” it means it is a kind of oolong tea. If it is another kind of tea, they will be called something else like “Alishan Gold Tea,” “Eastern Mountain Tieguanyin Tea.” In Taiwan, most tea plants are a type of oolong.
Assignment #4 改正:
Oolong tea: In China, because there are many types of tea and different methods of making tea, in order to conveniently classify them, tea is divided into six main classes according to the degree of fermentation and color of the tea: green tea, white tea, yellow tea, grass tea, black tea and dark tea. Among the grass teas, oolong tea is commonly referred to. America and Europe have simplified tea classifications even more, that is, namely dividing according to the degree of fermentation, calling not fermented teas green tea, completely fermented teas black tea, and all semi-fermented teas oolong tea. As a result, regardless of the country, all methods of classifying oolong tea depend on the process of semi-fermentation and not the specific type of tea leaf.
14.1: Oolong Tea: In China, because there are numerous varieties of tea, manufacturing practices are different. For the purposes of convenient classification of the six main types of tea — green, white, yellow, blue-green and black — categorization is based on degree of fermentation and color. Among these teas, the blue-green variety is the most common of oolong tea. In Europe and the Americas, tea classification is simpler, that is separated based on degree of fermentation: non-fermented are considered green teas; completely, black tea; semi or intermediary, oolong tea. Consequently, regardless of the country, naming methods are all based on semi-fermentation and not on specific tea variety.
烏龍茶: 在中國,因為茶的種類眾多,製法不同,為了方便分類,依茶的發酵程度及茶湯的顏色而分成綠茶、白茶、黃茶、青茶、紅茶及黑茶六大類。而其中的青茶,就是俗稱的烏龍茶。歐美國家對茶的的分類更為簡單,即依發酵度來分,不發酵的叫綠茶,全發酵的叫紅茶,而介於中間半發酵的皆稱為烏龍茶。所以不論中西各國,對烏龍茶的稱法,皆是指依某種做法製成的半發酵的茶,並不是指特定的茶葉品種。
Oolong Tea: In China, because there are so many different categories of tea and ways of cultivating tea, to make classification easier tea is divided into categories based on its level of fermentation, the color of the tea when it is brewed, and into the six main categories: green tea, white tea, yellow tea, qing (nature-green) tea, red tea, and black tea. But among the qing teas, tea is commonly referred to as Oolong tea. The Western countries classify tea with even simpler classifications, based on the level of fermentation. Non-fermented teas are called green tea, and all fermented teas are called red tea, and so any tea slightly in the middle of these two categories are all referred to as Oolong tea. So, regardless of what each country calls Oolong tea, all classifications of Oolong tea point at some method of handling and manufacturing semi-fermented teas, and not at some special variety of tea leaves.
Chinese309 Blog Response Final Revision Post
從大學生消費者的觀點來看,我覺得美國大學生可能關心名牌也可能不在乎牌子。我覺得取決于學生的心態,要看她們關心或不關心自己的社會地位和形象。有些學生喜歡名牌是因為他們覺得用名牌的產品會給別人一個印象有比較高的社會地位。但是,有些大學生和別的人喜歡名牌是因為他們覺得這樣的產品有比較高的品質。名牌也是奢侈品。所以,你讓別的人覺得你看起來有比較高的社會地位。因為名牌比較貴,名牌不在連鎖店,而在專賣店。你可以說不在乎牌子的人是比較聰明的消費者,可以省錢,可以投資他們的錢在別的地方或買別的東西。如果他們喜歡名牌但是要省錢,他們可以買相似的商品。很多人覺得買名牌是不好的,浪費錢。中國的文化是比較注重節儉的,有很多中國人不買名牌。但是,現在有中國人關心社會地位和形象,所以, 你可以看得到很多中國人穿名牌,比一般美國人更注重形象。
Oolong tea: In China, because there are so many varieties of tea, and the brewing methods are different, in order to conveniently categorize teas it depends on the level of fermenting and the boiling water’s colors. Then you can divide teas into green tea, white tea, yellow tea, green-blue tea, black tea, and dark tea. These are the six main types. Among these green-blue teas they are more commonly called oolong tea. Western countries are even simpler in their classification. It mainly depends on the fermentation. If it’s not called green tea, it’s called black tea, and anything in between is called oolong tea. So regardless of countries’ opinions of the naming and making of oolong tea, it all depends on some kind of manufacturing or fermenting process, and not on specific leaf variety.
Assignment #4
一般美国大学生没有那么多余的钱,所以他们有节俭的心态。对为他们来说省钱很重,所以他们常常买不起贵的东西或在高档的饭店吃饭等等。我们年轻的消费者得省钱,因为一些学生自己交学费或从政府普及湾大学拿奖助学金补助。这事很普通,可是我知道每个人自己的形象很重要,所以大家还是要想产品品牌很重要。除了衣服的牌子比如H&M和Abercrombie & Fitch以外,电子产品的品牌比如苹果公司和微软公司都很热销。大家常常买这些个公司的产品,因为是高品质的,但也有时候是为了显示自己的身份地位。例如,苹果公司电脑,iPod和iPhone都热销,那么加大热销造成很多产品竞争,也造成更多人现在要这种的产品。
Ignore the earlier post; this the correct link:
John Frieda 洗髮水
However, in Taiwan what native people call Oolong Tea isn’t actual Oolong Tea. Besides the fact that it is half fermented, it also must use Oolong breed- their kind of tea is only Oolong in name. As other varieties use their tea tree for classification. In contrast, famous types of tea also can have their original location added to the name. For example Nantou Jian is a production site of Oolong Tea and is part of the name. In addition to this, some regions can also use a mountain name and add it in front, for example: Yushan Mountain Oolong Tea-or the opposite: Wushan Oolong Tea. Also, when writing (Gaoshan Tea) you also use the Oolong Tea breed. If it is other breeds, then it can be called different things- for example: Alishan jinxuan Tea, East Yanshan Tieguanyin Tea. In Taiwan most of the tea that is bred is Oolong Tea.
Wenshan Tea, Dongding Tea, Baihao Oolong Tea, and High Mountain Tea are collectively known as the four distinctive Taiwanese teas. It is very simple to brew tea.
1. Buy a test teacup (usually only 100 yuan)
2. Spread the tealeaves in the cup to form just one layer
3. Fill the cup with boiling water and wait for three minutes
It is only natural that everyone’s taste preferences aren’t the same, there are people who like strong tea and some who like weaker tea, you can from your first drinking experience form a strong opinion that will grow and adjust- you can like the flavor of strong tea and have this preference that can change over time or you may like the flavor of weak tea and this preference can change over time- everyone plays around with their own taste preferences.
14.2 但是在台湾,本地人所称的乌龙茶,却不是这个意思。除了它是半发酵的茶之外,还必须是用乌龙的品种(如青心乌龙,大冇乌龙…)所做出来的茶,才叫做乌龙茶。而其他的则用其茶树的品种来称呼,如金宣。较有名气的茶,则会加上地方名字,如大众所熟悉的冻顶乌龙茶。「冻顶」指的就是南投县鹿谷乡所产制的乌龙茶皆称「冻顶乌龙」。除此之外,某些高山茶区也会将山名加在前面,如:玉山乌龙茶…,或直接说成「高山乌龙茶」。而一般若单写「高山茶」时,也是指乌龙茶品种的意思。如果是其他品种,则会有不同的称呼,如:阿里山金宣茶、东眼山铁观音…。在台湾所种植的茶类中,大部分都是乌龙的品种。
However, the oolong tea that Taiwanese natives refer to is not the same. Besides the semi-fermented tea varieties, they also drink the ones know as oolong tea. Additionally, others refer to different tea varieties as oolong, such as the jinxuan variety. The more well known teas referred to by their regions’ names such that the population knows about dòngdǐng oolong tea. “Dòngdǐng” refers to the oolong tea production in Lugu, Nantou County. In addition, some high mountain tea areas also include the mountain name before the tea name, such as in the name Yùshān oolong tea, or will simply save high mountain tea. In general, mountain tea indicates oolong tea varieties. If it is a different breed, they will use a different name such as Ālǐshān Jīnxuān or Dōngyǎnshān Tiěguānyīn tea. In Taiwan, of the teas cultivated there, the greater majority is of the oolong type.
14.3 當然每個人口味不同,有人喜歡喝濃茶,有人喜歡喝淡茶,可以根據第一次泡出來的結果去作調整,喜歡味道濃的,就泡久一點或是放多一些茶葉,喜歡味道淡一些的,泡的時間就少一些,或是放少一些茶葉,每個人都可以玩出屬於自己的味道。
Naturally person’s tastes differ: Some people like to drink strong tea and others like to drink mild tea. It is possible, based on the first outcome of a steeping, to make adjustments. For a more concentrated flavor, one only needs to steep it longer or add more tea leaves. For a lighter tea, steep for a shorter time or add fewer leaves. Everyone can trifle with it for one’s tastes.
Oolong Tea: In China, because there are so many different types of categories and production methods, for convenient classification, a tea’s fermenting degree as well as the teas’ color allows us to divide them into groups: green tea, white tea, yellow tea, green grass tea, black tea, these six major groups. Among these teas, green grass tea is commonly referred to as oolong tea. The Western countries categorization of teas is even more simple; focusing on tea’s fermentation in order to classify them. Non-fermented teas are called green tea while completely fermented teas are called red tea. Tea that is half fermented is called Oolong tea. No matter what country(West or East), naming oolong tea is dependent on some kind of half-fermented process, not the type of tea leaf.
But in Taiwan, what native people call Oolong tea has a totally different meaning. Apart from the tea being half-fermented, you also have to use a specific ingredient to make the tea Oolong. Other kinds use leaves from different tea trees to name them, like Jin Xuan. They comparatively are known for giving energy and will give them names from their origin that everyone is familiar with like “Dong Ding.” Dong Ding is from Nantou county in central Taiwan in Lugu and is named “Dong Ding Oolong Tea.” In addition, some mountain teas will have mountain names added on to the front of the tea. For example, Yushan Oolong Tea or sometimes directly named “tall mountain oolong tea.” Generally, if it is written “tall mountain tea,” it means it is a kind of oolong tea. If it is another kind of tea, they will be called something else like “Alishan Gold Tea,” “Eastern Mountain Tieguanyin Tea.” In Taiwan, most tea plants are a type of oolong.
14. 2 但是在台灣,本地人所稱的烏龍茶,卻不是這個意思。除了它是半發酵的茶之外,還必須是用烏龍的品種(如青心烏龍,大冇烏龍…)所做出來的茶,才叫做烏龍茶。而其他的則用其茶樹的品種來稱呼,如金宣。較有名氣的茶,則會加上地方名字,如大眾所熟悉的凍頂烏龍茶。「凍頂」指的就是南投縣鹿谷鄉所產製的烏龍茶皆稱「凍頂烏龍」。除此之外,某些高山茶區也會將山名加在前面,如:玉山烏龍茶…,或直接說成「高山烏龍茶」。而一般若單寫「高山茶」時,也是指烏龍茶品種的意思。如果是其他品種,則會有不同的稱呼,如:阿里山金宣茶、東眼山鐵觀音…。在台灣所種植的茶類中,大部分都是烏龍的品種。
However, in Taiwan, the names Taiwanese people give Oolong tea actually don’t have this meaning. In addition to Oolong tea being classified as partially oxidized, Oolong teas must be classified by the quality of the Oolong (such as Qing Heart Oolong, Damao Oolong) out of all tea products, only then can they be called Oolong teas. An additional rule is that they must be classified by the variety of tea tree, such as Jinxuan. To compare famous kinds of tea, the name of the place the tea comes from may be added; for example, most people are familiar with Dongding Oolong. Dongding refers to all Oolong tea produced in Lugu in the Nantou county of central Taiwan and referred to as Dongding Oolong. In addition to this, some high mountain tea regions can also add the names of mountains at the beginning of the name; for example, Yu Mountain Oolong, or maybe more directly called High Mountain Oolong. But half of the time it seems as if to write High Mountain Tea also refers to the variety of the tea. If there is another variety, different names are used; for example: Ali Mountain Jinxuan Tea, Dongyan Mountain Tieguanyin Tea, etc. In Taiwan all types of tea are grown, and the majority of them are all of the Oolong variety.
However, in Taiwan what locals refer to as Oolong Tea is actually not what it means. It is semi-fermented tea, and still must use wulong varieties (such as green oolong and mao oolong…) and is actually used to make tea, which is known as Oolong Tea. Yet others refer to their tea as Oolong tea, such as Jin Xuan. The comparatively famous teas will even get local names, such as how the masses actually all know Dong Ding Oolong Tea. Dong Ding refers to Nantou county and Lugu township which produces tea that is all called Dong Ding Tea. In addition, some mountainous tea areas will put their name in front, such as Yushan Oolong tea…, or maybe even directly such as Gaoshan Oolong. Generally, if you write Mountain oolong, it refers to the Oolong variety. Othger varieties have different names, such as Alishan Jin Xuan Tea or dongyuanshan Tea. Of all the tea varietites produced in Taiwan, the majority are Oolong Tea.
14.1 Oolong Tea: In china because there are so many different kind of tea, and classification systems of tea, tea is divided up into six different categories, Green tea, white tea, yellow tea, other kinds of green tea and two kinds of black tea as well, all to due to the color of the tea and the temperature that they should be brewed at. Among them green tea and oolong tea are the most well-known kinds. Even in America and Europe, tea can be classified into different points depending on degree of fermentation. Partially fermented tea is usually classified as Green tea where the fully fermented tea is called Black tea. Those that are in the middle of these two are called oolong tea. So wherever one is, China or Western countries Oolong tea refers to the semi fermented varieties of tea but not necessarily to a specific kind.