Homework to be completed before class on Monday 10/24:
1. 文章: 兩岸三地大學生就業薪酬掃描 (亞洲(澳門)國際公開大學,現代管理研究中心編輯) (見下)
2. 分組閱讀功課 Group Assignment:
Groups 2 & 3: Read half way through the section on “內地” (from “內地大學生就業難已經呼喚了多年,….IBM北京理工大學生多等等。)
Group 1: Reada little more than half way through the section on “香港” (from 與內地大學生就業難、待遇走低截然不同,…對大學生就業情況會造成影響。)
Groups 4 & 5: Read half way through the section on “台灣” (from “伴隨著八年經濟下滑,…超市搬貨員等行業也都有大學畢業生。)
每組準備工作 For each group:
1 跟组员见面一起研读
Meet with your group mates (face to face via SKYPE), go over the reading assignment together. Budget at least ONE hour,
preferably TWO hours.
2. 确定了解内容讨论重点
Make sure everyone comprehends the assigned text; discuss key points.
3. 每位组员准备谈两个重点
Each person in the group prepares TWO different key points (summary comment based on the reading assignment) to present. Group 1 will have SIX key points; the rest will have FOUR points per group.
4. 把重点写好放上播课
Post your key points individually before class.
5. 每段20分钟每组员三到四分钟
We will devote about 20 minutes to each section (China, HK, Taiwan), and student in each group will have about 3-4 minutes to present.
a) Present your points orally, explain to classmates clearly what they mean, use your own words to ensure comprehension. Text will be projected via
Mandarinspot.com during presentation. Use the tool to display annotation notes for key words if needed.
b) Each group should coordinate your presentations to ensure key points are presented in order and without repetition.
c) Remember, you have to understand your assigned text before you can explain the meaning to others. You are TALKING and PPRESENTING to the class, not just READING your notes. (Prepared notes are acceptable but make sure you know them well and can add further explanation if needed.)
Each one of you will be TEACHING the class next week (Wk #09):
星期一: 1st half of each assigned section (oral presentations + blog postings)
星期三: 2nd half of each assigned section (oral presentations + blog postings)
星期五:Comments, reflections, discussions and questions (work on reflection comments – 150 words due Wednesday 10/26)
Homework to be completed by Monday 10/31:
1. Revisions (3rd/final draft, 2nd draft or 1st draft) of the following:
a. 履历表( the form with your shor bio/自传)
b. 中文和英文履历
c. 求职信
2. Check to make sure you have posted under Comments (Week #9) FOUR key points about your assigned reading section. If not, post them before Monday’s clss. See corrections for earlier posting.
3. Start working on your reflective comments, specifically adress the following: 比较两岸三地大学生就业情况。Be sure to talk about all three places: China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. (About 150 words, not more than 200 words. Focus on one point maybe, not a summary of the entire essay.) Comments should be posted under Week #10 (next week’s) Comments section, due on Wednesday, 11/2.
Next week:
Lecture on Deng Xiaoping by Harvard sociologist Ezra Vogel
Tuesday, November 1, Trimble Forum
Check out Prof. Vogel’s book, Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China
Scheduled lesson topics and work for Weeks #10-13 (before Thanksgiving break):
1. (Weeks #10-11) Finalize your short bio, CV and cover letter. Work on Voicethread recording/self-intro project.
2. (Weeks #10-11) We will read 3 documents: 1) an email solicitation to seek business partners; 2) an invitation for a banking finance forum; 3) a rental contract.
3. (Weeks #11-13) Prepare for a group debate (on topic of your choice). Possible debate topics include:
見改正 二00六年四月,內地政府正式開始(not接受use 认可)台灣畢業生的學歷。
1. 台湾人开始(not向use去)国外找工作….(add…。)
2. 台湾人对中国大陆兴趣越来越大…..(add…。)
台灣的畢業生不斷在找新的工作是因為他們目前的薪酬都很少。他們也因此在銀行借錢,可是沒有(wrong前should be錢)來還債。
在香港,最近大学生就业情况良好 ,工作市场比较令人振奋。去年十二至今年三月有1081雇主提供2138职位。这就比(wring千年should be 前年)的数目增加28.25 %的。
(add台灣)畢業生不但(move 找工作here)很難(delete找工作)薪酬低,他們也欠很多的學費。這些畢業生(intead of using 不知道怎麼use 沒有能力)還錢。