Chin307 Spring ’11

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This blog page is set up for the Chinese 307 course, Through the Cinematic Lens: Old and New China in Film,  三年中文: 從電影看中國傳統文化和現代生活. Students of Chinese 307 are expected to use this blog to post and share individual work and group projects. This course is taught face-to-face three days a week (M W F 2:00-2:50 p.m. at Wyatt 209).

Screenings are mandatory and will take place every other week on an evening or an early afternoon (TBA). Films will be shown in the Wyatt 209 classroom. Please keep in mind that not all of the films are available in the same format online or on reserve, so it is in your best interest that you attend the scheduled screenings.

Visitors are welcome to email Prof. Perry at for further questions.

2 thoughts on “Chin307 Spring ’11

  1. Here is a revised proposed screening schedule (for 14 films). You are required to attendt at least SIX of the showings and view another FOUR films (your choice) on your own. All showings are in Wyatt 209. Some of the films are on reserve at the lobrary. See on reserve list.

    Friday 1/21 3:00-5:00 pm 洗澡Shower (VHS; China, 1999)
    Monday 1/28 3:00-5:00 pm 喜宴Wedding Banquet (DVD; Taiwan, 1993)
    Monday 1/31 3:00-5:00 pm 和你在一起Together (DVD; China, 2002)
    Monday 2/143:00-5:00 pm 霸王別姬Farewell My Concubine (China/HK, 1993)
    Monday 2/21 3:00-5:00 pm 紅高粱Red Sorghum (China, 1987)
    Monday & Wednesday 2/28 & 3/2 3:00-4:30 pm 悲情城市City of Sadness (Taiwan, 1989)

    Thursday 3/3 6:30-9:00 pm 陽陽Yang Yang (Taiwan, 2009)
    Thursday 3/24 6:30-9:00 pm 海洋天堂 Ocean Heaven (CHina, 2010)
    These two films are part of the Tacoma Sister City Film Festival 2011- admission required.

    (After Spring Break)
    Monday 3/21 3:00-5:00 pm 一個都不能少Not One Less (China, 1999)
    Monday 3/28 3:00-5:00 pm 秋菊打官司The Story of Qiu Ju (China, 1992)
    Monday 4/7 3:00-5:00 pm 風櫃來的人The Boys From Fengkuei (Taiwan, 1983)
    Monday 4/14 3:00-5:00 熱帶魚 Tropical Fever (Taiwan, 1995)
    Monday 4/21 3:00-5:00 尋槍 The Missing Gun (China, 2002)
    Monday 4/28 3:00-5:00 少林足球 Shaolin Soccer (Hong Kong, 2001)

  2. 知名香港導演王晶在1991年所拍的《賭俠2之上海灘賭聖》是《賭俠》的續集. 大軍(程東飾)因在《賭俠》的賭場上敗給阿星(周星馳飾), 下定決心要向阿星報仇. 大軍跟師第們對阿星發功時, 發生了時空倒流. 因此, 阿星, 他的三叔(吳孟達飾)和大軍返回到1937年的上海. 阿星在上海歷經辛苦, 最後在大軍的幫助下贏了一場重要的賭局也回到1991年的香港. 這部電影非常有娛樂性.除此之外, 電影的內容也包含了一個愛情故事,是一部值得看的笑片.



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