Chinese 309 | Phoenix Claws and Lion’s Head: Food and Chinese Culture
三年中文: 中國的飲食文化
課程題目與目標 Lesson Topic & Goals:
題目 #4: 现代饮食文化 – 軟性飲料和傳統茶藝
1. 學習中國茶葉的種類,茶的分類和方式以及泡茶的方法。
2. 比較茶在台灣與中國的異同。
3. 了解現代中國的飲料文化。
星期一課堂題目及活動 (Monday 4/30):_____________________________
1. Check Voicethread Ad project completion and see updates:
福臨, 靜儀: 來金水瓶
耀桐: 耐克喬登
美芳, 敏偉: 林書豪奇蹟籃球鞋
曼迪: 湯姆緬因漱口藥水
慧婷: John Frieda 洗髮水
郁君: 美国蓝顶无烟电子烟
青泓, 曼寧: 绿绿 Thump Thump
春暉, 南樂: 绿国泡面
玉蓮: Sephora 化妆品
元博: Nalgene 水瓶
偉誠: Rayban 太阳镜
2. Complete revision of Assignment #5; post corrected copy under Comments under this week (Wk#16)
3. Have Prof. Perry approve your Topic #4 title 播客題目; work on your title page slide; see example below.
4. Email your title slide in PDF.
5. Work on your essay:
a. 選擇你的英文文章 (從英文的Taiwan Review 雜誌 – 有四篇有關食物的文章及一個關於台灣美食的DVD – try to stick with an article about food or from comments from the DVD as your basis for your final writing/podcast project) – complete Week #15 assignment
b. About 500-700 characters or a 3-min oral comments;
c. Have draft copy ready when you meet with Prof. Sun at your individual appointment. See schedule below.
星期三課堂題目及活動 (Wednesday 5/2):_____________________________
Final essay: post your final corrected essay and an English translation under Week #16 Comments.
Record your podcast comments (your essay) on your submitted slide.
Complete this project and other belated assignments by Monday (5/7) 12:00 pm.
Individual Appointments:
Friday (4/27):
3:30 Ada
Monday (4/30):
10:00 Yvonne
1:00 Max
4:00 Lev
Tuesday (5/1):
11:00 Brandon
11:45 Alexi
12:30 Phillip
1:15 Bo
2:00 Yvonne
Wednesday (5/2):
10:00 Monica
1:00 Travis 福临
3:00 Phillip
3:45 Belinda (Note the new time)
4:30 Amanda
Friday (5/4):
9:00 Taylor
10:00 Sun Laoshi in a meeting
11: 00 Hunter
12:00 Yvonne, Phillip, Max
1:30-2:15 Emily (Note the new time)
The Changing State of Gender Relations
The ROC has one of the most advanced legal frameworks for protecting women and providing fair treatment. As a result, other countries in Asia have sent experts to Taiwan to investigate their success. The legal framework to protect women was established in 2005 when they passed the Sexual Harassment Prevention Act. The ROC just this year passed one of the first equality acts between genders in Asia, which grants female workers the right to menstrual leave and up to two years of unpaid leave after childbirth. Today, Taiwan spreads protection for women through media campaigns. These groups play an aggressive role in advocating rights. While Taiwan have been emphasizing on increasing the number of women who participate in the government, public facilities are also increasingly taking women’s needs and safety into account, which includes installing more toilets for women in public places and transit waiting zones with video surveillance systems.
There is also a problem in relationships as the number of local couples marrying each year has dropped because they do not wish to face the responsibility of having children or choose to focus on their own lives and enjoyment. Consequently, the average birthrate is just one baby being born per woman, which will bear a much greater burden in providing for the welfare of senior citizens in the future. Additionally, the divorce rate has also gone up; the government is hoping to educate the pubic about the importance of marriage and how to sustain one. Taiwanese men have also been marrying women from Vietnam, Thailand, and Mainland China because they have had little success in finding local marriage partners and the foreign women are hoping to obtain financial resources. As a result, 10% of Taiwan’s newborns have immigrant mothers.
Appointment Time: Tuesday, 11:45am
Meeting Times:
Tuesday: 12:30-1:15
Wednesday: 3:00-3:45
Friday: 12:00-1:30
我(最)喜歡的中國菜 ( My favorite Chinese food)
粥是一個最基本的中國菜,就好像美國的雞湯麵。 在美國如果朋友生病,你會帶雞湯麵給他吃。那麼在中國,你可能會熬一個粥!
為什麼呢?因為粥有助於消化。尤其是不舒服或生病的時候,身體 比较容易吸收。 這有助於調節身體,恢復健康。給小孩,老人和病人吃都很好。雞肉粥也對身體特別營養,因為有很多的蛋白質 。
粥在中國各地都很普遍 。 在中國的北方粥常常只用米飯和水去做。這樣的粥叫做稀飯,做起來簡單,不需要多放調味料和別的材料。中國南方的粥跟北方的稀飯比起來,得多花些時間和耐心來做。首先湯汁很重要, 也可以放很多別的材料。比如說可以放皮蛋,瘦肉,魚片,豬肝,等等,有不同的味道。在南方廣東粥是一個廣東特色菜。差不多每一家茶樓都會提供各种各样的粥。不同的時令和季節可以吃到不同的粥。
對我來說,粥還有一個特別的意義。我一吃粥就會想到家 。因為從小到大我生病的時候媽媽一定會煲粥給我吃。上大學的第一年有一次我病了又很想家。媽媽一聽到我那麼可憐,馬上就煲了我最喜歡的湯來做粥,開車帶來給我吃。雖然粥是一個很普通的食物,但是對我來說,代表媽媽的愛。
Hello everybody. I am a University of Puget Sound senior Chinese student. My name is Yvonne Louie. Today my topic is: My favorite Chinese food. Which is rice porridge.
Rice porridge is one of the most fundamental Chinese dishes, similar to American chicken noodle soup. In America if a friend is sick, you would bring them chicken noodle soup to eat. Well in China, you potentially would simmer a rice porridge!
Why is that? Because rice porridge promotes digestion. Especially when not feeling well or sick, the body is relatively better able to absorb rice porridge. This promotes a positive adjustment of the body, reinstating health. It is good to give to both small children, old people and sick people. Chicken rice porridge is particularly nutritious for health, because it has a lot of protein.
Rice porridge is widespread in all parts of China. In Northern China, rice porridge is often made up of just rice and water, this type of rice porridge is called “Xifan.” When making it, it is rather simple, you don’t need to put many seasonings or other ingredients. When Southern Chinese rice porridge is compared to the North’s xifan, one needs to spend more time and patience to make it. First of all, the broth is very important, you can also put many other ingredients. For example, you can put in thousand-year old eggs (pidan), lean meat, fish fillet, dried pork, etc; there are many different flavors. In the southern province of Guangdong, rice porridge is a Cantonese specialty. Nearly every teahouse will offer various kinds of rice porridge. You are able to eat different kinds of rice porridge during different seasons and times.
To me, rice porridge also has another special significance. Whenever I eat rice porridge I will think of my family. This is because from when I was little all the way until I was older, whenever I am sick my mom would make rice porridge for me to eat. During my first year of college there was one time where I was sick and also really missed home. Once my mother heard how pitiful I was, she immediately made my favorite soup as a base to make rice porridge and drove up to give it to me to eat. So although rice porridge is a very ordinary food, to me it represents my mother’s love.
可口可樂公司的歷史很悠久。在世界的軟飲料市場,可口可樂公司是數一數二的。他們希望所有的消費者都買得到,買得起,樂得買他們的產品。這三個策略就是3A。除了這三個策略,可口可樂也需要讓消費者覺得他們有信譽。如果他們的產品不好的話,消費者就不會相信可口可樂的飲料。除了信譽以外,可口可樂也得跟消費者 聯繫。可口可樂要明白消費者的心態。在不同的國家或地區,可口可樂要瞭解那個地方消費者的喜歡和習慣。所以對可口可樂公司來說,有好的當地合作夥伴是很重要的。這樣可口可樂不要從頭開始研究那個地方的消費者市場。可口可樂可以更快推出適合那個地方的產品和廣告。譬如在中國的可口可樂廣告跟美國的不一樣。在中國,可口可樂一定會有年節的廣告,因為中國人都很注重農曆新年。
1)數一數二( shǔyīshǔ’èr): one of the best
2) 策略 (cèlüè): tactics
3) 信譽( xìnyù): reputation
(bùgǎnxiāngxìn) : unable to believe
5) 聯繫 ( liánxì):connect
6) 心態 (xīntài): mentality
7) 合作夥伴 (hézuò huǒbàn): business partners
8) 從頭 (cóngtóu): from the beginning
9) 推出 (tuīchū): to launch
10) 另一半 ( lìngyībàn):spouse
11) 家庭背景( jiātíng bèijǐng):family background
12) 事實上 (shìshíshàng):in reality
13) 推薦 (tuījiàn): recommend
14) 取代 (qǔdài): replace
15) 實用(shíyòng):practical
16) 領導人(lǐngdǎorén):leader
17)代價 (dàijià):cost
18) 層次 (céngcì): level
19) 付不出 (fùbùchū): unable to afford
20) 電影院 (diànyǐngyuàn): movie theater
Assignment #5
成就: cheng2jiu4: success, achievement, accomplishment
商业模式: shang1ye4mo2shi4: business model
具体: ju4ti3: concrete, definite, specific
策略: ce4lue4: tactic
联系: lian2xi4: connection
利用: li4yong4: to exploit
某: mou3: a certain
场合: chang2he2: situation, occasion
标志: biao1zhi4: sign, mark, symbol
观众: guan1zhong4: audience
对准: dui4zhun3: to aim at, to target
生产: sheng1chan3: to produce, to manufacture
注重: zhu4zhong4: to emphasize
严把: yan4ba3: to enforce vigorously, to be strict
品管 : pin3guan3: quality control
正品: zheng4pin3: quality product
更新: geng1xin1: to replace the old with the new, to renovate, to renew
健全: jian4quan2: sound, robust
营销网络: ying1xiao1 wang3luo4: marketing network
合作伙伴: he2zuo1huo3ban1: cooperative partner
训练: xun4lian4: to train
社区: she4qu1: community
共财富: gong1cai2fu4: common wealth
原则: yuan2ze2: principle, doctrine
回馈: hui2kui4: to give back
体育项目 : ti3yu4xiang4mu4: sporting event
赞助: zan4zhu4: to sponsor
规划: gui1hua4: program
捐钱: juan1qian2: to donate money
1. 通过旅行,我交了很多的中国朋友。
2. 北外有很多国家的留学生,有美国的,有韩国的,有俄
3. 在中国,最大的城市要算是上海了。
4. 很多大学生利用春假的时间去旅行。
5. 奥运会以后中国人在各方面有很大的改变,由此可见,
6. 他向老板保证一定会好好工作。
Article: Savoring the flavors of Taiwan
From having the constant influence of surrounding Asian countries like China and Japan, Taiwan has developed its own unique style of Asian cuisine. The main ideas that Taiwanese culinary experts have supported to make their countries food different is by focusing on freshness, using less salt and oil, and simple recipes. These ingredients have given a rise to interest in Taiwanese food. People from around the world are coming to Taiwan to see for themselves how this country has developed their own cuisine. One staple dish that is given as an example is beef noodle soup. This is a staple dish in Taiwan, that can be found in night markets and five star restaurants. The article also discusses the different styles of Asian cuisine that Taiwan has given their own unique spin on. i will focus on beef noodle soup. I will discuss the origins, importance and how it has become such an elegant dish in Taiwan. The article gives the most information on all of these topics, as well as good reasoning for how and why these things happened.
可口可樂是全世界最大的然飲料公司,生產了全球最暢銷五大名牌中的四個。中國改革開放後,可口可樂的產品由火車被運送到中國,成為了其中一個國際產品最先到達中國。他們在中國用了一個 三P 銷售策略:Pervasiveness, Preference, & Price to value. 他們要產品無處不在,也希望消費者一想喝飲料的時候就會想起他們的產品。同時,可口可樂也要他們覺得可口可樂的產品是值得他們付某一個價錢的。這個公司所用的策略讓人們對他們的產品充滿信心,因此帶來市場的成功。可口可樂公司除了執行他們的策略以外,他們也會打各種各樣的廣告。比如,在不同的國家,廣告的風格會為了當地的文化而改變,訊息也會用不同的方式來傳遞給觀眾。還有,可口可樂公司有現在的作為不但是因為他們有信譽和懂得推銷產品,他們也一直在進步。在中國,他們有許多訓練中心和管理學院來訓練不同等級的員工。此外,這個公司不斷在提高供應商的水品的同時也捐錢來回餽社會。
1. 麥當娜已經風行音樂界三十多年了。
2. 許多大公司不斷在設計新的推銷策略來互相競爭。
3. 他以為他寫的作文很好,可是另外一個學生的想法比他達到更高一個層次。
4. 如果公司不想有損失,他們的生產效率一定不能下降。
5. 很多商人事業成功後都會回餽他們所唸的大學來報答學校的教育。
6. 這些讓我過敏的花粉真的是無處不在!
1. 生產 (sheng1chan3) – to produce
2. 運送 (yun4song4) – to transport
3. 國際 (guo2ji4) – international
4. 到達 (dao4da2) – to reach
5. 銷售 (xiao1shou4) – to sell
6. 策略 (ce4lue4) – tactics
7. 無處不在 (bu2chu4bu4zai4) – to be everywhere
8. 值得 (zhi2de) – to be worth
9. 付 (fu4) – to pay
10. 充滿 (chong1man3) – full of
11. 信心 (xin4xin1) – confidence
12. 無限 (wu2xian4) – unlimited
13. 成就 (cheng2jiu4) – accomplishment
14. 執行 (zhi2xing2) – to implement
15. 傳遞 (chuan2di4) – to transmit
16. 進步 (jin4bu4) – progress
17. 管理學院 (guan3li3xue2yuan4) – school of management
18. 等級 (deng3ji2) – rank, status
19. 供應商 (gong1ying4shang1) – supplier
20. 回餽 (hui2kui4) – to return to
Tomorrow at 2pm!
Coca Cola 3 Points Final Revision Post
2。對消費者,可口可樂公司用各種的策略所以他們可以買得到,買得起,也樂得買。他們用營銷策略,廣告策略,定價策略,送貨服務和 顾客服务的安排。這些策略一起幫可口可樂公司越來越成功。
3。可口可樂公司的廣告策略很好,因為可口可樂在不同的國家用不同的廣告。他們知道每一個國家都是不一樣的,有不同的文化。譬如說,中國的可口可樂廣告跟美國的不一樣,所以對不同的文化用不同的廣告風格。 可口可樂希望用不同風格的廣告跟不同的觀眾群傳遞信息。這個廣告策略非常好。
信息 xin4xi2 information or message
傳遞 chuan2di4 transmit
群 qun2 group or audience
觀眾 guan1zhong4 audience
風格 feng1ge2 style
成功 cheng2gong1 success
安排 an1pai2 set up or arrangement
顧客 gu4ke4 client or customer
服務 fu2wu4 service
送貨 song4 huo4 delivery
定價 ding4jia4 pricing
廣告 guang3gao4 advertisement
營銷 ying2xiao1 marketing
策略 ce4lve4 tactics/strategies
角度 jiao3du4 angle
捐贈 juan1zeng4 donation
教育 jiao4yu4 education
譬如 pi4ru2 for example
回饋 hui2kui4 to give back
領袖 ling3xiu4 leader
先鋒 xian1feng1 pioneer
Red underlined grammar/vocabulary points (help from NCIKU)
這項技術已經廣泛應用於農業生 產。
Wk. 5
Coca-Cola is one of the largest and most successful companies in the world. But how did they become so successful? The answer lies in their constant pursuit for perfection in product quality. This quality allows the consumer to have confidence. They also pay close attention to employee training and developing relationships with local clients. This practice has also allowed them to develop quickly in China.
The first step to developing the business was advertising. Coca-Cola has a variety of marketing strategies. Some are focused towards the youth, others are focused towards adults. This gives them a large audience. Consumers trust the Coke brand, and Coca-Cola hopes that when consumers go into stores they will see coke and decide to buy it based off that trust.
The next step is training employees. In China there are many centers and management schools to train employees according to their job or level. This is done to increase the efficiency level. This is also why Coca-Cola constantly renovates and updates their manufacturing factories. If manufacturing efficiency can be increased, profitability can also be increased. This is how a business grows.
Finally, it is of critical importance to collaborate with a local business partner. Having local business partner prevents the business from having to start from scratch. It helps the Business understand the local markets and how to market products to the local people.
答案 dá’àn answer / solution
不断 bù duàn unceasing / uninterrupted / continuous / constant
消费者 xiāo fèi zhě consumer
密切 mì qiè close / familiar / intimate / closely (related) / to foster close ties / to pay close attention
培训 péi xùn to cultivate / to train / to groom / training
发展 fā zhǎn development / growth / to develop / to grow / to expand
当地 dāng dì local
客户 kè hù client / customer
迅速 xùn sù rapid / speedy / fast
广告 guǎng gào to advertise / a commercial / advertisement / CL:
营销 yíng xiāo marketing
策略 cè lüè tactics / to be tactful
信赖 xìn lài to trust / to have confidence in / to have faith in / to rely on
员工 yuán gōng staff / personnel / employee
管理 guǎn lǐ to supervise / to manage / to administer / management / administration / CL:個|个[ge4]
效率 xiào lǜ efficiency
更新 gēng xīn to replace the old with new / to renew / to renovate / to upgrade / to update / to regenerate
盈利 yíng lì profit / gain
合作伙伴 hé zuò huǒ bàn cooperative partner
合作 hé zuò to cooperate / to collaborate / to work together / cooperation / CL:個|个[ge4]
防止 fáng zhǐ to prevent / to guard against / to take precautions
1. 培训将使你找到工作。
2. 这家公司用广告招徕许多客户。
3. 这些机器使我们的工作效率提高了许多倍。
4. 这个项目的成功依赖于所有相关部门的合作。
5. 盈利甚微的企業得提高生产能力。
Final Assignment
林炳辉是“食养山房”饭馆的老板。他五十七岁。以前,他是建造商经理。但是,他觉得建造这个行业对他的生活方式不合适;他说”如果我花时间和力气建立壮丽的工程,为什么我不可能享受劳动的乐趣?为什么要别人获益?”因此,他设计建造他自己的饭馆。这家饭馆代表了林先生的生活哲学。 食养位于在台北区附近的一个山上叫矽止。饭馆的风格主题就是自然。饭馆的园林包括树林,花草,动物,人行小径,小桥流水,等等。饭馆里面代表了林先生简单的哲学:高窗口,小的桌和板凳,客人得脱鞋。饭馆声望很高的原因就是林炳辉好客的哲学。“原来,我没有管理饭馆的意向。我只请一些朋友来到我的家。我不知道怎么做饭,所以我准备简单的饭菜。不久,朋友告诉我应该开一家饭馆。”林先生只希望让客人开心。每天早上,林先生跟每个雇员都一起喝茶,冥想,也念佛教的心经。然后才做日常筹备工作。饭馆的设备只能坐得下几位客人;等候排队名单很长。等待吃饭的时候,客人可以坐在一旁读书。饭馆的烹饪是基本的,但是摆出来的菜又漂亮又秀丽。饭菜的做法只有两个方式:生的或蒸熟的。林先生觉得烹调过度毁坏菜的原来味道。而且,饭菜的外观也是重要的。在每道菜的中间,客人喝醋,为了净化味觉。林炳辉觉得饭菜应该养身也养性,这也是根据中国重要哲学,天人合一的思想而来的。
Food for Thought
Lin Bing-Hui, age 57, is the owner of the Shi-Yang Shan Fang restaurant. In the past, he was a construction manager. However, he believed that this job was not suitable for his lifestyle. He said, “If I am spending time and energy constructing elaborate projects, then why should I not be able to enjoy the fruits of my labor? Why do other people get to reap the rewards?” So, he designed and built his own restaurant. This restaurant represents Mr. Lin’s life philosophy. Shi-Yang is located in Taipei’s Xizhi district on a mountainside. The restaurant’s style is very nature-themed. Surrounding the restaurant are gardens, trees, plants, various animals, gravel paths, and small water bridges. The restaurant’s interior represents Mr. Lin’s philosophy of simplicity: high windows, small tables and wooden benches, guests must remove their shoes. The restaurant’s success is based on Lin Bing-Hui’s philosophy about good hospitality. “Originally, I had no plans to open a restaurant. I only invited a few friends to my house and cooked for them. I don’t know how to cook, so I prepared very simple courses. Before long, people were telling me I should open a restaurant.” Mr. Lin only hopes to make guests happy. Every morning, Mr. Lin, along with all of the employees, gather to drink tea, meditate, and chant the Heart Sutra, an important Buddhist text. After that, they begin their daily preparation work. The restaurant can only accommodate a few people at a time, and the waiting list is very long. While waiting for food to arrive, guests can read books at the restaurant. The restaurant’s cuisine is very simple, although the presentation of the dishes is very elegant. The restaurant’s courses are only prepared in one of two ways: raw or steamed. Mr. Lin believes that cooking food compromises the original flavors. Also, the appearance of the food is also important. In between courses, guests drink vinegar to cleanse the palate. Lin Bing-Hui feels that food should nourish the body and mind. This is in according with the important Chinese philosophy that there should be harmony between man and nature.
Beef noodle soup and danzi noodles both are famous Taiwanese dishes, however they find their origins in Chinese food culture. Certainly, other Asian countries have similar dishes, but in Taiwan these two dishes have evolved over the years. Nowadays, they are Taiwanese cultural icons. Although beef noodle soup and danzi noodles are often ordinary dishes, recently they have developed into cuisine. Additionally, while Taiwan is a fiercely independent nation, its history and China’s are intimately connected and consequently the two cultures are very similar. Nonetheless, as influence from other cultures increases, the new Taiwanese food culture will continue to change.
Beef noodle soup and danzi noodles exemplify these developments in new Taiwanese food culture. Chefs have taken these two common and simple dishes and have transformed them in all sorts of ways. From street vendor stalls at nigh markets to fine dining establishments, hey all offer their own versions using different ingredients, such as using beef from Western nations, different cuts of meat, different types of noodles, and so on. Chefs also employ different cooking techniques to cook these traditional dishes, retaining especially the flavors. More and more travelers nowadays recognize the charm of beef noodle soup and danzi noodles, so these dishes’ reputations have increased and have essentially created their own new markets. Entrepreneurs have taken popular Taiwanese cuisine and have introduced them to international markets, such as through Din Tai Fung Dumpling House. Many Asia-Pacific countries now have Din Tai Fung restaurants and they continue to spread rapidly. These restaurants are very popular because the food is tasty and guests want to try Taiwanese cuisine.
食养只有两个固定的菜单:素菜或者荤菜。菜肴只用生菜,自然的配料和简单的煮法。所有的菜都少盐和油。林先生把菜肴用很美的花和叶子来装饰也把盘子摆设得很吸引人,好像会席 (“kaiseki”)的吃法。会席是日本传统的吃法,有很多道菜也注重口味,口感,呈现和颜色的平衡。林先生也给客人可以饮用的醋来清洗他们的味蕾。整个用餐的亮点是当一朵莲花在汤上慢慢开绽!
Located in the Xizhi District of New Taipei City, Shiyang Shan Fang (which means ‘mountain house’) is a restaurant that seeks to “pursue a style of cultural and culinary nirvana that exists in harmony with nature”(p. 17). Founded in 1996 by Lin Binghui, a devout Buddhist, the restaurant emits a Zen atmosphere in its location, décor, and cuisine. Even the employees participate in the Zen atmosphere, conducting a tea ceremony every morning before starting their chores and chanting the Heart Sutra with Mr. Lin.
Shiyang offers only two fixed menus: a vegetarian option and a meat option. Dishes are prepared with simple, natural ingredients and uncomplicated cooking techniques, are low in salt and oil, and are beautifully arranged and garnished with leaves and flowers. The presentation of the dishes reminds diners of the kaiseki-style of dining: a traditional Japanese multi-course meal that emphasizes a balance of taste, texture, appearance, and color. Homemade drinking vinegar is also served to refresh the taste buds between courses. The highlight of the meal is a dried lotus flower served atop a pot of soup, which slowly blooms in front of the guests.
The restaurant’s design also emphasizes simplicity, consisting of several one to two story houses built on a Chinese/Japanese design and featuring large windows to enjoy the view. The floors are covered with tatami mats and the rooms are decorated with a simple, minimalist décor that underscores the Zen atmosphere. Guests are asked to remove their shoes before they enter. Books on Buddhism, art, and philosophy are available for diners to peruse before they eat.
Thus far, Shiyang has been very successful, being very popular among many different people and inspiring imitators throughout Taiwan. Shiyang’s emphasis on the dining atmosphere is not unique to Taiwan; restaurants in the West also emphasize a holistic dining experience that includes good food and a comfortable dining atmosphere. However, Shiyang is unique because of its emphasis on the spiritual aspect of dining. Its use of a limited, simplified menu and décor helps focus the diner’s attention. In this way they become more attuned to the dining experience without the distractions of fancy décor or a complicated menu with too many choices. Diners can focus on savoring the food and enjoying each other’s company. In addition, the natural location gives diners a unique dining experience, baptizing and renewing the spirit.
在2011年4月的《Taiwan Review》有一篇文章叫《每个菜后面都有一个故事》谈到台湾的一个现象就是异国的饭店越来越流行,还有异国厨师发现台湾文化跟他们自己的有什么差异。第一个讲到的是台北第一个也是唯一的瑞典饭馆,叫《Flavors》。该餐厅位置偏远,不在旅游线路之内,在台北南边的大安区。《Flavors》的主人是一位瑞典先生,叫Ola Ekdhal,和他的台湾妻子王舒妍(Stephanie Wang)。因为他们想一起工作,所以决定要开一个餐厅,让夫妻两人经营。他在厨房里,他的妻子招呼顾客,他们两位并没有碰到过文化的误解的情况。对他们来说《Flavors》不只是一个餐厅而是一种生活的方式,也给他们机会认识新朋友。
第二个餐厅位置在《Flavors》的北边,叫《Papa Gio’》,主人是两位意大利厨师(Giorgio Trevisan和Matteo Boschiavo). 在2009年他们买下了这个店。他们的饭店是Papa Gio’可是厨师自己喜欢“Trattoria”的别称,用意大利语的说法,“Trattoria”的意思是一辆拖拉机。这是因为午餐时间在意大利好的餐厅外面都有很多拖拉机停在那儿,拖拉机的司机总是知道哪家餐厅的饭好吃。两位异国厨师在台湾做意大利菜发现了文化的差别。比如说意大利人蒸米饭,一定是“al dente”,意思是不能太软的。台湾人喜欢软的米饭,吃了“al dente”的以为没蒸熟。现在他们需要问顾客要台湾式的米饭还是意大利式的。
还有一个从法国来的异国厨师也在台北的大安区开了一个餐厅,他叫Patrick Cabirol。他喜欢旅行所以他申请到台湾的工作。他来以前以为台湾不是一个很发达的国家,甚至在路上还有黄包车。来了以后才知道完全不对。在2005年他开了一家自己的餐厅,叫《Saveurs》。《Saveurs》的成功建立在性价高和品质好的餐饮。他同时发现了台湾人爱吃,可是和法国人吃饭的方式不同。在法国吃一餐饭有不同的阶段,人们慢慢吃聊聊天,而在台湾人们吃得太快,不太知道怎么享受慢慢吃的乐趣。他总是慢慢地上菜给顾客饭,教他们慢吃的乐趣。
In April of 2011, Taiwan Review published an article called “Every Dish Tells a Story,” that discussed a current phenomenon in Taiwan, that foreign restaurants are becoming more and more popular, also foreign chiefs are discovering differences between their culture and the culture in Taiwan. This article begins with telling the story of Taipei’s first and only Swedish restaurant, Flavors. This restaurant, located in an out of the way location, far from tourist areas, is in Taipei’s Da-an District. Flavors is owned by a Swedish man, Ola Ekdahl, and his Taiwanese wife, Stephanie Wang (王舒妍). The reason they wanted to open a restaurant is so that they could work together, this way husband and wife could manage together. He is often in the kitchen, and his wife takes cares of customers, they haven’t run into any cultural misunderstandings so far. Flavors is more than just a restaurant to them, it’s a lifestyle and helps them make friends.
The following restaurant discussed is located just north of Flavors and is called Papa Gio’, run by two Italian chefs, Giorgio Trevisan and Matteo Boschiavo. These chefs bought the restaurant in 2009. They refer to the restaurant as a “trattoria”, meaning that it is a place where you see tractors parked at lunch, basically it has good food. The food is prepared as it would have been in Italy, which causes many customers to be upset. One of the biggest misunderstandings is the use of rice in Italian cooking. Rice in Italy is usually served al dente, which is considered undercooked in Taiwan due to the fact that it is not soft. It forces the owners to ask the customers if they want the risotto Italian or Chinese style.
Patrick Cabirol, a Frenchman, is another European that has founded a restaurant in Taipei’s Da-an District. Wanting to travel, he applied to a job in Taiwan, and experienced culture shock due to the fact that Taiwan that there are no rickshaws on the streets. It was only after he arrived that he discovered is mistake. He opened his own restaurant in 2005, Saveurs. The success of Saveurs is due to the good food and reasonable prices. He notes that there is a big difference in the pacing of a meal in Taiwan compared to France. In France a meal unfolds in stages and involves a lot of conversation. Taiwan, on the other hand, people eat so quickly, that a meal is not given time to be enjoyed. He always serves the food as he would in France, in order to teach people the pleasures of eating.
This article explores several foreign chiefs’ stories to bring light on the differences better foreign culture and that of Taiwan. In order to reach success, foreign chiefs must adapt to their new environment.
Since the turn of the century, Taipei has experienced a rapid influx of expat chefs bringing bold, foreign cuisine into the city. This trend is a great complement to the already outstanding assortment of Chinese restaurants within the city, making it one of Asia’s food capitols.
“Flavors,” the first swedish restaurant to open in all of Taiwan, is no exception to this trend. Many travel sites have voted it Taiwan’s best restaurant. But why? Despite a small restaurant space, Ola Ekdahl, the restaurant’s owner and chef says that people are drawn to it for its namesake, the bold flavors of Sweden.
Many of his customers are western expats who miss the bold flavors from Europe. Of course, another large portion of his customers are Taiwanese who come to “Flavors” looking for the bold flavors that are missing from many of the western restaurants in Taiwan. Ekdahl also stresses the importance of hospitality. He says that too many restaurant owners focus on the bottom line, and lose hospitality, which makes a restaurant more than just a place to get food. To Ekdahl, atmosphere is everything.
“Flavors” is also more than just a restaurant for Ekdahl and his wife, Stephanie. When they lived in Europe, their hectic lifestyles led them to never see each other or spend quality time with one another. They came to Asia looking for work in the hospitality business. Unfortunately they came when the SARS epidemic was hitting Asia. The hospitality business slowed, and there was no work for them. They moved to Taiwan and decided to open a restaurant because it offered them the chance to work together and see one another every day. Ekdahl works the kitchen, while his wife works the dining area. In this way, “Flavors” is a family run business, just like so many of its Taiwanese counterparts. It represents the best of what makes Taiwan a great place to start a business, enjoy a variety of cultures, and become closer to your family.
《Flavors》,是在台湾第一家开瑞典餐厅,就是在这个趋势下进入台湾的。许多旅游网站投票说这是台湾最好的餐厅。但是为什么呢?尽管只有一家小餐馆的空间,餐厅的老板和厨师Ola Ekdahl说,顾客闻名而来,要尝尝瑞典不一样的口味。
See corrections.
From: Lotus Perry
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2012 8:56 AM
To: Belinda C Yu
Subject: Topic04 Essay Corrections
Please correct and then re-post. Use the corrected copy to record.
這家泰國風格的餐館在台北(add 。在泰國(delete點魚的時,)泰國人吃魚的時(add候),他們喜歡(delete他們的魚是)(add吃)魚片(delete的);不喜歡魚的頭還附上的。但是在台灣吃魚的時(add候),人們喜歡魚(delete的)頭還附上的(add魚)。所以這家餐館修改他們的餐館食物風格,特別修改他們怎麼做(delete的)魚,所以他們可以適應台灣本地的口味和喜好。
在台灣,許多異國食物找得到一個(delete地方use市場)。在台北,The Patio展示了傳統泰國美食。 他們的品牌定位是真實性。這家餐館也強調新鮮。(delete如果他們能,)他們(add儘量)用從泰國(add來)的配料。所以他們的配料是新鮮(add的),不用乾的配料。(delete對比)(add在)吃的方式(delete的時)(add上),泰國和台灣有一些差異。他們用不同的(not銀器use餐具)。例如在泰國,泰國人吃(delete的)時用刀叉和勺子。但是在台灣,他們主要使用筷子。泰國人吃咖哩(delete的)時用叉和勺子。但是,台灣人吃咖哩的時用筷子。此外,在泰國點魚的時候,他們的魚是魚片的。但是在台灣,人們喜歡吃魚的頭還附上的(add魚)。在台灣,人們覺得咖哩就是咖哩;他們覺得咖哩只有一种。但是,泰國有許多不同類型的咖哩;(delete從)(add有)不同的口味,顏色和服務(not風格use方式)。
“每一個菜的後面有一個故事” (page 24)
Taiwan Review這本雜誌2011年4月份有一篇文章,叫“每一個菜的後面有一個故事”。文章中說台灣是一個大熔爐,受到很多不同文化的影響。其中最好,最突出,也最道地的是食物。新的來到台灣時,適應是最大的問題。怎麼才能融合進入台灣本地食物文化和別的文化食物風格,是一個挑戰。這篇文章的重點是介紹瑞典,義大利和泰國的三家異國餐館。這三家餐館都開在台灣。他們一面介紹他們自己的文化食物,也一面適應台灣的口味和喜好。例如義大利有一盤菜叫Al Dentes米飯。吃Al Dentes米飯的時,Al Dentes米飯是比較硬。在台灣有一家義大利餐館叫Papa Gio’。這家餐館有這盤菜。台灣人吃米飯的時,他們習慣米飯是比較軟。所以他們吃Al Dentes米飯的時覺得這盤菜的米飯沒有熟的好。因此點這盤菜的時,這家義大利餐館會問台灣人如果他們要吃義大利風格的Al Dentes米飯或台灣風格的Al Dentes米飯。如果他們要義大利風格的Al Dentes米飯,Papa Gio’的餐館廚師會做這盤的米飯比較硬因為是義大利本地食物風格。但是,如果他們的客戶要吃台灣風格的Al Dentes米飯,廚師會做這盤菜的米飯比較軟。另一個例子是從一家泰國餐館叫The Patio。這家泰國風格的餐館在台北。在泰國點魚的時,泰國人吃魚的時,他們喜歡他們的魚是魚片的;不喜歡魚的頭還附上的。但是在台灣吃魚的時,人們喜歡魚的頭還附上的。所以這家餐館修改他們的餐館食物風格,特別修改他們怎麼做的魚,所以他們可以適應台灣本地的口味和喜好。
Article: Every Dish Tells a Story(Page: 24)
The Taiwan Review, the April 2011 magazine article, is called Every Dish Tells a Story. The article states thatTaiwan has been a melting pot for different cultures bringing in to Taiwan their cultures most prominent and authentic foods. Adaptation has been one of many cultures issues when introducing new foods to the Taiwan population. Integrating and fusing Taiwans cultural food preferences with each cultures own styles, is a challenge that all cultures have been addressing. From the Swedish, Italian, and Thai restaurants that have been spot-lighted in this article, all restaurants have been making it a point to introduce to Taiwan its cultures flavors, while still adapting to Taiwans tastes and preferences. For example, in Italy, al dentes rice is served slightly hard. There is an Italian restaurant in Taiwan called Papa Gio’. This restaurant has this dish. Because the Taiwanese are used to rice being soft, they think that the rice is undercooked. Therefore, the Italian restaurant asks whether or not they want it Italian or Taiwan style, when ordering this dish. Another example can be from the Thai Restaurant The Patio. In Thailand, fish is served as a fillet. However in Taiwan, people prefer the heads of the fish to still be attached. Therefore, the restaurant has modified their style to adapt to Taiwans tastes and preferences.
在台灣,許多異國食物找得到一個地方。在台北,The Patio展示了傳統泰國美食。 他們的品牌定位是真實性。這家餐館也強調新鮮。如果他們能,他們用從泰國的配料。所以他們的配料是新鮮,不用乾的配料。對比吃的方式的時,泰國和台灣有一些差異。他們用不同的銀器。例如在泰國,泰國人吃的時用叉,刀,和勺子。但是在台灣,他們主要使用筷子。泰國人吃咖哩的時用叉和勺子。但是,台灣人吃咖哩的時用筷子。此外,在泰國點魚的時候,他們的魚是魚片的。但是在台灣,人們喜歡吃魚的頭還附上的。在台灣,人們覺得咖哩就是咖哩;他們覺得咖哩只有一种。但是,泰國有許多不同類型的咖哩;從不同的口味,顏色,和服務風格。
Focused Section: Taste of Thailand(Page: 28)
Many foreign foods have found a place in Taiwan. The Patio showcases traditional Thai cuisine in Taipei. Their brand positioning is authenticity. The restaurant also emphasizes freshness, having be their ingredients from Thailand and whenever possible, use ingredients that are fresh and not dried. There are some cultural differences when comparing eating techniques. In Thailand, eating with a knife and fork is contrasted with locals eating Thai cuisine such as curry with chopsticks. In addition, when serving fish, fish is served as fillets. In contrast, the locals prefer fish served with the head attached. In Taiwan, people think that curry is curry; there is only one kind. However, Thailand has many types of curries, ranging from different tastes, colors, and different serving styles.
在台北中国式的菜当然非常道地,可是台北也有外国厨师开了正宗的国际餐厅。在Taiwan Review, 2011年四月份的杂志,有一篇文章,讲到这些著名的外国餐馆背后的故事。这些外国厨师都有他们自己的故事。虽然这些厨师都要介绍给当地顾客正宗的国际菜肴,为了适应台湾当地的情况,他们不得不做一些调整才能成功。
《Flavors》, 是一家被选为台北最好的瑞典餐厅。《Flavor》的主人,Ola Ekdahl, 谈到刚开餐厅的时候,说甚至付房租都很困难。可是他坚持做正宗的瑞典菜。他发现他做的瑞典风格的食物对当地人来说味道比较重, 可是当地人喜欢吃这样的口味。而另一家叫《Papa Gio》的意大利餐厅。因为台湾人不习惯吃“al dente”的米饭,所以厨师都会先问客人想吃意大利风格还是中国风格的米饭。他们也得跟客人解释意大利风格米饭不是没有煮熟,而是台湾人说“QQ”的意思, 不是软软的。虽然《Papa Gio》 想介绍真实的意大利菜,有很多当地人不太接受。另外一家是一个法国餐厅叫《Saveurs》。 刚开始,他们的客人很少。《Saveurs》的主人发现台湾人觉得法国菜太贵。分量也太少。所以主人做出较大的菜也调整价格。这些都是外国厨师得面对的问题。因为在不同的国家有不同的口味和需要,所以这些外国厨师都得做调整。
因为在不同的国家卖自己的产品,一个成功的企业,得了解当地的文化和客户。比方说我们已经学到了可口可乐公司的经营策略,可口可乐适应不同国家文化来推销他们的产品。所以台北的厨师做出很多调整来改变他们经营方法,也比较了解客人的需要。在文章里,每一个餐厅都做一些改变来了解台湾客人。《Flavors》 保持他们原有的瑞典风味让他们有不同的地方。因为他们有不同的口味,他们比较有竞争优势。《Papa Gio》改变自己的烹调风格以吸引更多的中国客人。《Saveurs》改变菜量来让本地人觉得他们物有所值。这些都是跨文化的问题。我喜欢这篇文章,因为说到无论做什么生意,甚至厨师为了在不同国家文化成功,都需要做某些程度的调整。
Taipei is famous for great Chinese food but what Taipei also offers is foreign chefs whose restaurants offer locals a taste of authentic international cuisine. This article, “Every Dish Tells a Story,” shows the stories behind famous foreign gourmet spots in Taipei. Foreign chefs all have stories of how they came to Taiwan and made a name for themselves. Although they are known for their famous authentic international food, these chefs did have to adjust to serving their food from home in Taiwan.
The chef of Flavors, a Swedish restaurant, is voted Taipei’s best restaurant and best unexpected find. The owner, Ola Ekdahl, said that when he first opened the restaurant, it was hard work really hard to pay their rent every month. Through their hard work and authentic Swedish style foods, they have made a name for themselves. Their traditional Swedish food offer stronger flavors that differentiate themselves from other local restaurants that Westerners miss. Another restaurant, Papa Gio, is a famous Italian restaurant owned by Giorgio Trevisan and Matteo Boschiavo. Even though Papa Gio cooks authentic food, many Chinese customers sometimes don’t like it. They aren’t used to Italian rice being al dente because they think it’s undercooked. Because of this, when customers order food, they ask if they want Italian or Chinese style. Another restaurant, Saveurs, features French food. The owners of Saveurs said that for the first month, nobody came to their restaurant. They found out that most Taiwanese people thought that French food is too expensive with small portions. Once they put large servings with reasonable prices, every day was full of customers. These are just some problems the chefs had to face.
These adjustments that the chefs had to make are an example of how people need to change a little in order to fit well into host country. Each chef had to change and work hard to understand customers as well as the cultural beliefs. If a business understands a host country’s culture, then that business will do well. Every restaurant in the article had to understand something. Flavors realized that their flavors were very different from local foods or other western restaurants which gave them a competitive advantage. Papa Gio had to change their menu and cooking style in order to attract more Chinese customers. And Saveurs had to make bigger portions to fit Chinese beliefs. These are all cross cultural differences that the chefs had to adjust to.
Review (of food)-评介ping2 jie4
Unexpected-意外 yi4 wai4
Hospitality-好客 hao4 ke4
Swedish food-瑞典美食 rui4 dian3
Venison-鹿肉lu4 rou4
Rhubarb-大黄da4 huang2
Stronger flavors- 更强的味道
Trattoria (Italy where all the tractors go)-饮食店
Authenticity-真实(性)zhen1 shi2 xing4
Appreciate-欣赏 xin1 shang3
Misunderstanding- 误解wu4 jie3
Al dente – 牙齿ya2 chi3 (tooth)
Chef- 厨师chu2 shi1
Cross-cultural difference- 跨文化差异 kua4 wen2 hua4 cha1 yi4
Expatriate- 外籍 wai4 ji2
Brand positioning- 品牌定位pin3pai2 ding4 wei4
Ingredients-成分cheng2 fen4
Fresh-新鲜 xin1 xian1
Dried-干燥 gan1 zao4
Curry-咖喱 ga1 li2
Fine dining venue-精致的餐饮场所jing1zhi4 de can1 yin4 chang3suo3
食養山房有兩個固定的菜單,肉食或素食。菜單根據季節變動。 林炳輝總是用最新鮮的配料。他自創兩個固定菜單模式,希望客人能談論他們對膳食的期望。雖然他的菜單沒有很多的菜,可是每一個菜單都有很多種菜式。每盤菜都是簡單的,但是調味汁提高滋味由。去這家餐館,客人的吃飯經驗非常獨特的。很多大山包圍食養山房,遠離城市。客人進去也得脫鞋。食養山房有很多個別的餐房,每一個都有很大的窗戶,所以當客人吃時,也可以一面觀賞自然園林風景。餐館的裝飾簡單也典雅,只有一些畫飾和簡單的家具。客人能去園林裡慢步享受室外的景色。
食養山房的菜,最重要的是每盤菜的呈現方式。每盤菜都是廚師用心準備出來的。每盤都有不同的顏色和形式。比如:蓮花湯。 林炳輝的蓮花湯是很特別的。這道湯口味簡單,可以當服務員把湯拿到桌子上時,會把一朵蓮花在湯上。這朵蓮花在客人的眼前慢慢地開,非常美麗。
慧婷 (Corrected Final Copy)
Taiwan Review這本雜誌2011年4月份有一篇文章,叫“每一個菜的後面有一個故事”。文章中說台灣是一個大熔爐,受到很多不同文化的影響。其中最好,最突出,也最道地的是食物。新的來到台灣時,適應是最大的問題。怎麼才能融合進入台灣本地食物文化和別的文化食物風格,是一個挑戰。這篇文章的重點是介紹瑞典,義大利和泰國的三家異國餐館。這三家餐館都開在台灣。他們一面介紹他們自己的文化食物,也一面適應台灣的口味和喜好。例如義大利有一盤菜叫Al Dentes米飯。吃Al Dentes米飯的時,Al Dentes米飯是比較硬。在台灣有一家義大利餐館叫Papa Gio’。這家餐館有這盤菜。台灣人吃米飯的時,他們習慣米飯是比較軟。所以他們吃Al Dentes米飯的時覺得這盤菜的米飯沒有熟的好。因此點這盤菜的時,這家義大利餐館會問台灣人如果他們要吃義大利風格的Al Dentes米飯或台灣風格的Al Dentes米飯。如果他們要義大利風格的Al Dentes米飯,Papa Gio’的餐館廚師會做這盤的米飯比較硬因為是義大利本地食物風格。但是,如果他們的客戶要吃台灣風格的Al Dentes米飯,廚師會做這盤菜的米飯比較軟。另一個例子是從一家泰國餐館叫The Patio。這家泰國風格的餐館在台北在泰國。泰國人吃魚的時後,他們喜歡吃魚片;不喜歡魚的頭還附上的。但是在台灣吃魚的時後,人們喜歡魚頭還附上的魚。所以這家餐館修改他們的餐館食物風格,特別修改他們怎麼做魚,所以他們可以適應台灣本地的口味和喜好。
Article: Every Dish Tells a Story(Page: 24)
The Taiwan Review, the April 2011 magazine article, is called Every Dish Tells a Story. The article states thatTaiwan has been a melting pot for different cultures bringing in to Taiwan their cultures most prominent and authentic foods. Adaptation has been one of many cultures issues when introducing new foods to the Taiwan population. Integrating and fusing Taiwans cultural food preferences with each cultures own styles, is a challenge that all cultures have been addressing. From the Swedish, Italian, and Thai restaurants that have been spot-lighted in this article, all restaurants have been making it a point to introduce to Taiwan its cultures flavors, while still adapting to Taiwans tastes and preferences. For example, in Italy, al dentes rice is served slightly hard. There is an Italian restaurant in Taiwan called Papa Gio’. This restaurant has this dish. Because the Taiwanese are used to rice being soft, they think that the rice is undercooked. Therefore, the Italian restaurant asks whether or not they want it Italian or Taiwan style, when ordering this dish. Another example can be from the Thai Restaurant The Patio. In Thailand, fish is served as a fillet. However in Taiwan, people prefer the heads of the fish to still be attached. Therefore, the restaurant has modified their style to adapt to Taiwans tastes and preferences.
在台灣,許多異國食物找得到一個市場。在台北,The Patio展示了傳統泰國美食。 他們的品牌定位是真實性。這家餐館也強調新鮮。他們儘量用從泰國來的配料。所以他們的配料是新鮮的,不用乾的配料。在吃的方式上,泰國和台灣有一些差異。他們用不同的餐具。例如在泰國,泰國人吃時用叉,刀,和勺子。但是在台灣,他們主要使用筷子。泰國人吃咖哩時用叉和勺子。但是,台灣人吃咖哩的時用筷子。此外,在泰國點魚的時候,他們的魚是魚片的。但是在台灣,人們喜歡吃魚的頭還附上的魚。在台灣,人們覺得咖哩就是咖哩;他們覺得咖哩只有一种。但是,泰國有許多不同類型的咖哩;有不同的口味,顏色,和服務方式。
Focused Section: Taste of Thailand(Page: 28)
Many foreign foods have found a place in Taiwan. The Patio showcases traditional Thai cuisine in Taipei. Their brand positioning is authenticity. The restaurant also emphasizes freshness, having be their ingredients from Thailand and whenever possible, use ingredients that are fresh and not dried. There are some cultural differences when comparing eating techniques. In Thailand, eating with a knife and fork is contrasted with locals eating Thai cuisine such as curry with chopsticks. In addition, when serving fish, fish is served as fillets. In contrast, the locals prefer fish served with the head attached. In Taiwan, people think that curry is curry; there is only one kind. However, Thailand has many types of curries, ranging from different tastes, colors, and different serving styles.
Art Meets Tech
Taipei International Flora Expo is currently home to 14 pavilions. Each pavilion has unique exhibits created by the Creativity Laboratory of the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). One of these pavilions, known as the Pavilion of Dreams, houses a 3.5 metric ton mechanical flower that has 120 rotating petals. These exhibits were designed to highlight advanced technologies developed in Taiwan. Working with BluePheonix New Media Arts, ITRI developed a Hall which features 3D displays visible to the naked eye. These displays are interactive and the content is often based on plants that are native to or common in Taiwan. For example, one display has a sensor that once activated shows a stereoscopic image of a flower blooming and a humming bee. Two difficulties with such a display is creating the large size vertical displays and producing a quality, detailed image.
Another technology being used is giant electronically controlled liquid crystal glass panels. The panels have a degree of transparency that is dependent on the intensity of electricity flowing through them. These panels are 3 meters tall and resemble giant petals and create a sense of fantasy. Making the pedals curve was difficult because each panel consists of two glass pieces that must fit together flawlessly. Because of how large these panels are, special attention was needed to properly hang the panels without creating an uneven distribution of weight.
Blue Pheonix was also commissioned to work on creating a circular theatre with ultra wideband sensing technology. This 360 degree theatre uses 11 projectors to create an animation that tours Taiwan’s mountains and cities. This UWB sensing technology was originally intended for medical use as it can detect physiological signs without making direct contact. But in the art display, the sensors are used to detect a viewer’s movements and breathing to create a sapling that grows as you breathe.
Artists and engineers often butt heads though. Sometimes the artist’s vision will be too great for what the engineers are capable of producing. In the end both have to make concessions in order to bring the project to fruition. Of course to make such works possible, cooperation between artists and engineers is necessary.
2010年台北国际花卉博览会开建了14个展馆。每个館都有「工業技術研究院」( (工研院或ITRI) 創新特色的展品。这些展馆其中一個称为梦想館,有一朵3.5吨重的机械花,具有120片可以旋转的花瓣。这些展品的设计强调在台湾开发的先进技术。工研院与,「青鸟新媒体艺术」(BluePheonix New Media Arts)开发了一个大厅,具有裸眼3D立体显示器。这些显示器可以呈现出台湾岛常见和本土才有的植物互动影象。例如,一台显示器有一个传感器,一旦被激动,可以显示出一朵慢慢盛开的花和嗡嗡飞的蜜蜂立体图像。但是这样的显示屏有两个困难,一個是製造這麽大尺寸的直立式显示屏。第二是现实具体细致的图像。
食養山房有兩個固定的菜單,肉食或素食。菜單根據季節變動。 林炳輝總是用最新鮮的配料。他自創兩個固定菜單模式,希望客人能談論他們對膳食的期望。雖然他的菜單沒有很多的菜,可是每一個菜單都有很多種菜式。每盤菜都是簡單的,但是調味汁提高滋味由。去這家餐館,客人的吃飯經驗非常獨特的。很多大山包圍食養山房,遠離城市。客人進去也得脫鞋。食養山房有很多個別的餐房,每一個都有很大的窗戶,所以當客人吃時,也可以一面觀賞自然園林風景。餐館的裝飾簡單也典雅,只有一些畫飾和簡單的家具。客人能去園林裡慢步享受室外的景色。
食養山房的菜,最重要的是每盤菜的呈現方式。每盤菜都是廚師用心準備出來的。每盤都有不同的顏色和形式。比如:蓮花湯。 林炳輝的蓮花湯是很特別的。這道湯口味簡單,可以當服務員把湯拿到桌子上時,會把一朵蓮花在湯上。這朵蓮花在客人的眼前慢慢地開,非常美麗。
Shi Yang Shan Fang is located in a newly developed area of Taibei, it is a very quiet and peaceful place. The restaurant owner, Lin Binghui, created his own cuisine, using inspiration from Chinese, Japanese, and local cuisine. This restaurant only has 30 employees, it is a very small company. Originally, his intention was not to make a profit, but business has been good. He hopes that his restaurant may enhance the dining experience so that it is both healthy for your body and soul.
Shi Yang Shan Fang has two set menus, one that contains meat or one that is vegetarian. The menus vary depending on the season. Ling Binghui tries very hard to only use fresh ingredients. He created two menus in hopes that it would promote conversation among his guests. Although his menus do not include a lot of choices, it has many different types of food. Each dish is relatively simple, but is enhanced by special sauces. At this restaurant, the dining experience is very unique. It is very far from the city, mountains surround the restaurant. Guests are asked to remove their shoes while they dine. Shi Yang Shan Fang has many dining rooms, each with very large windows. So, while guests enjoy their meal, they can also enjoy the mountainous view. The décor in the restaurant is very simple yet elegant, only a few paintings and simple furniture fill the room. Guests can also enjoy a leisurely stroll through nature.
The most important aspect of the food at Shi Yang Shan Fang is the presentation of each dish. Each dish is carefully prepared and usually has a variety of colors and shapes. For example: the Lotus Flower Soup. Lin Binghui’s lotus flower soup is very special. The broth has a simple taste, however, the presentation is amazing. After the waiter places the soup on the table, he/she places a single lotus flower on top of the soup. The flower then slowly blooms in front of the guests; it’s very beautiful to see.
One day, I want to go to this restaurant. Shi Yang Shan Fang is a very unique restaurant because Lin Binghui manages to integrate food and nature to create a harmonious experience!
每個國家都有一個最有名的菜。美國有漢堡包,日本有壽司,韩国有烤肉,而在台灣有牛肉麵。台灣的,牛肉麵是一個主食。牛肉麵的配料就是嫩牛肉,醬,番茄 和青蔥。這個菜本來是從中國來的。在一九四九年,國民黨把牛肉麵带到台灣了。在台湾的外省人一做这个菜的時候,就會記起家乡。这个汤面从大陆到達台灣的時候,变得非常流行。因為受到日本的影響,所以台湾的牛肉麵和中国的牛肉麵并不一樣。在台灣,牛肉麵本來是夜市或者快餐的一道菜。可是,最近台灣人決定牛肉麵就是地道的台灣菜,應該把牛肉麵的做法变化一下。以前,夜市卖的牛肉麵有很多油和鹽,这是一个又便宜又方便快餐。可是现在有了改变。今天,牛肉麵有了不一样的名声,可能又高雅又高檔。很多特色餐馆現在会做牛肉麵。廚師們加比較少油和鹽。所以,湯的味道越來越清淡。這样風味比較合适台灣人的口味,因為台灣菜經常是很清淡的。中國的牛肉麵用比较多醬油和别的材料,食譜比较复杂。可是台灣的牛肉麵正好相反。台灣牛肉麵的特色就是很新鮮和清淡。牛肉麵迷要別的國家的廚師嘗試做牛肉麵,所以在西方开始有很多台灣餐館做牛肉面。在台灣牛肉甚至有一個牛肉面委員會。他們監測台灣牛肉麵的标準.每年,他們有一個牛肉麵的節目,因為他們要庆祝这个有特色的台湾菜。
Every country has a famous dish. America has hamburgers, Japan has sushi, Kore has BBQ, and Taiwan has beef noodle soup. Taiwan’s soup is a staple food. Its ingredients are tender beef, sauce, tomato, and green onion. this dish originally came from China. In 1949, the KMT brought it to Taiwan. In Taiwan when the ‘benshengren’ eat it, they immediately think of home. When this soup arrived in Taiwan, its popularity spread extremely quickly. Because of the large Japanese influence in Taiwan, Taiwan soup and Chinese soup are clearly not the same. In Taiwan, beef noodle soup was originally a night market or fast food dish. But, recently Taiwanese people have decided that this is authentic, so it should change the style. Before, night markets who sold this soup used a lot of oil and salt, this was a cheap and convenient dish. But now, it has changed. Today, Beef noodle soup does not have the same connotation. Now it has class and elegance. A lot of notable restaurants are starting to serve beef noodle soup. Chefs add less salt and oil, so the soups flavor has become lighter. This style is relatively more suitable for Taiwanese taste, because Taiwanese dishes are usually very light in flavor. Chinese beef noodle soup uses a lot of sauces and other ingredients, the recipes are relatively complicated. But Taiwanese beef noodle soup is really the opposite. Taiwanese style is fresh and light. Beef noodle soup fanatics especially want other countries chefs to start trying to make beef noodle soup, so that the west will start to have a lot of Taiwanese restaurants that make beef noodle soup. In Taiwan, there is also a beef noodle soup committee. They monitor Taiwanese beef noodle soups to make sure they hold to a standard. They have a beef noodle soup festival, because they want to celebrate this dishes specialness to Taiwanese cuisine.
My Favorite Chinese Dish
Hello everyone. My name is Bai Chunhui, and I am a sophomore at the University of Puget Sound. Today my topic is “My Favorite Chinese Dish.”
Who doesn’t like to eat Chinese food? I have a destined relationship with Chinese food. I still remember when I was four years old, the first time my parents took me to one of the local Chinese restaurants, I grabbed a bowl and smashed it on the ground, and made a mess of everything. As a result, the owners of the restaurant had no trouble remembering me, and kept an eye on me every time we went there to eat. Later, when I started to learn Chinese, they were very happy, and always make the best dishes to serve me. Among these dishes is their best dish, Hot and Sour Soup. Because I’m vegetarian, every time they make the dish for me that doesn’t have meat, and instead give me a version with more vegetables to eat. So I have a special feeling for this dish, and not just because it’s particularly delicious, but also because of the story behind the dish as well.
This semester I took a Chinese course on Chinese food and drink culture, and only since have I genuinely understood how much there is to Chinese food. Chinese people have always attached importance to eating: the saying “Food is the God of the People” means that Chinese people view food as the primary need, and all other things come second. Chinese food has more than just a great variety of styles of cooking, but also the method with which dishes are named; for example, “Buddha’s Delight,” “Cross-the-Bridge Rice Noodle,” and “Grandma Po’s Tofu – the name of each dish has a story behind it. I also learned that Chinese cooking pays particular attention to the harmonious combination of foods, the “hot” and “cold” qualities of food, and also the Yin and Yang principle.
One of the assignments for this course was to make an authentic Chinese dish. Our professor gave us a vegetable dishes cookbook, and my classmates and I decided we should try to make tofu balls – which appeared to be simple to make. We made the dish twice, and each time did not meet with success. Only now do I understand that making Chinese food is really not easy. Next spring, when I study abroad in China, I want to learn how to make authentic Chinese food; it doesn’t matter if it’s Hot and Sour Soup or Buddha’s Delight, I definitely want to learn to make Chinese dishes well. Thank you.
食养山房是一个林炳辉一九九六年在汐止成立的饭店。从那时开始,食养就成为一个很有名的, 很受欢迎的地方。 食养的仓小始三方面都有標新異的观念 :食养的菜,食养的建筑物和食养的经营方式。
林先生要他的饭馆有一奌禅宗的味道,设计了给客人静心的环境。所以,他管理的方法非常特别。 他和他的职工早上来的时候不立即工作。反而,他们一起喝茶说话,讨论哲学和新闻,也念经。有时候,林先生还安排访客给他的职工上课。然后他们才做饭馆早上的职务。
食养在汷止一个很安静,很幽美的地方,建筑也有一个很简单的结构。山房不是一棟房子,反而有很多小的房子连接在一起。有一个很长的步道所以客人可以从一条房屋走到下一个房屋。沿着这条步道都有很漂亮的园林风景。这是因为林先生要给他的客人一个很平静的 饮食环境。饭店的里面的佈置很淡雅。只有长的餐桌和板凳。当然也有很大的窗户所以客人一面吃饭一面可以看风景。饭店里面也有一些书画。
ShiYangShanFang Restaurant was founded in 1996 by Mr. Lin in Xizhi. Since its founding, Shiyang has become a very famous, popular restaurant. There are three unique things about Shiyang: its food, its structure, and the way it is run.
Mr. Lin wants his restaurant to have a very Zen, spiritual feel. So, his management style is very unique. When he and his workers first arrive at the restaurant, they don’t immediately go to work. Instead, they drink tea, talk about the news, and even chant Buddhist sayings. Sometimes Mr. Lin even brings guest speakers to give presentations to his workers. Only after this do he and his workers get to work.
Shiyang is located in a very peaceful and beautiful environment, and also has a very simple structure. The restaurant isn’t contained in a single building- rather it is made up of several different small houses. There is a long walkway where guests can walk from house to house. This walking path is filled with very beautiful scenery. This is because Mr. Lin wants to give his customers a very tranquil environment. Inside the restaurant is very simple as well. There is just a long table and wooden benches. Of course there are also many windows so customers can enjoy the scenery outside.
Shiyang’s food is also very special. Shiyang only has two menus: a meat menu and a vegetarian menu. Shiyang’s menus have many small entrees, and there are usually up to twelve courses. Shiyang also has a very good reputation for the freshness of their food, whether it is meat, seafood or vegetables. Shiyang’s food is also very simple, as the main type of cooking is steaming- however Shiyang has very special dipping sauces that give the food a lot of flavor.
Harmony between man and nature is one of the biggest Chinese philosophies. In today’s food culture, there are many things that go against this. For example, a lot of restaurants have a very rushed way of eating, or use a lot of processed foods. Mr. Lin is trying to give his customers an experience where they can both eat and be one with nature.
我是一个美国人,所以我是一个最好的消费者。购物买东西是大部分美国人最喜欢的娱乐活动。美国是全球领导新潮的国家,别的国家常常受到美国消费者心态的影响。那么,消费文化到底是什么呢?他们的价值观念是追求流行品牌和奢侈品。比方说可口可乐,麦当劳是低消费的产品,路易威登是高消费的热门品牌,美国的消费者不但喜欢,也影响全球消费文化,包括中国。不过依我看来,消费文化只是在追求一个无意义的生活方式。原来中国人很节俭, 总是要存钱,现在虽然他们还希望省钱,可是大城市很快地接受了西方消费文化的心态。1978年邓小平实行改革开放政策,从那时起,国外公司开始进入封锁很久的中国去投资。受了资本主义的影响,中国接受了企业家的心态,就是说以赚钱为生活目标,造成年轻一代特别爱买进口产品讲究包装和名牌代表的形象。总的来说,不只是在美国和中国,全球人类都被消费文化和资本主义的心态迷惑。当然这同时也代表现代中国人民开始过着比较舒适的生活。经济的发展提高人民的生活水平,可是也带来问题。
Hello everybody, today my topic is comparing Chinese and American culture. I will talk about a recent phenomenon brought about by economic development, that is to say consumer culture.
I am an American, therefore the act of consumption comes naturally to me. You could even say shopping is most Americans favorite pastimes. America is the global leader of many fashion trends and therefore influences other countries with its consumer mentality. But what exactly is consumer culture? This culture has such values that pursue the consumption of popular brands and luxury goods. For example we have popular brands such as Coca-cola and McDonald’s that are considered to be of low-end consumption and Louis Vuitton, which is a popular high-end consumption brand. Not only are such brands highly coveted by American consumers, but consumption of them also influences consumer culture around the world, including China. However in my opinion, consumer culture merely pursues a meaningless lifestyle. Originally the Chinese were very frugal, always saving money, but even though they still wish to save money urban areas have quickly accepted the Western consumer mentality. In 1978 Deng Xiaoping instituted China’s opening up policies, and since then foreign companies have started to enter the well established locked door of China’s economy to invest. Through such investment China has received influence from Western capitalism and entrepreneurship that is to say placing emphasis on making money for life goals. This has caused the image of China’s younger generation in particular to love buying imported products for their packaging and brand image. Overall this phenomenon has not only taken place in the United States and China, but has mystified the Earth’s masses through such devices as capitalism and consumerism. This of course at the same time represents how the modern Chinese citizen has started to live a more comfortable lifestyle, and through economic development we also see a rise in peoples’ living standards. Although it is important to mention that such phenomenon also brings about problems.
corrected some typos
My Favorite Chinese Dish
Hello everyone. My name is Bai Chunhui, and I am a sophomore at the University of Puget Sound. Today my topic is “My Favorite Chinese Dish.”
Who doesn’t like to eat Chinese food? I have always had a destined relationship with Chinese food. I still remember when I was four years old, the first time my parents took me to one of the local Chinese restaurants, I grabbed a bowl and smashed it on the ground, and made a mess of everything. As a result, the owners of the restaurant had no trouble remembering me, and kept an eye on me every time we went there to eat. Later, when I started to learn Chinese, they were very happy, and so they always make the best dishes to serve me. Among these dishes is their best dish, Hot and Sour Soup. Because I’m vegetarian, every time they make the dish for me they don’t add any meat, and instead give me a version with more vegetables to eat. So I have a special feeling for this dish, and not just because it’s particularly delicious, but because of the story behind the dish as well.
This semester I took a Chinese course on Chinese food and drink culture, and only since have I genuinely understood how much there is to Chinese food. Chinese people have always attached importance to eating: the saying “Food is the God of the People” means that Chinese people view food as the primary need, and all other things come second. Chinese food has more than just a great variety of styles of cooking, but also the method with which dishes are named; for example, “Buddha’s Delight,” “Cross-the-Bridge Rice Noodle,” and “Grandma Po’s Tofu
– the name of each dish has a story behind it. I also learned that Chinese cooking pays particular attention to the harmonious combination of foods, the “hot” and “cold” qualities of food, and also the Yin and Yang principle.
One of the assignments for this course was to make an authentic Chinese dish. Our professor gave us a cookbook of vegetarian dishes, and my classmates and I decided we should try to make tofu balls – which appeared to be simple to make. We made the dish twice, and each time did not meet with success. Only now do I understand that making Chinese food is really not easy. Next spring, when I study abroad in China, I want to learn how to make authentic Chinese food; it doesn’t matter if it’s Hot and Sour Soup or Buddha’s Delight, I definitely want to learn to make Chinese dishes well. Thank you.
Yu Jun said,
on May 7th, 2012 at 11:17 am edit
在台北中国式的菜当然非常道地,可是台北也有外国厨师开了正宗的国际餐厅。在Taiwan Review, 2011年四月份的杂志,有一篇文章,讲到这些著名的外国餐馆背后的故事。这些外国厨师都有他们自己的故事。虽然这些厨师都要介绍给当地顾客正宗的国际菜肴,为了适应台湾当地的情况,他们不得不做一些调整才能成功。
《Flavors》, 是一家被选为台北最好的瑞典餐厅。《Flavor》的主人,Ola Ekdahl, 谈到刚开餐厅的时候,说甚至付房租都很困难。可是他坚持做正宗的瑞典菜。他发现他做的瑞典风格的食物对当地人来说味道比较重, 可是当地人喜欢吃这样的口味。而另一家叫《Papa Gio》的意大利餐厅。因为台湾人不习惯吃“al dente”的米饭,所以厨师都会先问客人想吃意大利风格还是中国风格的米饭。他们也得跟客人解释意大利风格米饭不是没有煮熟,而是台湾人说“QQ”的意思, 不是软软的。虽然《Papa Gio》 想介绍真实的意大利菜,有很多当地人不太接受。另外一家是一个法国餐厅叫《Saveurs》。 刚开始,他们的客人很少。《Saveurs》的主人发现台湾人觉得法国菜太贵。分量也太少。所以主人做出较大的菜也调整价格。这些都是外国厨师得面对的问题。因为在不同的国家有不同的口味和需要,所以这些外国厨师都得做调整。
因为在不同的国家卖自己的产品,一个成功的企业,得了解当地的文化和客户。比方说我们已经学到了可口可乐公司的经营策略,可口可乐适应不同国家文化来推销他们的产品。所以台北的厨师做出很多调整来改变他们经营方法,也比较了解客人的需要。在文章里,每一个餐厅都做一些改变来了解台湾客人。《Flavors》 保持他们原有的瑞典风味让他们有不同的地方。因为他们有不同的口味,他们比较有竞争优势。《Papa Gio》改变自己的烹调风格以吸引更多的中国客人。《Saveurs》改变菜量来让本地人觉得他们物有所值。这些都是跨文化的问题。我喜欢这篇文章,因为说到无论做什么生意,甚至厨师为了在不同国家文化成功,都需要做某些程度的调整。
Taipei is famous for great Chinese food but what Taipei also offers is foreign chefs whose restaurants offer locals a taste of authentic international cuisine. This article, “Every Dish Tells a Story,” shows the stories behind famous foreign gourmet spots in Taipei. Foreign chefs all have stories of how they came to Taiwan and made a name for themselves. Although they are known for their famous authentic international food, these chefs did have to adjust to serving their food from home in Taiwan.
The chef of Flavors, a Swedish restaurant, is voted Taipei’s best restaurant and best unexpected find. The owner, Ola Ekdahl, said that when he first opened the restaurant, it was hard work really hard to pay their rent every month. Through their hard work and authentic Swedish style foods, they have made a name for themselves. Their traditional Swedish food offer stronger flavors that differentiate themselves from other local restaurants that Westerners miss. Another restaurant, Papa Gio, is a famous Italian restaurant owned by Giorgio Trevisan and Matteo Boschiavo. Even though Papa Gio cooks authentic food, many Chinese customers sometimes don’t like it. They aren’t used to Italian rice being al dente because they think it’s undercooked. Because of this, when customers order food, they ask if they want Italian or Chinese style. Another restaurant, Saveurs, features French food. The owners of Saveurs said that for the first month, nobody came to their restaurant. They found out that most Taiwanese people thought that French food is too expensive with small portions. Once they put large servings with reasonable prices, every day was full of customers. These are just some problems the chefs had to face.
These adjustments that the chefs had to make are an example of how people need to change a little in order to fit well into host country. Each chef had to change and work hard to understand customers as well as the cultural beliefs. If a business understands a host country’s culture, then that business will do well. Every restaurant in the article had to understand something. Flavors realized that their flavors were very different from local foods or other western restaurants which gave them a competitive advantage. Papa Gio had to change their menu and cooking style in order to attract more Chinese customers. And Saveurs had to make bigger portions to fit Chinese beliefs. These are all cross cultural differences that the chefs had to adjust to.
Review (of food)-评介ping2 jie4
Unexpected-意外 yi4 wai4
Hospitality-好客 hao4 ke4
Swedish food-瑞典美食 rui4 dian3
Venison-鹿肉lu4 rou4
Rhubarb-大黄da4 huang2
Stronger flavors- 更强的味道
Trattoria (Italy where all the tractors go)-饮食店
Authenticity-真实(性)zhen1 shi2 xing4
Appreciate-欣赏 xin1 shang3
Misunderstanding- 误解wu4 jie3
Al dente – 牙齿ya2 chi3 (tooth)
Chef- 厨师chu2 shi1
Cross-cultural difference- 跨文化差异 kua4 wen2 hua4 cha1 yi4
Expatriate- 外籍 wai4 ji2
Brand positioning- 品牌定位pin3pai2 ding4 wei4
Ingredients-成分cheng2 fen4
Fresh-新鲜 xin1 xian1
Dried-干燥 gan1 zao4
Curry-咖喱 ga1 li2
Fine dining venue-精致的餐饮场所jing1zhi4 de can1 yin4 chang3suo3
Asst. #4
美国消费者的心态跟中国消费者的近年来越来越接近。两个国家的消费者都成能接受到奢侈品的消费者。 很大的零售商卖便宜的从中国来的进口产品。在美国,存在一个关于中国进口的争论。有些人觉得进口中国产品对美国市场有好处,因为中国产品比美国国内做的便宜。但是,有些人认为进口中国产品对美国的市场经济有不好的影响。便宜的中国制的产品让美国小中企业的利润越来越低。许多美国的工作也慢慢地消失。因此,美国的消费者开始有一个“反对中国”的运动。美国做的产品比中国做的质量好,消费者也知道美国公司卖的产品尽管价格比较贵,但是质量是一流的,也帮助美国的经济成长。
Asst. 5
可口可乐公司是全球最大的饮料公司。可口可乐是大概110年以前建立的。今天,可口可乐的销售市场超过200个国家。1927年,可口可乐在上海开设了中国第一个装瓶厂。1978年改革以后可口可乐成为了中国最新的国外消费品。可口可乐公司的成功是因为有标准地营销策略。尽管可口可乐管理很多的瓶厂在不同的地方,但是什么厂都得遵行公司的策略。可口可乐的“3P” 策略就是买得到,买得起和价钱适合质量。可口可乐公的策略也包括公司的销售政策,比如广告策略,定价策略,顾客服务和送货服务。可口可乐的生产标准非常高。生产,销售,服务都要达到效率标准。在新的市场,可口可乐也要把工厂的效率提高。所以要跟本地的生意人合作,也要,建立管理学院训练员工。最后,可口可乐让个体店户卖他们的产品。
饮料- yǐnliào-beverage
大概- dàgài-approximately
销售- xiāoshòu-sales
超过- chāoguò-to exceed
开设- kāishè-to open for business
瓶 厂- píngchǎng-bottling plant
消费品- xiāofèipǐn-consumer goods
标准- biāozhǔn-criteria
营销- yíngxiāo-marketing
策略- cèlüè-tactics
管理- guǎnlǐ-to manage
遵行- zūnxíng-to comply with
适合- shìhé-to suit
质量- zhìliàng-quality
政策- zhèngcè-policy
定价- dìngjià-to set a price
送货- sònghuò-to deliver goods