Wk#06 (2/20-2/24)

Chinese 309 |  Phoenix Claws and Lion’s Head: Food and Chinese Culture
三年中文: 中國的飲食文化

課程題目與目標 Lesson Topic & Goals:
題目 #2: 传统饮食文化 – 菜谱,选材,食物的冷热性,中医食疗与民间关于吃的禁忌

1.  进一步来了解中国菜烹饪选材和食材五品的观念。
2.  知道中国民间传统和习俗中关于吃的禁忌。
3.  学习中医对食物的分类与「温、热、凉、寒」四气。


《中國菜簡介PowerPoint》, https://chinese4u.edublogs.org/files/2012/01/Chinese_Food-1ro169m.ppt.
《吃的禁忌》, 來源:http://chinaabc.showchina.org/rwzgxl/zgys/200703/t109036.htm
《中国民间关于吃的禁忌》, 來源:http://www.chinese.cn. 21:20, August 29, 2009, http://www.chinese.cn/food/en/article/2009-08/29/content_23534.htm.
《食物相剋圖及解毒方法》, 來源: http://lohas.supergood.com.tw/supergood/ezcatfiles/c001/img/img/3250/food_f.jpg.
《溫熱涼寒-談食物的四氣》,   林仲醫師, http://ades.tmu.edu.tw/english/qna/faq/fourchi.htm.
《药膳中常见的几种药材》Chinese herbal medicine in herbal cuisine,  http://tcm.chinese.cn/cards/ys/article/.

Food in Chinese Culture, Richard Shek, paper presented at the Sinology Conference, held at California State University, Sacramento, February 17-18, 2005,  http://csuspress.lib.csus.edu/sinology/content/shek_richard.html.

每周個人功課 (Due Wednesday 2/22 before class  – turn in a hard copy )
1. 根据第五/六周阅读资料和文章,写出一段大意包括三个重点 (250字) – 手写或打字都可以。
2. 列出20个重要生词,加注拼音和英文。
3. 选择6个句型点或语法点,造句。可用加线红字的词组或自己选择。

Group Assignment for Week #6  (和第五周一樣; 請坐在一起):
小組1.   Ada (美芳) | Alexi (偉誠)
小組2.  Brandon (耀桐) | Bo Turek (元博)
小組3.  Maxwell (敏偉) | Taylor (玉蓮) | Hunter Bennett (青泓)
小組4.  Lev (南樂) | Travis S (傳文) | Yvonne (靜儀)
小組5.  Phillip (春暉) | Emily (郁君) |  Amanda Nicol (曼迪)
小組6.  Individuals who need to do makeup work or absent on Monday
Absent: (please complete makeup work individually):
Monday (absent) –  Belinda (慧婷), Travis T. (福臨), | Monica (曼寧) – please post English translation of the underlined sentences in red in 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 and 6.6.

Topic #1 Project Voicethread progress check:
敏偉, 慧婷, 靜儀, 美芳, 青泓, 耀桐, 偉誠
曼迪, 郁君, 南樂, 玉蓮, 傳文, 福臨, 春暉

星期一課堂題目及活動(Monday 2/20):____________________________________
1. 察看Topic #1 Voicethread 图片文字录音的制作
2. 讨论:錄音 – 談談食物的禁忌

都有哪些食物不可以一起吃 (时间:2011-10-25 06:40来源:健康生活号)


3. 《中國菜簡介PowerPoint》, https://chinese4u.edublogs.org/files/2012/01/Chinese_Food-1ro169m.ppt
4. 功课: (星期三上课前做好)
Read the selected reading in both Chinese and English: (be able to explain in Chinese what you read)
6.1 子曰:“足食,足兵,民信之矣。(孔子说:“一要经济繁荣,让人民吃饱饭。二要武力强大,让人民享太平。三要在人民心中树立威信,得到人民大众的信任和拥护”。)
6.2 管仲曾说:“王者以民为天,民以食为天,能知天之天者,斯可矣。”民以食为天的观念的的根源如此源远流长,反映了中国几千年文明史和农业的关系之密切。
6.3 早在2300多年前的战国时期,大教育家孟子见梁惠王时,说:“五亩之宅,树之以桑, 五十者可以衣帛矣。鸡豚狗彘之畜,无失其时,七十者可以食肉矣。在这里孟子向梁惠王讲了一个很简单的道理,人民首先要有用以耕种的土地,解决他们的衣食问题,他们才会有道德意识。
6.4 老子云:“治国如烹小鲜”。什么意思呢?一般认为,这句话的意思是,治理国家就像烤小鱼小虾一样,要有耐心,只能用小火烤,有时翻几下身,烤得均匀些,火不能太旺的,太旺会把小鱼小虾都烤焦了
6.5 庖丁解牛 (Explain the story and origin of the phrase in English and Chinese.)
6.6  孟子曰:「魚我所欲也;熊掌亦我所欲也,二者不可得兼,舍魚而取 熊掌者也。生亦我所欲也;義亦我所欲也,二者不可得兼,舍生而取義者 也。」    孟子說:「我喜歡吃魚,也愛吃熊掌;如果兩種食物不能同時得到,我會捨棄魚而選擇熊掌。我珍惜生命,更珍惜得來不易的正義;若兩種不能同時得到,我會捨生求義。」

Many of China’s leading intellectual and religious figures assume the primacy of food in defining Chinese culture, and use the experience of food preparation and consumption to drive home their insights.  Guan Zhong opines that the people regard food as of fundamental importance (min yi shi wei tian); while Confucius maintains that the primary duty of government is to feed the people.  Likewise, Mencius ascribes to the king the principal task of making sure that at least the elderly are well-fed and have meat to eat.  He even treats the preference between fish and bear’s paws as analogous to the existential choice between life and righteousness. Laozi famously compares good governing skills to cooking small fish the less meddling, the better; while Zhuangzi likens knowledge of the profundity of the dao to the skills with which a seasoned butcher cuts up a cow intuitive and effortless.

星期三課堂題目及活動(Wednesday 2/22):___________________________________
1. 收Assignment #3 (work for Wk#05/06)
2. 察看Topic #1 Voicethread 图片文字录音的制作
3. 讨论:錄音 – 談談食物的禁忌
4. 檢討功課: 6.1 到 6.6
5. 功课: (星期三上课前做好)– review 6.1 to 6.6 choose one of them to learn. Memorize the original phrase in classicial Chinese and then use your own words to explain the meaning of it. You could also put the phrase in an example sentence. Student will take turn and present it in class.

星期五課堂題目及活動(Friday 2/24):____________________________________
1. 察看Topic #1 Voicethread 图片文字录音的制作 -Final Version due today 5:00 PM
2. 學生報告: 6.1 到 6.6
3. 功课: (下星期一上课前做好)– 錄音見下

Speaking Assignment: 中國的哲學家常常用吃來解釋他們的一些思想。許多成語也用到食物。在英語美國人也會用到吃的觀念或食物來談他們的想法嗎? 請談談也舉一個例子。(中文: 吃醋,吃香,吃軟飯,鐵飯碗; 英文: a piece of cake, a hard nut to crack)

9 thoughts on “Wk#06 (2/20-2/24)

  1. 6.1 子曰:“足食,足兵,民信之矣。(孔子说:“一要经济繁荣,让人民吃饱饭。二要武力强大,让人民享太平。三要在人民心中树立威信,得到人民大众的信任和拥护”。)

    Confucius said: First, you should want economic prosperity, this will give the people a chance to eat a full meal. Second, you should want a large military power, that will allow the people to enjoy peace. Third, you should want to establish popularity within the hearts of the people, to obtain the masses trust and support.

    6.2 管仲曾说:“王者以民为天,民以食为天,能知天之天者,斯可矣。”民以食为天的观念的的根源如此源远流长,反映了中国几千年文明史和农业的关系之密’切。

    The origin of the concept that people view food as a primary need goes back to the dim and distant past. This reflects China’s civilization’s several thousand years of history and agriculture close and intimate relationship.

    6.3 早在2300多年前的战国时期,大教育家孟子见梁惠王时,说:“五亩之宅,树之以桑, 五十者可以衣帛矣。鸡豚狗彘之畜,无失其时,七十者可以食肉矣。在这里孟子向梁惠王讲了一个很简单的道理,人民首先要有用以耕种的土地,解决他们的衣食问题,他们才会有道德意识。

    Here Mengzi explained a very simple principle to King Lianghui. First of all in order to cultivate the land, the people need to resolve their clothes and food problems, only then will they have awareness of virtue.

    6.4 老子云:“治国如烹小鲜”。什么意思呢?一般认为,这句话的意思是,治理国家就像烤小鱼小虾一样,要有耐心,只能用小火烤,有时翻几下身,烤得均匀些,火不能太旺的,太旺会把小鱼小虾都烤焦了。

    The general population believes this quote’s meaning is, governing a country is like roasting a small fish and shrimp. You must have patience, and only create a fire for baking when there is no other choice. Now and then turn over the body, in order to roast evenly. The fire cannot roar too great, if that happens, the fish and the shrimp will be burnt.

    6.6 孟子曰:「魚我所欲也;熊掌亦我所欲也,二者不可得兼,舍魚而取 熊掌者也。生亦我所欲也;義亦我所欲也,二者不可得兼,舍生而取義者 也。」 孟子說:「我喜歡吃魚,也愛吃熊掌;如果兩種食物不能同時得到,我會捨棄魚而選擇熊掌。我珍惜生命,更珍惜得來不易的正義;若兩種不能同時得到,我會捨生求義。

    Mengzi said: “I like to eat fish, and also love to eat bear paw. If those two types of food cannot be obtained at the same time, I will give up the fish and pick the bear paw. I treasure life, and treasure the unchanging righteousness even more. If the two types cannot be obtained at the same time, I will give up seeking meaning in life.

  2. 6.5

    “Pao Ding Jie Niu (庖丁解牛)” is a well-known allusion in Chinese culture, in which a cook is so experienced in dismembering the carcass of the ox, that the edge of his cleavers remains as though newly sharpened despite having been used for nineteen years. As the cook explains, he loves the Dao of butchery more than skill of it; he works with his mind, letting his cleavers moving freely through the intervals between flesh, sinews and bones according to their natural structure.


  3. 1. Confucius says, “the people trust in ample food and ample military force.” Confucius also says, “First, whoever wants economic prosperity must allow the people to eat enough food. Second, those who want a strong military force must allow the people to enjoy peace and security. Third, to establish trust in the people’s hearts, one must obtains the all the people’s trust and support.”)
    2. Guan Zhong once said, “rule according to the people by heaven, ‘food is the god of the people,’ to know heaven, this is acceptable.” The origin of the notion of “food is the god of the people” in this way is distant and very old, mirroring China’s several thousand years civilization history and farming relationship.
    3. As early as the 2300 or more years ago Warring States period, the respected theorist Mencius … said, “if five fields’ residences cultivate mulberry trees, fifty people can dress in silk clothing. Raising chickens, pigs and dogs can feed seventy.” Here, Mencius, towards the Hui dynasty rulers, expressed a very simple principle, that people first need to cultivate the land, and to settle their food and clothing problem need to realize the principles of truth and right.
    4. Laozi said, “to rule a large country is like cooking a small fish.” What is the meaning of this? The general belief is that the meaning of this sentence is, “to govern a country is that roasting a small fish is like cooking a small shrimp, in that you need to have patience, can only use a small flame, sometimes turning it over a few times to cook evenly with a fire not too roaring as too large of a flame will burn both the fish and the shrimp.
    5. “庖丁解牛,”我看不懂。厨师要切圈的牛。,
    6. Confucius said, “I desire fish but bears’ paws also desire it, so both cannot have it simultaneously. Therefore, I give up the fish and take the bear’s paw. I desire life and justice, but I cannot have both simultaneously, so I give up life and take justice.” Mencius said, “I like to eat fish, and I love to eat bear paw; if I cannot have both at the same time, I can give up fish and select the bear paw. I treasure life but value uneasy righteousness. If I cannot cultivate both simultaneously, I can give up life to seek righteousness.”

  4. 耀桐 & 元博

    6.2 管仲曾说:“王者以民为天,民以食为天,能知天之天者,斯可矣。”民以食为天的观念的的根源如此源远流长,反映了中国几千年文明史和农业的关系之密切。

    Guan Zhong says, the king views himself as god of the people, but food is the god of the people. This idiom’s origin goes back to the distant past, and it reflects the last several thousand years of the intertwined concepts of Chinese history and farming.

  5. 慧婷

    Make-up work (6.1-6.6 English Translation)

    Confucius states that in order for economic prosperity, you must permit the people to have enough to eat. Second, you must have a large military force to allow the people to benefit in peace and security. Thirdly, in order to establish trust in the people’s hearts, you must obtain the masses trust and support.

    The source of the concept of viewing food as the primary need in this way goes back to the dim and distant past. It reflects China’s several thousand years of civilized culture and agricultures close relationship.

    Mencius explains a very simple reason/concept to the King, people first must have in order to cultivate the land, they must solve their clothes and food issue in order to be aware of virtue.

    There is a general belief that this phrase’s meaning is: to govern a country is the same as to roast fish and prawns, it requires patience, only use low fire for roasting, sometimes flipping over several times the lower body, roasting evenly, the fire cannot be too large, too large of a fire will result in burnt fish and prawns.

    Mencius states: I like to eat fish, and I also love to eat bear paws; if both foods cannot be obtained simultaneously, I will sacrifice fish in order to have bear paws. I cherish life, and I value even more uneasy righteousness/meaning; if I cannot obtain both foods simultaneously, I will be sacrificing to seek righteousness/mean

  6. 慧婷
    in class speaking assignment

    6.4 老子云:“治国如烹小鲜”。什么意思呢?一般认为,这句话的意思是,治理国家就像烤小鱼小虾一样,要有耐心,只能用小火烤,有时翻几下身,烤得均匀些,火不能太旺的,太旺会把小鱼小虾都烤焦了。

    Meaning Behind 6.4

  7. 歐巴馬宴請胡總書記時私下說:我終於明白了,中國文化其實就是吃的文化:



  8. (老師檢查 Wk#6 3nd Assignemnt – REVISED COPY)


    讲究: jiang3jiu: to pay particular attention to
    搭配: da1pei4: to pair up; to match up
    蘸酱:zhan4jiang4: dipping sauce
    营养: ying2yang3: nutrition
    离不开:li2bukai1: inseparably linked to
    家常菜: jia2chang2cai4: home-cooking
    葷:hun1: meat dish
    谷子: gu3zi: millet
    不合: bu4he2: unsuitable, unnatural
    惹麻烦: re3ma2fan: to create difficulties
    损害:sun3hai4: to damage
    过敏: guo4min3: allergic
    民俗: min2su2: folk custom
    浓汤: nong2tang1: thick soup
    禁忌:jin4ji4: restriction
    食疗: shi2liao4: food therapy
    菜谱: cai4pu3: cookbook
    烹饪: peng1ren2: culinary arts
    糯米: nuo4mi3: sticky rice
    正式: zheng4shi4: formal

    1. 上海是一个非常现代化的城市,相比之下,北京就传统多了。
    2. 在他的课业上,他学习很努力。
    3. 按照学校的要求,每个学生都应该学一门外语。
    4. 他不写他的作业,反而他打篮球。
    5. 我当不了总统。
    6. 我的专业不符合单位的要求。

  9. (3/31 老師檢查 Wk#6/7 3nd Assignemnt – REVISED COPY)


    1. 搭配 (dāpèi) pair up
    2. 菜碼兒 (cài mǎ ér) side dishes/garnishes
    3. 葷 (hūn) meat
    4. 主副食(zhǔ fùshí) staple and non-staple foods
    5. 稻米(dàomǐ) rice
    6. 两者 (liǎngzhě) both
    7. 相成 (xiāngchéng) to cooperate
    8. 黄米(huángmǐ) yellow rice
    9. 谷子(gǔzi) millet
    10. 鸟禽(niǎo qín)poultry
    11. 损害(sǔnhài) damage
    12. 至今 (zhìjīn) so far
    13. 暖腰膝(nuǎn yāoxī) warm up one’s body
    14. 韭菜(jiǔcài) chives
    15. 芥菜(jiècài) mustard
    16. 禁忌(jìnjì) taboo
    17. 畅快(chàngkuài) carefree
    18. 杂 (zá) mixed
    19. 相左(xiāngzuǒ) conflict
    20. 莫名其妙 (Mòmíngqímiào) baffling

    See corrections.

    1. 他跟他的女朋友相爱,谁也离不开谁。
    2. 除此之外,她的妈妈也赞同他。
    3. 他的父母和她的都很开心,(instead of 两者互相 use 彼此都)想结婚。
    4. 根据民间传说他跟他的女朋友没结婚。
    5. 她的家属于一个有影响力的皇帝,皇帝以为他嫁给他。
    6. 听过这个故事以后,甚至老天也同情他们。

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