Student Project 2 – Resume 履歷表求職信

Chinese 303 |   三年中文: 大中華地區的商業和傳播媒體

第六到十一週 學生報告 Student Project 2
题目二: 履歷表| 求職信| 工作面試

1.  Final copy of CV, cover letter and short bio due Friday 11/4
Not yet emailed: Travis, Riccardo, Bo, Gideon, Max, Phillip, Greg (completed: Hunter, Yvonne, Shelby, and Ada)
2. A self-intro recording, to be posted on a group Voicethread slide presentation; recording due next Friday 11/11;
3. Group Voicethread Slides, to be compiled by Sun Laoshi. Email and turn in the following (ASAP, no later than this Friday 11/4):
One Self Profile Slide (WORD file – use if you do not have WORD), include:
1)  a photo of yourself
2)  names in Chinese and English
3)  major/minors
4)  anticipated graduation year
5)  format it nicely with text fonts large enough to display on the slide

文章錄音 Voicethread:
1. Be sure to join Chinese 303 class group; drop your finished project into the group to all access;
2. Change Publishing Options to allow everyone to view and to comment; do not moderate comments;
3. You can include any numbers of slides (graphs photos and texts);
4. Be sure to NOT record your essay under one slide; spread them out, and record sections of your essay on different Voicethread slides. You should record your ENTIRE essay (verbatim);.
5. Complete your project by Tuesday 10/4.

學生Voicethread 自我介绍:


Ada 美芳: 履歷表 | 求職信
Hunter 青泓: 履歷表 | 求職信
Shelby 秀蘋: 履歷表 | 求職信
Riccardo 義明: 履歷表 | 求職信
Bo 元博: 履歷表 | 求職信
Gideon 志昂: 履歷表 | 求職信
Max 敏偉: 履歷表 | 求職信
Yvonne 靜儀: 履歷表 | 求職信
Travis 傳文: 履歷表 | 求職信
Greg 冠元: 履歷表| 求職信
Phillip 春暉: 履歷表| 求職信

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