Week#07 (2/28-3/4)

Chinese 307 |   三年中文: 從電影看中國文化的承傳與創新
 Through the Cinematic Lens: Old and New China in Film

Topic #2 歷史時代悲劇/小說改編
課程題目與目標 Lesson Topic & Goals:
1.  透过电影的故事来学习中国现代史上重要的事件和战争;
2. 通过小说人物的悲剧来看中国历史的悲剧性。

討論電影: 紅高粱Red Sorghum (China, 1987); Screening Notes

HW to be completed before Monday’s class on 2/28:
1. Voicethread: 练习说明中国二十世纪的重要事件。1)  軍閥時代 2) 抗日戰爭 3) 日本投降 4) 國共內戰  5) 大躍進 6. )
(final posting due Wednesday 3/2 before class)
2. Go over Background Reading for Topic #2 (film will be shown in class on Monday)

Monday 2/28:___________________________________________
紅高粱 Film Screening  Screening Notes

HW to be completed before Wednesday’s class on 3/2:
1. Complete Voicethread posting on historical events – Please complete this assigmnment ASAP!

Sun Laoshi will not be able to attend class on Wed. 3/2 due to my daughter’s flu. Please use the class time to work on the following THREE questions. Post a short reply to each one of them.

 2. 回答讨论问题:Please find your partners (see below) and discuss the following questions. Use the entire class time to complete this assignment. I will check your postings (live) from home, and can be reached for questions via the blog comments. If your group needs more time, work after class. Postings are due before Friday’s class.
Ada & Edmond
Emily & Bo
Taylor, Nitai & Phillip
Colin & Liz
Riccardo is sick – please complete it on your own and post your answers ASAP. (As of 3/18 still missing – 義明) 
(If youhave not seen the film, you can go to my office on Thursday afternoon and ask Yang Laoshi for it. )
If any of your assigned partner is absent, please join another gorup of two. The purpose of have a partner or partners is to allow time for discussion (in both Chinese and English)!

a. 列出电影《红高粱》中最重要的三个角色。
b. 你认为哪一个角色最有意义?你最喜欢哪个角色?为什么?
c. 请说明你觉得拍得最好的一景和原因。(Or 请说明你觉得拍得最不好的一景和原因。)

HW to be completed before Friday’s class on 3/2:
1. Complete posting of your group answers to the three questions above.
2. 閱讀 紅高粱 go over Screening Notes
3. 閱讀翻譯功課 Read the following; annotate and bring in your vocabulary list to class:
〈紅高粱家族〉為莫言在文學創作的代表著作,其中的〈紅高粱〉與〈高粱酒〉兩個章節被大陸著名導演張藝謀拍攝成電影「紅高粱」,是以高粱地上的生活為主要背景。莫言企圖以一片火紅高粱地的意象來表現戰亂、死亡。血腥的屍體不斷堆積在高梁田中,「火紅」是血的代表,更隱含著這塊土地上無數小人物的屍體與無數場戰役所留下來的辛酸血淚;至於高梁則是象徵著此塊土地上的小人物堅韌挺拔的生命力。(論莫言〈紅高粱家族〉寫作特色 at http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/lotto/post/1247547166. Accessed on 3/1/2011.)

Friday 3/4:______________________________________________
1. Go over 紅高粱  Screening Notes
2. 分組討論閱讀功課
3. 翻譯功課: Post a readable translation of the following paragraph after discussing it with your group partner (to be assigned in class).
(Ada will be absent; please complete it on your own by Monday’s class.)

HW to be completed before Monday’s class on 3/7:
1. 翻譯功課: Complete translation assignment.
2. Review your final Topic#1 essay, and prepare to record comments on Topic #1 Voicethread (to be posted).

相關連接 Related Links:
1. Clavis Sinica | Chinese Text Sampler | Chinese Film Scripts and Song Lyrics
    a.  妹妹你大胆地往前走 Tudou Video | Youku Vidoe
    b. 酒神曲 Tudou Video | Youtube Video
2. Meimei (2.3) – The raucous drinking song made famous by Zhang Yimou’s film Red Sorghum (View Text | Download Text)
3. Red Sorghum (2.1) – Released in 1987, this film adaptation of Mo Yan’s novel was the first collaboration between director Zhang Yimou and actress Gong Li. The film tells the story of a Shandong wine distillery in the 1930s, combining a colorful portrayal of peasant life with a bitter tale of resistance against the Japanese occupation. The excerpt of the script presented here is from the first part of the film, and opens with the heroine Jiu’er (played by Gong Li) arguing with her father about his plans to marry her to the aged leper who owns the nearby distillery. (View Text | Download Text)

1. Red Sorghum flawed despite striking imagery and cinematography, review posted on Mar 21, 1989.
2. Red Sorghum: A Search for Roots | Senses of Cinema, review posted on Oct 5, 2003.

10 thoughts on “Week#07 (2/28-3/4)

  1. 寧芝和耕林 (corrected by Sun Laoshi on 3/18)

    a. 列出电影《红高粱》中最重要的三个角色。


    b. 你认为哪一个角色最有意义?你最喜欢哪个角色?为什么?

    我们认为最有意思的角色是罗汉,他也是我们最喜欢的。九儿先生死了的时候,罗汉帮她消毒房子和酒坊。 他也帮她酿高粱酒。他的个性很好,他也很聪明。

    c. 请说明你觉得拍得最好的一景和原因。(Or 请说明你觉得拍得最不好的一景和原因。)

    我们觉得最好的一景是打扫,消毒,和(wrong娘should be釀)新酒的剪接。 这个剪接让(add觀)众觉得开心,振奋人心,也(not是use有)一点好笑。(move因为掌柜死了here),大家都高兴,工人成为伙计,所以他们有更好的前途。

  2. 迪文和美芳 (corrected by Sun Laoshi on 3/18)

    a. 列出電影《紅高粱》中最重要的三個角色。

    b. 你認為哪一個角色最有意義?你最喜歡哪個角色?為什麼?
    我們覺得九兒(add的角色)最有意義是因為老李死了之後, 她有權力來領導男人們也做了好酒。我們最喜歡羅漢是因為他照顧九兒和酒坊的人。他也會釀酒所以別的人才會留下來.

    c. 請說明你覺得拍得最好的一景。

  3. 陳郁君 和 涂元博 Corrected by Sun Laoshi on 3/18

    a. 小九,余占熬,羅漢
    b. 我們覺得小(wrong就should be九)(add的角色)最有意義(add,)因為她幫工人做酒也是酒廠的老闆。她跟工人工作,不只是命令他們工作。我們覺得余占熬最好玩(add,)因為當他喝醉了,他尿在酒上的時候反而酒變(not了use得)更好。
    c. 我們覺得(move電影here)最好的場景(delete在電影)是小九第一次喝她的新酒。工人和小九都努力釀造他們的酒。他們都(delete很)精力充沛努力(wrong的should be 地)工作也很熱情。工人唱的歌代表故事(wrong理should be裡)的特別的問題。

  4. Nitai, Philip, Taylor Corrected by Sun Laoshi on 3/18


    2。我们认为九儿是最有意义(add的角色)(add,)(delete是)因为他不是代表性的中国女人。 我们最喜欢罗汉是因为他(add就)是普通哥们,而且我们讨厌所有别的角色。


  5. 外來入侵的戰亂(不論是國共內戰、軍閥割據、日本入侵、土匪橫行)打亂了樸實小人物原有的生活,動盪的環境下小人物們不是逃難就是死亡,不然就是依附當權的軍閥。莫言所要突顯的是人性的脆弱、不值、醜陋、骯髒、堅韌、壯闊。(Accessed on 3/2/3022 at http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/lotto/post/1247547166)

    Using online dictionary: zhongwenweb.com>Chinese English Dictionary Tools> Parsed text list (Parses Chinese text into a list)


    外來 — wài lái /external/foreign/outside/
    入侵 — rù qīn /to invade/
    戰 — zhàn /to fight/fight/war/battle/
    亂 — luàn /in confusion/disorderly/
    不論 — bù lùn /no matter (what, who, how, etc.)/whether/or/regardless of/
    內戰 — nèi zhàn /civil war/
    軍閥 — jūn fá /(n) warlord/
    割 — gē /cut off/
    據 — jù /according to/to act in accordance with/to depend on/to seize/to occupy/
    土匪 — tǔ fěi /bandit/
    橫行 — héng xíng /(v) rampage; riot/
    打 — dá /dozen/ /beat/strike/break/mix up/build/fight/fetch/make/tie up/issue/shoot/calculate/since/from/
    亂 — luàn /in confusion/disorderly/
    樸實 — pǔ shí /(adj) simple; unadorned/(adj) honest; plain speaking/
    人物 — rén wù /characters (in a play, novel, etc.)/figure/someone who plays a part/
    原 — yuán /former/original/primary/raw/level/cause/source/
    動盪 — dòng dàng /commotion/
    環境 — huán jìng /environment/circumstances/surroundings/
    人物 — rén wù /characters (in a play, novel, etc.)/figure/someone who plays a part/
    逃 — táo /to escape/to run away/to flee/
    難 — nán /difficult (to…)/problem/difficulty/difficult/not good/ /disaster/distress/to scold/
    死亡 — sǐ wáng /death/deadly/
    不然 — bù rán /not so/no/or else/otherwise/if not/
    依 — yī /according to/depend on/near to/
    附 — fù /to add/to attach/to be close to/to be attached/
    當 — dāng /to be/to act as/manage/withstand/when/during/ought/should/match equally/equal/same/obstruct/just at (a time or place)/on the spot/right/just at/ /at or in the very same…/to pawn/suitable/adequate/fitting/proper/replace/represent/
    權 — quán /authority/power/right/
    所 — suǒ /actually/place/
    突顯 — tū xiǎn /make something stand out/make something prominent/
    人性 — rén xìng /human/
    脆弱 — cuì ruò /weak/frail/
    不值 — bù zhí /not worth/
    醜 — chǒu /shameful/ugly/disgraceful/
    陋 — lòu /low/humble/plain/ugly/mean/vulgar/
    骯髒 — āng zāng /dirty/filthy/
    堅韌 — jiān rèn /(adj) tough and pliable; ductile/
    壯 — zhuàng /to strengthen/strong/robust/
    闊 — kuò /rich/wide/broad/

    Number of characters received 91

  6. 〈紅高粱家族〉為莫言在文學創作的代表著作,其中的〈紅高粱〉與〈高粱酒〉兩個章節被大陸著名導演張藝謀拍攝成電影「紅高粱」,是以高粱地上的生活為主要背景。莫言企圖以一片火紅高粱地的意象來表現戰亂、死亡。血腥的屍體不斷堆積在高梁田中,「火紅」是血的代表,更隱含著這塊土地上無數小人物的屍體與無數場戰役所留下來的辛酸血淚﹔至於高梁則是象徵著此塊土地上的小人物堅韌挺拔的生命力。

    The “Red Sorghum” is a representative work of Mo Yan’s creative literature. A famous mainland director, Zhang Yimou, filmed two of the chapters, “Red Sorghum” and “Sorghum Wine”, into the movie “Red Sorghum”. The movie’s main backdrop is an imagery of a fiery red land that represents war and death. Dead bodies reeking of blood is continuously piled on top of each other across the land. Not only does the fiery red symbolize blood, it also represents the countless dead bodies of minor characters and their streams of blood because of the battle. The red sorghum is symbolic of the minor characters’ strength and vitality that remains on the land after they die.

    創作 (chuan4zuo4) – to create
    代表著作 (dai4biao3zhu4zuo4) – representative work
    章節 (zhang1jie2) – chapter, section
    著名 (zhu4ming2) – famous, well-known
    背景 (bei4jing3) – background
    戰亂 (zhan4luan4) – chaos of war
    企圖 (qi3tu2) – an attempt
    意象 (yi4xiang4) – imagery
    血腥 (xue4xing1) – reeking of blood
    屍體 (shi1ti3) – dead body
    堆積 (dui1ji1) – to pile up
    隱含 (yin3han2) – implicit
    無數 (wu2shu4) – countless
    辛酸 (xin1suan1) – pungent, bitter
    堅韌 (jian1ren4) – tough and durable
    挺拔 (ting3ba2) – tall and straight
    生命力 (sheng1ming4li4) – vitality

  7. 〈紅高粱家族〉為莫言在文學創作的代表著作,其中的〈紅高粱〉與〈高粱酒〉兩個章節被大陸著名導演張藝謀拍攝成電影「紅高粱」,是以高粱地上的生活為主要背景。莫言企圖以一片火紅高粱地的意象來表現戰亂、死亡。血腥的屍體不斷堆積在高梁田中,「火紅」是血的代表,更隱含著這塊土地上無數小人物的屍體與無數場戰役所留下來的辛酸血淚;至於高梁則是象徵著此塊土地上的小人物堅韌挺拔的生命力。

    The Red Sorghum family as the representative in Mo Yan’s literature of “The Red Sorghum” and the two chapters of the novel take part in the China’s greatest film director’s movie “Red Sorghum.” Therefore, sorghum livelihood relies mainly on the background. Mo Yan’s attempt to use the fiery sorghum as a symbol to show the chaos of war and death. The bloody bodies piled up at Gao Liang; “fiery red” is the symbol of blood but it also implies a little piece of land the bodies of countless battles and bitterness left by both blood and tears. As for Gao Liang, this is the symbol of land and the people who are tough and have vitality.

    創作 chuàngzuò-to create
    章節 zhāngjié-chapter
    為主 wéizhǔ-to rely mainly on
    企圖 qǐtú-to attempt
    戰亂 zhànluàn-chaos of war
    死亡 sǐwáng-death
    血腥 xuèxīng-reeking of blood
    火紅 huǒhóng-fiery
    隱含 yǐnhán-to contain in a concealed form
    戰役 zhànyì-military campaign
    辛酸 xīnsuān- pungent (taste)
    堅韌 jiānrèn-tough and durable

  8. 宁台,元博
    The “Red Sorghum Family” is Mo Yan’s representative literary work, specifically the chapters “Red Sorghum” and “Sorghum Wine” made famous mainland director Zhang Yimou’s movie “Red Sorghum”, using the life on the sorghum fields as the main background. Mo Yan tried to use the imagery of a burning sorghum field to represent the horrors of death and war. Bloody corpses pile up nonstop in the middle of the field, and the fire red color represents blood and the countless dead bodies and military campaigns leave behind a trail of misery, bitterness , blood and tears. The wild sorghum symbolizes the tenacious and upright vitality of the characters that live in the sorghum fields.

  9. Ningzhi, Yulian, Yiming.

    The book “Red Sorghum Family” is representative of MoYan’s literary works. The mainland director Zhang Yimou turned the two chapters, “red sorghum” and “sorghum wine” into a movie called “Red Sorghum”. Life on the sorghum field is the main background. Mo Yan attempts to use the imagery of fire red sorghum fields to show the chaos and death caused by war. Bloody corpses continually accumulate in the middle of the sorghum field. “flaming red” represents blood, which also implies that on this piece of land there are innumerable unnamed dead bodies and countless battles leaving behind bitter tears of blood. As for sorghum, it’s a symbol of this land’s unnamed people’s strong and forceful vitality.

  10. 〈紅高粱家族〉為莫言在文學創作的代表著作,其中的〈紅高粱〉與〈高粱酒〉兩個章節被大陸著名導演張藝謀拍攝成電影「紅高粱」,是以高粱地上的生活為主要背景。莫言企圖以一片火紅高粱地的意象來表現戰亂、死亡。血腥的屍體不斷堆積在高梁田中,「火紅」是血的代表,更隱含著這塊土地上無數小人物的屍體與無數場戰役所留下來的辛酸血淚;至於高梁則是象徵著此塊土地上的小人物堅韌挺拔的生命力。

    Mo Yan’s literary work, “The Red Sorghum Clan,” is Mo Yan’s representative work that has lent two chapters: “Red Sorghum” and “Sorghum Wine;” to create the film, “Red Sorghum,” made by Zhang Yi Mou, China’s greatest film director. The film uses the Sorghum field as a backdrop. Mo Yan attempts to use the fiery sorghum field as a symbol to show the chaos of war and death. Bloody corpses pile up endlessly in the sorghum fields, and the sorghum’s fieriness represents blood. Furthermore, this land hides countless bodies and tragedies left behind by military campaigns. As for the sorghum, it symbolizes the tenacious vitality of the people.

    創作 chuàngzuò-to create
    章節 zhāngjié-chapter
    為主 wéizhǔ-to rely mainly on
    企圖 qǐtú-to attempt
    戰亂 zhànluàn-chaos of war
    死亡 sǐwáng-death
    血腥 xuèxīng-reeking of blood
    火紅 huǒhóng-fiery
    隱含 yǐnhán-to contain in a concealed form
    戰役 zhànyì-military campaign
    辛酸 xīnsuān- pungent (taste)
    堅韌 jiānrèn-tough and durable

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