
Chinese 309 |  Phoenix Claws and Lion’s Head: Food and Chinese Culture
三年中文: 中國的飲食文化

Click to see Prof. Perry’s office hours for spring 2012.

Expectations (Preparation, Participation, Assignments and Corrections):

1. 播课网上的功课和讨论问题大部分是用中文登录的。上课时老师会说明但是也是只用中文。学生应该先自己看懂,如果不清楚要和同学或老师询问确定。Weekly schedule is in part in Chinese and in part in English. Since assignments and topic questions are often posted only in Chinese (sometimes in traditional and sometimes in simplified), it is important for you to read the weekly schedule carefully. Be sure you understand and are clear on what you are expected to complete. The instructor always goes over the assignments but only in Chinese. Check with your classmates after class, and confirm with the instructor if needed.

2. 每节课老师都会给学生打《上课成绩》,包括课前准备,阅读材料的理解,以及课堂上与同学老师讨论沟通的能力。课前准备和课堂上都应该记笔记。学生可以带电脑上课并用电脑档案作笔记功课。Class participation is evaluated based on your preparation before class, your understanding of the reading assignments, and how often and how well you interact with the instructor and your classmates during guided class discussions. Students should go over reading assignbments carefully. If asked to do a detailed reading and analysis, work should include annotation (using online tools to help you read, and provide Pinyin and English translation). Always keep a written, typed or printed record of your notes as you go over the e-text. Students can also bring their own laptops in instead of printing out homework notes.

3. 每节课都很重要。缺课时就没有上课成绩, 但可以找中文辅导补课拿到部分成绩。有分组功课时,如果缺席,学生得主动找老师提出补救方法。Every class counts. Absence will result in 0% for your participation grade in that missed class. If you miss a class, make it up immediately by seeing the tutor (at least 1 30-min session) to get parital participation grade.Be sure to ask the tutor to send in an email to notify the intructor for the makeup session. If you miss in-class group work, you can make it up by doing extra work. However, it is YOUR responsibility to pursue this option.

4. 功课常常是在网上登录,要准时交。迟交的功课会扣分。Assignments are often submitted via the blog posting; it is important to submit your work on time. Late submissions will be accepted but will result in a penalty (same week = 10% deduction; two weeks = 20% deduction, and so on).

5.  老师改过的功课一定要立刻检讨,然后改正后再交上。有问题随时跟老师联络 (办公室时间,会话时间,电邮电话或SKYPE)。Corrections and feedback on assignments will be provided promptly. Go over the corrections as soon as possible and re-submit a corrected copy. It is important for you to seek timely clarification from the instructor regarding grammatical mistakes, word usages and grading scales. Stop by during the office hours, conversation hour, or set up an appointment. The instructor is also available to talk with you about your work via phone or SKYPE (skype name: losunperry).

the grades mean in this course:

Grades in the “A” range:
“A” (94% or above): Requires 100% commitment with unwavering effort in preparation and participation, in-depth research of topic; willingness to challenge oneself by doing extra work and by exploring more difficult topics and ideas; excellence in both oral and written work; steadfast progress throughout the semester; preferably no absences, and certainly no unexcused absences, with any absences excused in advance and always made up through extra work.
“A-“ (90%-93.9%): Requires 100% effort in preparation, strong participation, thorough research of topic; prompt submission of written work; willingness to re-work oral and written assignments; produce quality assignments; steadfast progress throughout the semester; may have 1-2 absences but always made up through extra work.

Grades in the “B” range:
“B+” (87%-89.9%): Requires good effort, good participation and research of topic; occasional lapse in preparation and assignment; quality work but not always provides consistent re-working and multiple drafts, 2-3 absences with some made up through extra work.
“B” (84%-86.9%): Results from not always putting in good effort; participation is solid but inconsistent; some research of topic; some lapses in preparation and quality of assignments; completes most work but does not always provide consistent re-working and multiple drafts; work lacks complexity at the advanced level, 2-3 absences with some made up through extra work.
“B-“ (80%-83.9%): Results from inconsistent effort; being able to keep up with the pace of the course but lacking in participation; little research of topic; more lapse in preparation and assignment quality; some late work, occasional missed assignments, no re-working and insufficient multiple drafts; lack of complexity and accuracy in oral and written work; 3-5 absences with some made up through extra work.

Grades in the “C” range:
“C+” (77%-79.9%): Results from being able to keep up with the coursework but lacking consistent effort and regular participation; some research of topic; frequent lapses in preparation and assignment quality; frequently late work; lack of quality or complexity in all work; more absences with little made up through extra work.
“C” (74%-76.9%): Results from being able to keep up with the coursework but lacking consistent effort and regular participation; some to very little research of topic; more frequent lapses in preparation and assignment; frequently late work; lack of quality or complexity in all work; more absences with little made up through extra work.
“C-“ (70%-73.9%): Results from being able to keep up with the coursework but lack consistent effort and regular participation; no research of topic; more frequent lapses in preparation and assignment; more frequent late work; lack of quality, substance or complexity in all work, more absences with little made up through extra work.

Grades in the “D” range:
“D- to D+” (60%-69.9%): Results from being barely able to keep up with the coursework; minimal effort and participation; very frequent late or missed assignments; minimal or no interaction with the instructor and classmates; work is frequently incomplete and lacks substance; many absences with little made up through extra work.

Grades in “F” and below:
“F” (60% or below): Results from being not able to keep up with the coursework; no effort and minimal participation; too many missed assignments; work is often unintelligible or incomplete, minimal or no interaction with the instructor and classmates; many excused or unexcused absences.

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