Wk#06 (10/1-10/5)

三年中文: 古代與現代漢語文選 第六週時間表
題目: Topic 2 中國人的哲學思想和世界觀

Complete Topic#1: 學生個別報告

Topic#1: 學生個別報告 including Final Voicethread recording : Please provide your Voicethread Link; check forst two under Publishing Options to allow others to comment and read.
秀蘋: https://voicethread.com/?#u1502648.b3414892.i17939787
云清: http://voicethread.com/?#u1506719.b3397823.i17865620
义明: https://voicethread.com/?#u1319647.b3565865.i18648328

Week #6 閱讀功課:
Topic 2 中國人的哲學思想和世界觀

Monday (9/24) – (义明:please re-post your summary of 2.1)
2.1  孔子說天地之間人是最寶貴的,強調“人”﹔他 還認為人是天地思維器官,人表現了天地的自我認識﹔孟子認為人之所以與禽獸不一樣 ,是在于人有道德自覺心。孔子說,做不做善事是由人自己來決定的,難道還要讓別人來規定嗎!這些觀點都強調了人的價值, 人在宇宙中的地位,在一定意義上可以說是“以人為本”,與有神論相比,具有較高的理 論價值。

Wednesday (9/26) –缺课 absent 义明春晖
2.2 中國哲學特別重視和諧,強調“以和為貴”。春秋時期的哲學家強調和諧。這個“ 和諧”是創新的源泉,指多樣性的統一。孔子和孟子也都提倡“人和”,即人與人的團結 合作。“和”是人際關系的一個重要准則。人與人之間,國與國之間,人類與自然之間經 常相互矛盾鬥爭,但是,如果只強調斗爭,最後將同歸于盡。西方也不是不講“和”,但 更強調“爭”,把利益和力量之爭看得很重要。(Work on Summary in class on 9/28. Post in class.)

Moon Festival Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TacomaMoonFestival.
Festival Program: http://tacomachinesepark.org/.

Work on Topic #1 essay revision and Voicethread, if your revision is reviewed and approved by Sun Laoshi.

Monday (10/1) –  生病 Sick 邓山
2.3  簡言之,中國文化有兩個基本精神,具有高度的理論價值,一是“以人為本”,一 是“以和為貴”。… 中國傳統文化對現代世界的意義,概括說起來就是能夠有助于解決個人與社會,人與 自然,道德與生命三種關系。

Wednesday (10/3) 
2.4 Clavis Sinica: Stepping Stones at http://www.clavisinica.com/SS/intro.html
Lesson 10:  The Old Frontiersman Loses His Horse: The famous fable about the unpredictability of fate.

古文: 近塞上人,有善术。马无故亡入胡,人吊之。:“不为?”居数月,其马胡骏马而归,人皆贺之。其父曰:“此何遽不能为祸乎?”家富良马,其子骑,堕而折其髀(读音bì,股,大腿),人皆吊之,其父曰:“此何遽不为福乎?”居一年,胡人大侵入塞,丁壮者引弦而战,近塞之人,死者十九,此独之故,父子相保。

译文: 靠近边塞地方住着一群人,里面有一位善于推测吉凶祸福的人。他家的马无缘无故跑到胡人那里去了,大家都安慰他。他父亲说:“这怎么就知道不是福气呢?”过了几个月,他家的马带着胡人的骏马回来了,大家都祝贺他。他父亲说:“这怎么就知道不是祸患呢?”家里多了良马,他的儿子喜欢骑马,有一次从马上摔下来折断了大腿骨,大家都安慰他,他的父亲又说:“这怎么就知道不是福气呢?”过了一年,胡人大举侵入边塞,壮年男子都拿起弓箭参战,住在边塞附近的壮年男子百分之九十的人都因战争而死去,因为他儿子腿瘸的原因,父子的性命都得以保全。

Friday (10/5) – 缺课 absent 义明
论语 学而第一
(Each student is assigned to study and translate one of the following. Sun Laoshi is working on No 3.
『1』子曰:「学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠, 不亦君子乎?」
『2』有子曰:「其为人也孝弟,而好犯上者,鲜矣;不好犯上,而好作乱者,未 之有也。君子务本,本立而道生。孝弟也者,其为仁之本与!」
『6』子曰:「弟子,入则孝,出则弟,谨而信,凡爱众,而亲仁。行有余力,则 以学文。」
『7』子夏曰:「贤贤易色;事父母,能竭其力;事君,能致其身;与朋友交,言 而有信。虽曰未学,吾必谓之学矣。」
『8』子曰:「君子不重,则不威;学则不固。主忠信。无友不如己者。过,则勿 惮改。」

HOMEWORK for Monday (10/8):
Post your answer to the following question:

『12』有子曰:「礼之用,和为贵。先王之道,斯为美;小大由之。有所不行, 知和而和,不以礼节之,亦不可行也。」
论语 为政第二
『4』子曰:「吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十 而耳顺,七十而从心所欲,不逾矩。」
『8』子夏问孝。子曰:「色难。有事,弟子服其劳;有酒食,先生馔,曾是以为 孝乎?」


《儒家思想簡介》 http://www.quanxue.cn/ct_rujia/index.html – 《论语》《孟子》
《中国人的世界观:中庸实践思维初探 》 http://www.psychspace.com/psych/viewnews-2225
《Classics 古文》: Classical Chinese works including poetry and Buddhist sutras at http://chinesenotes.com/classics.php.

More from Clavis Sinica:
Analects of Confucius
(2.4) – This record of the sage’s pronouncements in discussions with his disciples has provided the cornerstone for many of China’s social and ethical values and traditions. Included here are the first two sections, which offer guidance on the virtues of friendship, obedience, loyalty, integrity, and learning. (View Text | Download Text)

Dao De Jing (2.5) – One of the best-known texts of ancient China, the Tao Te Ching (as it is frequently transliterated) is attributed to Lao-tzu, a sixth-century philosopher who lived at roughly the same time as Confucius. In poetic and concise passages, Lao-tzu preached of a dynamic and dialectical principle of binary opposition. He argues that the Great Way of nature and naturalness underlies the worldly matters, which is to be followed, not opposed, in the life. Even the effort to describe the Way renders an obstruction to the true meaning of this dynamic and abstract concept. Lao-tzu’s teaching forms the central canon of Taoist philosophy. (View Text | Download Text)

Sayings of Mencius (2.2) – A selection of fifteen of the most most familiar sayings of the philosopher Mengzi (372-289 BCE), an itinerant philosopher from the State of Zhou who became the most famous interpreter of Confucius. (View Text | Download Text)

Week #7
Lecture on Confucianism: The Analects – 百家讲坛 – 于丹 – 论语心得 – 天地人之道 – 2

15 thoughts on “Wk#06 (10/1-10/5)

  1. 『4』曾子曰:「吾日三省吾身─为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎?」

  2. 『6』子曰:「弟子,入则孝,出则弟,谨而信,凡爱众,而亲仁。行有余力,则

  3. 『5』子曰:「道千乘之国,敬事而信,节用而爱人,使民以时。」

    For one to rule a kingdom of ten thousand war chariots, one must venerate the position and be worthy of trust, one must minimize expenditures, love one’s people, and rule the people with the seasons.

  4. 『1』子曰:「学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,

    Isn’t it good to study hard and practice often? Isn’t it joyful when friends come from far away? Isn’t it respectful when someone doesn’t feel indignation?

  5. 『6』子曰:「弟子,入则孝,出则弟,谨而信,凡爱众,而亲仁。行有余力,则

    The Master Said: A young man, while at home must observe filial piety, outside the home he must be respectful to his elders; sparing of speech but honest in what he says. He should love the masses, and forge close friendships with those of integrity. If, after the realization of all these things, he has any energy to spare, let him cultivate himself through study.

  6. 『4』子曰:「吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十 而耳顺,七十而从心所欲,不逾矩。」

  7. 『17』子曰:「由!诲女知之乎!知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。」

  8. 昨天我們學了幾個孔子說的話。 他說孝順是最重要。 他也說學和練習東西是個好事。 我們也學了“人不知而不慍”. 這是說人不應該讓自己的感性放在外面。 “傳不習乎“ 的意思是我們要好好學,好好教。

  9. 『11』子曰:「温故而知新,可以为师矣。」
    The Master said: When you gain new information and continue to review previous knowledge, then you can be a teacher to others.
    The Master said: The true scholar is not a tool.

  10. 传不习乎 是什么意思?
    • 一定要练习你学的东西,但也要把你知道的知识传给别人,因为知识应该分享的。
    一个君子 应该是什么样的?
    • 首先,一个君子不要让别人看他的心情,什么时都要平静。其次,要孝顺父母,尊敬长辈。一个君子应该少说话,但说时一定要诚实。最后,要爱民众,而且要跟又忠诚又有美德的人做朋友。
    • 要是一个人孝顺父母,尊敬长辈,那样的人很少会反对政府,暴乱
    • 特别会说话,有一副讨好脸色的人不常常有仁德

  11. 『4』曾子曰:「吾日三省吾身─为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎?」

    省(xing3)introspection, to examine oneself critically
    謀(mou2)to plan, to seek, scheme
    傳不習乎:study the knowledge that has been passed to oneself

    (“Confucius and the Analects” in Sources of Chinese Traditions, volume 1, de Bary and Bloom, (New York: Columbia University Press, 1999) pp. 41-63)

    Zhengzi said, “Each day I examine myself on three things. In planning on behalf of others, have I failed to be loyal? When dealing with friends, have I failed to be trustworthy? On receiving what has been transmitted, have I failed to practice it?”

  12. 『8』子夏问孝。子曰:「色难。有事,弟子服其劳;有酒食,先生馔,曾是以为 孝乎?」
    孝(xiao4)filial piety
    饌(zhuan4)food, delicacies

    ( http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/core9/phalsall/texts/analects.txt )
    [Zi Xia] asked what filial piety was. The Master said, “The difficulty is with the countenance. If, when their elders have any troublesome affairs, the young take the toil of them, and if, when the young have wine and food, they set them before their elders, is THIS to be considered filial piety?”

  13. Zi Xia said ” I would grant that a man is indeed schooled if he revered virtues instead of beauty, devoted in serving his parents, exert himself to the utmost in serving his lord, and behave with trustworthiness with his friends, even though he is said to be not schooled

  14. The Master said, “The superior man is catholic and not
    partisan. The mean man is partisan and not catholic.”
    The Master said, “Learning without thought is labor lost;
    thought without learning is perilous.”

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